Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Obama’s New “Grand Bargain” Is Another Tax Increase

afplivefour966298.jpg (640×425)President Obama gave his second in series of summer speeches on the economy today. Like his first speech last week, he recycled several old policies that he’s trotted out before. The only new policy of note was another attempt at a so-called “grand bargain.”
The President’s latest iteration of a bargain centers on reforming the corporate tax code. So far, so good. His willingness to fix the corporate tax system is good and welcome news. TheU.S. has the highest corporate tax rate in the developed world, and we are one of only a few countries that tax their businesses on the income they earn in other countries. Our uncompetitive system is destroying jobs and lowering wages for American workers. It is long overdue for reform.
The central purpose of tax reform is to invigorate economic growth. It does that by broadening the tax base (closing “loopholes”) and subsequently lowering tax rates to increase incentives for economic growth. Reform should lower rates enough so it is revenue neutral, meaning it does not raise tax revenue. If corporate tax reform followed this formula, the economy would get a tremendous boost.
It is on the revenue neutrality requirement that President Obama’s bargain falls apart. Rather than use all the revenue that would come from closing loopholes to lower rates, he’d use some of that resulting revenue to increase spending. As a result, his plan would actually be yet another tax hike first; tax reform would come second. And the tax hike would blunt the positive growth effect that tax reform would create.

The GOP: Rabbits or Tigers?

Reagan, Thatcher and the real battle behind defunding Obamacare.
“We had rabbits when we needed tigers.” — Ronald Reagan writing in his diary of congressional Republicans
There they go again.
The GOP Establishment is terrified at the idea of defunding Obamacare.
Except, of course, that the opposition within the GOP Establishment and among some conservative pundits to defunding Obamacare — as Senators Mike Lee, Ted Cruz, Rand Paul, and Marco Rubio propose — has nothing whatsoever to do with Obamacare.
As Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher would both recognize instantly. 
Leading to the obvious. The problem within the GOP is just as Reagan described decades ago: too many rabbits, not enough tigers.
First: Reagan and Thatcher. We’ll get to the critics after that.
Reagan, right from the very beginning of his active political career in 1964 all the way through his two terms in the White House, saw the party’s problem as the timid, barnacle-encrusted GOP Establishment. An Establishment he called the “fraternal order” Republicans, as he told the New York Times in December of 1976 when the GOP was reeling from what Reagan saw as yet another unnecessary GOP presidential loss by faint-hearted party moderates, this one to Jimmy Carter by Gerald Ford.
Via: The American Spectator
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Mark Levin on Cavuto Torches GOP, Gov Christie and Obama on Scandals

The Great One called into Cavuto to address few issues today from Darth Hussein’s “phony scandals” charge, the lack of action from GOP to the NSA.
Levin said there should be a special investigative committee on the scandals that we don’t need this committee and that committee tripping over themselves. Will it ever happen when you have Boehner and the GOP flopping around don’t hold your breath because there is no political gain in their eyes. Will we ever have anyone held responsible for the abuses by the IRS? I’m not holding my breath and the same goes for Benghazi. I think we all can agree with Mark on where Obama was 9/11/12. He doesn’t want anyone to know he went sleep while he let 4 Americans die, who called for help 3 times. IMO the progressives in the GOP as well as the regime is just running the clock out on all the scandals.

Federal Workers Got $155M in Tax Dollars to Work for Labor Unions

(CNSNews.com) – Federal employees were paid more than $155 million of taxpayer dollars in 2011 for spending more than 3.4 million hours of "official time" on labor union activities that fell outside their assigned government duties, according to a survey by the Office of Personnel Management (OPM).

"Voluntary membership in Federal sector unions results in considerable reliance by unions on the volunteer work of bargaining unit employees, rather than paid union business agents, to represent the union in representational matters such as collective bargaining and grievances," the OPM stated.
But these "volunteers" were doing their union work on government time.
The Internal Revenue Service and the Department of Veterans Affairs “have hundreds of employees on their payroll that do nothing but full-time union work paid for by taxpayer dollars,” declared Sen. Tom Coburn (R-Okla.) after introducing The Federal Employee Accountability Act (S.1312) earlier this month to repeal most “official time off,” which Coburn called “a grievous violation of the public’s trust.”
Rep. Phil Gingrey (R-Ga.) has introduced a companion bill in the House (H.R. 107) that would repeal “official time” provisions except in cases where an agreement is reached for “necessary activities.”
This was “an increase of 9.66 percent compared to FY 2010,” OPM found. Furthermore, “the cost of ‘official time’ hours increased by 11.86 percent” from 2010 to 2011.
Via: CNS News

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