Showing posts with label Abortion. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Abortion. Show all posts

Saturday, November 9, 2013


Anti-abortion activists may begin gathering signatures to place a referendum on the 2014 election ballot in California to overturn AB 154, a law permitting non-physicians to perform abortions in the first trimester of pregnancy. Gov. Jerry Brown signed the law last month, over the objections of pro-life groups and some physicians, and with the enthusiastic support of Planned Parenthood, which offers abortion services.

The City News Service reports that Secretary of State Debra Bowen granted permission to supporters of the ballot initiative to begin gathering signatures: "Valid signatures from 504,760 registered voters--5 percent of the total votes cast for governor in the 2010 general election--must be submitted by Jan. 7 to qualify each referendum for the November 2014 ballot." Abortion could, once again, be a prominent election issue.

Via Breitbart

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Thursday, November 7, 2013

Dan Savage: ‘Abortion should be mandatory for 30 years’

Dan Savage: ‘Abortion should be mandatory for 30 years’
Self-styled anti-bullying advocate Dan Savage told a giggling and applauding audience in Australia that “abortion should be mandatory for 30 years” on Monday during a panel discussion on Christianity, marriage and sex.
Savage made his remarks during a program titled “Q&A, Adventures in Democracy” broadcasted from the Sydney Opera House Concert Hall on Monday in response to the question: ”Which so-called dangerous idea do you each think would have the greatest potential to change the world for the better if it were implemented?”
“Population control: There’s too many goddam people on the planet,” Savage said as the audience burst into applause at his predictable response. “You know, I’m pro-choice. I believe that women should have a right to control their bodies. Sometimes in my darker moments, I’m anti-choice. I think abortion should be mandatory for about 30 years.”
Savage, creator of the “It Gets Better” viral video anti-suicide crusade on behalf of gay teens, takes a hateful, violent pro-death position toward everyone who irritates him, from unborn babies to hapless Green Party candidates standing in the way of total Democratic domination. (RELATED: Anti-bullying advocation Dan Savage wishes cancer on Sarah Palin)
“I wish [Republicans] were all fucking dead,” he said on liberal comedian Bill Maher’s HBO show “Real Time” in 2011 during the debt-ceiling brouhaha.
Back in 2006, Savage called for the barbaric murder of a Green Party candidate, angered by the threat of third-party candidates to spoil the Democratic Senate victory of Bob Casey.
“Carl Romanelli should be dragged behind a pickup truck until there’s nothing left but the rope,” Savage told the Daily Pennsylvanian, alluding to the 1998 torture and death of hate crime victim James Byrd, Jr.
Voters thinking of casting a ballot for Romanelli should be “beaten,” said Savage, who had previously used the beating death of 21-year-old gay teen Matthew Shepard as blog post fodder.
Via: Daily Caller

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Friday, November 1, 2013

Federal appeals court reinstates most of Texas' abortion restrictions

A federal appeals court issued a ruling Thursday reinstating most of Texas' controversial new abortions restrictions, just three days after a federal judge ruled they were unconstitutional. 
A panel of judges at the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals in New Orleans said the law requiring doctors to have admitting privileges at a nearby hospital can take effect while a lawsuit challenging the restrictions moves forward. The panel issued the ruling after District Judge Lee Yeakel said the provision serves no medical purpose.
The panel's decision means as least 12 clinics won't be able to perform the procedure starting as soon as Friday. In its 20-page ruling, it acknowledged that the provision "may increase the cost of accessing an abortion provider and decrease the number of physicians available to perform abortions." 
However, the panel said that the U.S. Supreme Court has held that having "the incidental effect of making it more difficult or more expensive to procure an abortion cannot be enough to invalidate" a law that serves a valid purpose, "one not designed to strike at the right itself."
The panel left in place a portion of Yeakel's order that prevents the state from enforcing the U.S. Food and Drug Administration protocol for abortion-inducing drugs in cases where the woman is between 50 and 63 days into her pregnancy. Doctors testifying before the court had said such women would be harmed if the protocol were enforced.

Sunday, October 27, 2013


In the public relations push for his takeover of the American health care system, President Obama promised that those who like their insurance could keep it, premiums would decrease, and no one would lose their doctor. We know now those were all lies told repeatedly and never questioned by a media that is still looking the other way. Another promise Obama made was that ObamaCare would not fund abortions. LifeNews reports that this was also a lie:

The ObamaCare statute specifically requires the issuers of Exchange plans that cover abortion to “collect from each enrollee in the plan” a “separate payment” for the type of abortions for which funding is prohibited under the Hyde Amendment (which is all abortions other than in cases of life of the mother, rape, or incest) and a separate payment for all other services. [42 U.S.C. 18023(b)]. These separate payments are then to be deposited into separate accounts.
During the regulatory process, commenters questioned HHS on how this was to be implemented, and according to HHS, the commenters “recommended that HHS clarify . . . whether [Exchange plan] issuers may satisfy the separate payment provision by providing each enrollee with an itemized bill, and whether an enrollee’s coverage would be terminated for failure to comply with the separate payment provision.” Rather than doing so, HHS merely said that the comments would be taken into consideration in any future guidance. [77 Fed. Reg. 18430 (March 27, 2012)].
Now, despite the clear language of the ObamaCare statute, it appears that the separate check requirement is not going to be enforced by the Obama Administration. Gretchen Borchelt, director of state reproductive health policy at the National Women’s Law Center, told the Huffington Post that “we used to talk about it as being two checks that the consumer would have to write because of the segregation requirements, but that’s not the way it’s being implemented.” (Huffington Post, Sept. 3, 2013).
Likewise, a spokeswoman for Rhode Island’s Exchange told PolitiFact Rhode Island that “the customer is not billed a separate fee.” (Politifact, Oct. 2, 2013. The Rhode Island Exchange will handle the billing, not the plan issuers). As PolitiFact notes, “it turns out to be a hidden fee.”
There is nothing the media is willing to make Obama pay a political price for. Not even repeatedly lying to millions who are about to lose their insurance or forcing people to violate their conscience over the abomination of abortion.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Planned Parenthood Plays The Rape Card Against Ken Cuccinelli In Virginia Gubernatorial Race…

I guess we should expect no less from America’s top abortion mill.
CECILE RICHARDS (CEO): Planned Parenthood Votes is responsible for the content of this advertising and Planned Parenthood Votes paid for this ad.
NARRATOR: Three hundred thousand women report being raped in America every year. But Ken Cuccinelli would put his extreme policies ahead of their needs.
He’d force a survivor of rape or incest in Virginia to carry a pregnancy caused by her attacker –
He even opposes the emergency contraception they need to prevent pregnancy.
Ken Cuccinelli: wrong for women. Wrong for Virginia.
Via: Weasel Zippers

Tuesday, October 15, 2013


ABC 10: SAN DIEGO - We sat down with San Diego Assemblymember Toni Atkins after her controversial abortion bill, which was signed by Gov. Jerry Brown last week. While Atkins argues that AB154 is all about access to abortion for women, a San Diego doctor says its more about profits for groups like Planned Parenthood and the abortion industry. AB154 was authored by Atkins, who represents the 78th district. Brown signed the controversial legislation as soon as it crossed his desk, giving California women more access to abortion. “AB154 allows nurse practitioners, certified nurse midwives and physicians assistants to do the abortion procedure in the first trimester up to 12 weeks,” said Atkins. At 12 weeks, the baby's brain starts to make hormones and hair and nails begin to grow. Six weeks before that, the baby's heart first begins to beat. Atkins said the landmark legislation that has also been enacted in New Hampshire, Vermont, Oregon and Montana is all about access for women. “There are fewer and fewer and fewer providers who doing the procedure every year and it really impacts women's ability to get a legal abortion," said Atkins. "The medical society supports it, nurses groups support it, the medical establishment supports it because they know that this is good legislation." But Dr. George Delgado, who practices family medicine here San Diego is against AB154 because he said it will put women at serious risk. “Our California women deserve better," said Delgado. "We will have inadequately trained non physicians performing surgical abortions and they don't have the depth of training necessary to handle the complications such as bleeding, damage to the uterus and severe infection. The study underlying this law show that the non-physicians had twice the number of complications compared to the physicians and this was in a very highly controlled environment,." The bill's supporters included the California Medical Association, the California Women's Health Alliance and the Planned Parenthood Advocacy Project of Los Angeles County. The bill’s opponents include the California Catholic Conference and the Traditional Values Coalition. Brian Johnston, executive director of the California Pro-Life Council, said his group and others are considering a referendum or other legal challenge to the measure. The coalition said the governor "has put profits of the abortion industry above the health and well-being of women and children." Forty-seven nurse practitioners and other non-doctors have already been trained to provide abortions when the new law takes effect January 1, 2014.

Via: Breitbart

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Sunday, October 13, 2013

Nancy Pelosi and “Sacred Ground” Abortions: The Inconsistent Catholic

Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) has been written about in Live Action News quite a few times. When asked about the difference between what Gosnell did and abortions taking place moments before birth, Pelosi refused to answer the question and instead referred to abortion as “sacred ground.”
Also, notice how the question, asked by The Weekly Standard, does not mention Catholicism or politics. Pelosi, however, does:
Asked what the moral difference is between what Dr. Kermit Gosnell did to babies born alive and aborting those same infants moments before birth, Pelosi refused to answer.
“As a practicing and respectful Catholic, this is sacred ground to me when we talk about this,” Pelosi said. “I don’t think it should have anything to do with politics.”
Rep. Pelosi claims to be “a practicing and respectful Catholic.” By mentioning her faith when the question does not, the congresswoman not only seriously confuses the teachings of her Catholic faith, but makes it look as if she has something to justify. Either that, or she’s chosen her politics over her faith. It is curious, then, that Pelosi mentions that she “[doesn't] think it should have anything to do with politics,” when she herself advocates for abortion from a position of political power.
When Father Frank Pavone of Priests for Life challenged Nancy Pelosi to drop either her Catholic faith or her pro-abortion stance, she completely dismissed him.
One cannot claim to espouse Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior while believing that he would support abortion. I have written about this before, as well as mentioned Catholicism and abortion. Of all the Christian denominations, the Catholic Church takes perhaps the most consistent pro-life stance.
As a practicing Catholic myself, I cannot help but wonder sometimes: where is this consistency?
You may have heard Cardinal Burke, who is on the high court of the Vatican, call for Nancy Pelosi not to receive Communion. This is good news, but there’s more to it than that. This call came during an interview; it was not an actual judicial act. It’s encouraging to see the matter being mentioned, but how it will really be dealt with remains to be seen.
The National Catholic Register is a helpful source in explaining what is really going on lest there be any confusion. The article does conclude on an encouraging note:
8) Many Catholics are outraged by the way politicians like Ms. Pelosi flout Catholic teaching on life issues such as abortion. Did the interview touch on this matter?
Via: Life News

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Friday, October 11, 2013

Illinois Dem: Americans Being Misled by Lack of Transparency on Obamacare Abortion Coverage

A House Democrat from Illinois stood by fellow members of the Congressional Pro-Life Caucus on the Hill Wednesday to declare that Americans are being misled on funding of abortion in Obamacare.
Rep. Dan Lipinski (D-Ill.) was one of the backers of the Stupak amendment, crafted to overcome the last congressional obstacle in the passage of the Affordable Care Act in 2010. Former Rep. Bart Stupak (D-Mich.) and Rep. Joseph Pitts (R-Pa.), who introduced the amendment, accepted a deal from President Obama after the amendment passed the House but got held up in the Senate. Obama promised an executive order banning federal funding for abortion under the bill if conservative Democrats would lift their opposition.
Lipinski was the only Illinois Democrat to vote against Obamacare.
“When we were debating the healthcare bill three and a half years ago here, I had stood up and helped to demand, and we got in the House originally, the Stupak Amendment. The language we have on abortion clearly is very different from what the Stupak Amendment said. And today we see that not only do we have the funding of abortion, but we really want to focus on, especially today, is the lack of transparency,” he said at a press conference.
“One of the biggest issues I remember in the whole healthcare debate was Americans deserve to have a clear, transparent understanding of what insurance companies are providing for them in their healthcare plans. That was one of the biggest priorities all along in talking about healthcare reform, health insurance reform. But we wound up with Obamacare.”

Monday, September 16, 2013

Abortion Clinics Closing at Record Rate

Update: The Huffington Post assessed the "dramatic toll" that recent pro-life lawshave taken on abortion clinics, with Arizona leading the way. Meanwhile, the abortion battle has gone digital as more states ban abortions by telemedicine.
CT has examined the new pro-life surge in-depth.
(BP) For Abby Johnson, the closing of a single Planned Parenthood center demonstrated her dramatic reversal from abortion clinic director to leading pro-life advocate.
But for pro-lifers throughout the United States, it marked another exhibit in a hopeful trend—abortion centers are shutting down at an unprecedented rate. The total so far this year is 44, according to a pro-life organization that tracks clinic operations.
None was more telling for Johnson than the mid-July closing of the Planned Parenthood center in Bryan, Texas. It came less than four years after Johnson, burdened by her involvement with abortion, walked out of that clinic as its director and into the offices of the Coalition for Life.
"Knowing that the former abortion clinic I once ran is now closing is the biggest personal victory of my life," Johnson said in a written statement after the announcement of the shutdown. "From running that facility, to then advocating for its closure, and now celebrating that dream ... it shows that my life has indeed come full circle.

Saturday, August 31, 2013

Iowa Democrat prays: Dear God, thank you for abortion

Midge Slater, an organizer for the Iowa Alliance for Retired Americans, part of the Iowa Federation of Labor and the AFL-CIO, spoke to about 80 people who came to the capitol to protest a proposal that the State Board of Medicine end a program that allows doctors to prescribe an abortion pill for a woman after a video chat, rather than an in-person consultation.
Two days later, on Friday, the Board voted to end the practice known as “tele-med” abortions.
In her invocation at the rally, which was attended by Jack Hatch and Tyler Olson, two Democratic candidates for governor of Iowa, Slater prayed that elected officials “may always support a woman’s right to make her own medical decisions.” She prayed for “increased financial support for low income women” to have abortions. She prayed that “women in developing nations” have greater access to abortion. She prayed to “give thanks and celebrate that abortion is still safe and legal.” And she prayed that families may know “the blessing of choice.”

Friday, October 19, 2012

'If four Americans get killed, it's not OPTIMAL': Obama's extraordinary response to Comedy Central question about shifting story after Benghazi attack

President Barack Obama, during an interview to be shown on Comedy Central, has responded to a question about his administration's confused communication after the Benghazi attack, by saying: 'If four Americans get killed, it’s not optimal.'

Obama was speaking to Jon Stewart of The Daily Show for a programme to be broadcast tonight. 

Stewart, a liberal whose young audience is full of potential voters prized by the Obama campaign, asked the president about his handling of the aftermath of the Benghazi attack.
Not optimal: President Barack Obama, pictured left, discussed the killing of four men in Benghazi while speaking to Jon Stewart, right, on The Daily Show
Not optimal: President Barack Obama, pictured left, discussed the killing of four men in Benghazi while speaking to Jon Stewart, right, on The Daily Show

Ambassador Chris Stevens, diplomat Sean Smith and security men and former U.S. Navy SEALs Glen Doherty and Tyrone Woods were killed by terrorists on the 11th anniversary of 9/11 - an attack that the White House initially blamed on a spontaneous protest about an anti-Islam movie made in California.
Stewart asked: 'Is part of the investigation helping the communication between these divisions? 'Not just what happened in Benghazi, but what happened within. 

'Because I would say, even you would admit, it was not the optimal response, at least to the American people, as far as all of us being on the same page.'

Via: Mail Online

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Monday, September 10, 2012

GOP's Love: Focus should be on economy, not 'in the weeds' on abortion

Mia Love, the Utah mayor and rising GOP star running for Congress, backed her party’s stance on abortion but said members shouldn’t be “getting into the weeds on this.”

Love told “Fox News Sunday” that she is pro-life and that Republicans are trying to protect the lives of unborn children, but candidates and elected officials should at this point “just focus on the economy.”

She also dismissed Democrats’ argument that Republicans are waging a war on women, saying it is “a way to distract from failed policies.”

Love, who is currently mayor of Saratoga Springs, Utah, is trying to unseat six-term incumbent Democrat Jim Matheson, who is leading in polls. She won the nomination at the state GOP convention this spring with more than 70 percent of the vote and has national support from such party leaders as Mitt Romney and House Speaker John Boehner.

The first-generation Haitian-American stepped into the national spotlight last month with a well-received speech at the Republican National Convention.

On Sunday, she defended a decision as a city council member to increase taxes, saying the decision in part helped the then-largely agricultural Saratoga Springs prosper and achieve its AA-plus bond rating.
Love also argued for her plans to cut federal spending that includes reducing subsides for college tuition, despite still having outstanding loans.

Via: Fox News

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