Monday, August 19, 2013

Top 2 Myths About Defunding Obamacare

Is it even possible to defund Obamacare? And does advocating this mean you want to shut down the government?
Critics are giving the wrong answers to these questions. Watch our new video to hear these myths debunked.
Myth #1: Congress cannot defund Obamacare.
Congress defunds mandatory spending on appropriations bills every year. In fact, it has even defunded part of Obamacare already—billions of dollars in “mandatory spending” for the co-op program.
Myth #2: Obamacare opponents are trying to shut down the government.
This isn’t true, either.
As Heritage health care expert Chris Jacobs says in the video above, “Conservatives want to keep the federal government open—we just want to shut down Obamacare.”
Legal expert Hans von Spakovsky explains how this could be done. Funding the federal government—with the exception of Obamacare—“would force the President and his supporters to explain why they would shut down the government to fund an unfair, unaffordable, and highly unpopular law that is so unworkable that the Administration has itself admitted it cannot manage to implement major portions on time such as the employer mandate to provide insurance.”

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