Thursday, October 31, 2013

Thank these Republicans for Obamacare

We have Obamacare for one reason and one reason only: For a brief, ghoulish period in recent history, Democrats controlled the White House, the Senate and the House of Representatives.
We don’t have Obamacare because the public was clamoring for it. We have it because Republicans lost elections.
First, Republicans lost their majorities in the House and the Senate in 2006, thanks to George W. Bush’s highly effective “Keep the Base at Home on Election Day” campaign, which consisted of pushing amnesty for illegal aliens.
Then in 2008, Republicans had the bright idea to run crazy-eyed crypt-keeper John McCain for president.
McCain supported: amnesty (until he needed our votes), retroactive Social Security benefits for illegal aliens, free speech-crushing campaign-finance laws, crackpot global warming legislation, criminal trials for terrorists and stem-cell research on human embryos.
He opposed: the Bush tax cuts, a marriage amendment to the Constitution, waterboarding terrorists and drilling in Alaska. Oh, also, he called the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth “dishonest and dishonorable.” (As suggested by the subtitle, all this is covered in Never Trust a Liberal Over Three-Especially a Republican)
As a consequence, Democrats won the presidency, as well as huge majorities in Congress. The last time Democrats had controlled the presidency, the House and the Senate was 16 years earlier, back in 1993. Remember what they did back then? The very first thing? (No, Clinton masturbating on an intern came later.) That’s right: They tried to pass Hillarycare.
Hillarycare went down in humiliating defeat, so the Democrats patiently waited nearly two decades for the stars to be aligned again. Then, the very next time they had the presidency, the House and Senate, they went right back to national health care. (Notice that, in neither instance, was public opinion involved.)
Via: Daily Caller

[VIDEO] Flashback: Obama flack slams ‘disinformation’ about insurance losses

Remember the White House “Reality Check”?  The White House communications office made a blog post Aug. 4, 2009,called “Facts Are Stubborn Things” to combat the idea that people will lose the insurance they like.
In the video, Linda Douglass, then communications director for the White House office of health reform, sought to correct “the disinformation that’s out there about health reform.”
Apparently, there were all sorts of wannabe news breakers back in 2009, armed with “a computer and a lot of free time,” who were waiting to pounce on Obama’s health care plan. “There are a lot of very deceiving headlines out there,” Douglass said in the video.
In fact, Douglass said, the disinformation comes because the President was speaking so much that it was easy for the internet fear-mongers to cherry-pick misleading quotes.
Douglass then offers an example of a maliciously misleading headline — from the Drudge Report — which reads “Uncovered Video: Obama Explains How His Health Care Plan Will ‘Eliminate’ Private Insurance…”.
“Nothing could be farther from the truth,” Douglass retorts. The truth, she says, can be found in Obama’s famous AARP Tele-Town Hall:
“Here’s a guarantee that I’ve made: If you have insurance that you like, then you will be able to keep that insurance.  if you’ve got a doctor that you like, you will be able to keep your doctor. Nobody is trying to change what works in the system. We are trying to change what doesn’t work.”

Obama blames ‘bad apple insurers’ for canceled insurance plans

President Obama tried a new tack Wednesday as he fought back against criticism of his Obamacare claims.
President Barack Obama says he's not "resigned" to a shutdown. (Photo by Mark Wilson/Getty Images)
President Obama (Photo by Mark Wilson/Getty Images)
Fact-checkers and journalists have ruled that Obama wasn't being truthful when he claimed that people who liked their insurance could keep it. Obama during a speech in Boston sought to cast the issue Wednesday as trying to weed out "bad apple insurers" who don't provide enough coverage.
"One of the things health reform was designed to do was to help not only the uninsured but also the under-insured," Obama said. "And there are a number of Americans, fewer than 5 percent of Americans, who've got cut-rate plans that don't offer real financial protection in the event of a serious illness or an accident.
"Remember, before the Affordable Care Act, these bad apple insurers had free rein every single year to limit the care that you received or used minor pre-existing conditions to jack up your premiums or bill you into bankruptcy."
Obama also said that he is responsible for fixing the Web site -- even as Secretary of Health and Human Services Kathleen Sebelius said earlier in the day that Obama isn't responsible for the botched Obamacare exchanges rollout.
"Right now, the Web site is too slow, too many people have gotten stuck, and I am not happy about it," Obama said at a speech in Boston promoting the similar Massachusetts health-care law.

Americans Support Stronger Work Requirements for Food Stamps


Nearly three-quarters of Americans believe that the food stamps program should include stronger work requirements, according to the October Food Demand Survey (FooDS) out of Oklahoma State University.
Other surveys similarly show that Americans support work requirements for welfare.
2012 Rasmussen survey revealed that 83 percent of Americans favor “a work requirement for welfare recipients,” with only 7 percent opposing. (The remaining 10 percent were undecided.)
And a 2009 nationally representative survey conducted by The Heritage Foundation found thatmore than 95 percent of Americans agreed that “able-bodied adults that receive cash, food, housing, and medical assistance should be required to work or prepare for work as a condition of receiving those government benefits.” High levels of support were found by those on both sides of the political aisle, with 96 percent of Democrats and 97 percent of Republicans agreeing with this statement.
On top of this, a survey conducted earlier this year by Rasmussen reveals that 80 percent of Americans agree that work is the best way out of poverty.
Yet the reality today is that the vast majority of the government’s 80 means-tested welfare programs—including the large and rapidly growing food stamps program—do not encourage work. Most act as a one-way handout.


It’s a failure of leadership
It’s a failure to manage
It’s a failure of competence
The ObamaCare website failure is a national embarrassment… for our government…America successfully innovates and creates *but* we do it from the private sector…Think:
All multi-billion dollar success stories…
On the other hand…When left in the hands of the government, we are colossal failures… Think:
The Post Office
Green Energy (Solyndra, Fisker, Many More)
All multi-billion dollar failures…
The website is a major black eye to the Obama administration… And will be for a long time…Unless fixed soon (which is extremely unlikely), President Obama’s legacy will be this screen:

Most importantly, however, we have to ask the question and really think about the answer...:
If they can’t get a basic website up and running in three years… How on God’s green Earth are they going to administer health care to 300 million Americans?
So, with billions upon billions of health related communications clearing through the government medicine portal annually, our very health will be hanging in the balance…
Therefore, you must conclude: The Obama administration has our lives in their hands…
Ask yourself… Do you trust President Obama, Valerie Jarrett, Kathleen Sebelius and Jay Carney with your life?
I certainly do not!

Obama to Dropped Insurance Customers: 'Just Shop Around in the New Marketplace, That's What It's For'

President Obama today addressed concerns over people being dropped from their health care insurance plans since the implementation of Obamacare. Certain people who had purchased individual insurance plans, in recent weeks, are finding out that such plans do not comply with the new law. And some of these people will have to pay more for upgraded plans.
Critics of the administration, and fact checkers at publications such as The Washington Post, are saying this is a direct contradiction of the president's campaign promise that "if you like your plan, you can keep it" under Obamacare.
Addressing these concerns, the president said these dropped customers should use the new insurance marketplace to buy better plans. This, meanwhile, was after an admission that such marketplaces barely work. The president said that anyone "peddling the notion" that insurers are summarily dropping people is being disingenuous, because the companies will offer plans in their place. "If you leave that stuff out, you're being grossly misled."
Here's what the president said (emphasis ours):
Now, if you had one of these substandard plans before the Affordable Care Act became ... and you really liked that plan, you were able to keep it. That's what I said when I was running for office. That was part of the promise we made. But ever since the law was passed, if insurers decided to downgrade or cancel these substandard plans, we said under the law, you've got to replace them with quality, comprehensive coverage. Because that, too, was a central premise of the Affordable Care Act from the very beginning. And today that promise means that every plan in the marketplace covers a corset of minimum benefits like maternity care and preventative care and prescription drug benefits and hospitalization.
And they can't use allergies or pregnancy or a sports injury or the fact that you're a woman to charge you more. They can't do that anymore. They can't do that anymore. If you couldn't afford coverage because your child had asthma, well, he's now covered. If you are one of the 45 million Americans with a mental illness, you're covered. If you're expecting a baby, you're covered, safer. The system is more secure for you, and it's more secure for everybody. So if you're getting one of these letters, just shop around in the new marketplace. That what it's for.

Kathleen “Unaccountable” Sebelius

For Health And Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius, The Buck Stops At Anywhere But Her


Before Congress Today, HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius Will Try To Deflect Blame Onto Contractors For ObamaCare’s Disastrous Rollout. “Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius will tell a House committee tomorrow the site’s botched rollout was the result of contractors failing to live up to expectations – not bad management at HHS, as the contractors suggested. Sebelius blames a ‘subset’ of contractors who ‘have not met expectations’ for the website’s problems in an opening statement she’ll deliver Wednesday to the House Energy and Commerce Committee.” (Jonathan Easley, “Sebelius Blames Contractors For ObamaCare Problems,” The Hill’s Health Watch , 10/29/13)
  • Sebelius’s Testimony Comes Just Days After She Said The “Majority Of People Calling For [Her] To Resign” Are People She Doesn’t “Work For.”“Sebelius, the Obama administration’s public point person on implementation of the new health care law, was in Phoenix amid calls for her resignation over the technical issues that have prevented people from signing up for coverage online. ‘The majority of people calling for me to resign I would say are people who I don’t work for and do not want this program to work in the first place,’ Sebelius said during a visit to the Wesley Health Center.” (Terry Tang, “Sebelius In Phoenix Amid Calls For Her Resignation,” The Associated Press, 10/25/13)

As Sebelius Shifts Blame Onto Contractors, She Won’t Offer Anything New Regarding The Problems That Have Afflicted ObamaCare

Secretary Sebelius “Will Read Almost Exactly The Same Testimony To Congress … As Another Top Obama Administration Official Offered Tuesday.” “HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius will read almost exactly the same testimony to Congress Wednesday about the fumbled launch as another top Obama administration official offered Tuesday.” (Paige Winfield Cunningham, “Kathleen Sebelius Testimony More Of The Same,”Politico, 10/29/13)
  • Sebelius’s Prepared Testimony “Matches Nearly Word-For-Word Testimony Delivered By CMS Administrator Marilyn Tavenner.” “Sebelius’s eight pages of prepared testimony for the House Energy and Commerce Committee matches nearly word-for-word testimony delivered by CMS Administrator Marilyn Tavenner to Ways and Means on Tuesday.” (Paige Winfield Cunningham, “Kathleen Sebelius Testimony More Of The Same,” Politico, 10/29/13)

Environmental Protesters Heckle Obama During Healthcare Rally Speech

President Obama‘s speech on the Affordable Care Act was interrupted Wednesday afternoon by environmental protesters imploring the administration to halt development of the controversial Keystone XL Pipeline Project.
Several moments into his speech at Boston’s Faneuil Hall, a group of attendees arose from their seats and chanted in unison about the pipe project. “Mr. President, [inaudible] Keystone XL! Stop climate change! For our generation! Stop the pipeline!”
“Okay, we’re talking about healthcare today,” the president said with a chuckle as the crowd began to boo as the hecklers were escorted (a sentiment he attempted to hush).
“That is the wrong rally,” he joked. “We had the climate change rally back in the summer! This is the healthcare rally.”
Watch below, via CNN:

Landrieu Admits She Broke Her Promise

Posted October 30, 2013

Today, Sen. Mary Landrieu (D-LA) Said She Would Offer Legislation To Stop People From Being Kicked Off Of Their Health Plans Due To ObamaCare. “Sen. Mary Landrieu said Wednesday she would propose legislation to ensure all Americans could keep their existing insurance coverage under Obamacare, a fresh sign of the political problems the law’s rollout has created for congressional Democrats. Landrieu, a Democrat who faces a tough reelection in Louisiana in 2014, said she would either offer her own bill or formally sign onto another measure that would ensure that the law would not force anyone off of their existing health policies.” (Manu Raju, “Landrieu To Propose Halting Vanishing Health Plans,” Politico, 10/30/13)

But Landrieu Was One Of The Many Democrats Who Promised ObamaCare Would Let People Keep Their Insurance

In 2009, Landrieu Said On The Floor Of The Senate That “Those Individuals Who Like The Coverage They Already Have Will Be Able To Keep Their Current Plan.” LANDRIEU: “Individuals and small businesses that do not have coverage would be able to select a private insurance plan from a range of options sold on a National Insurance Exchange. Lower and middle income people would receive subsidies to help them afford this insurance, while those individuals who like the coverage they already have will be able to keep their current plan. This is a very accurate description of this bill before us–the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act.” (Sen. Mary Landrieu, Floor Remarks, 12/22/09)
Just Yesterday, Landrieu Said The Promise Had Been Kept, Claiming Democrats Had Only Promised That People Who Had “Good Insurance” Could Keep It. “According to Senator Mary Landrieu of Louisiana, Democrats had only promised that Americans could keep their insurance if it was ‘good insurance.’ We said when we passed that, ‘If you had insurance that was good insurance that you wanted to keep it, you could keep it,’ Landrieu said.” (John McCormack and Michael Warren, “Senate Democrats Struggle To Defend Health Insurance Promises,” The Weekly Standard , 10/29/13)

Now Landrieu Is Blaming Obama For Her Broken Promise

Asked Today About People Losing Their Existing Health Coverage Due To ObamaCare, Sen. Mary Landrieu (D-LA) Blamed Obama. “Louisiana Sen. Mary Landrieu, who like Begich is up for re-election in a Republican-leaning state, acknowledged that Obama’s claims were an important political sales pitch that she and other Democrats relied on to make their case for Obamacare.” (David M. Drucker, “Democrats Concede That Obama Oversold Promise For Health Care Law,” Washington Examiner , 10/30/13)
  • Landrieu: “The President Said It Many, Many Times. … I Don’t Think He Intentionally Oversold It, But If That’s Not What’s Happening Then It Needs To Be Fixed, Because It Was Clearly A Promise That He Made.” (David M. Drucker, “Democrats Concede That Obama Oversold Promise For Health Care Law,” Washington Examiner , 10/30/13)
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Wednesday, October 30, 2013


On Wednesday at a House hearing on the malfunctioning website, Rep. Joe Barton (R-TX) invoked The Wizard of Oz when he told Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius that she was not in Kansas anymore. 
"There is a famous movie called The Wizard of Oz. There is a great line. Dorothy, at some point in the movie, turns to her little dog Toto and says, 'Toto, we're not in Kansas anymore,'" Barton told Sebelius, the former Kansas governor. "Well Madam Secretary, while you're from Kansas, you're not in Kansas anymore."
Barton then said that "some might actually say we're in Wizard of Oz land" given the "parallel universes we seem to be habitating."
Barton said that that those like Rep. Henry Waxman (D-CA) and most Democrats think things are going "great" with Obamacare and He said though Sebelius did mention the Obamacare rollout was a "debacle," she also seems to think it is "great." 
"Ultimately, the American people will decide," Barton said. 
Later in the hearing, Rep. Bruce Braley, a Democrat from Iowa, also invoked The Wizard of Oz.
“One of the things that keeps coming up in this hearing because you are from Kansas is references to The Wizard of Oz. And people want to see the wizard because of the wonderful things that he did,” Braley said.
“The Affordable Care Act is doing a lot of great things in Iowa, but all of these good things don’t mean anything if we don’t solve these problems.”
Via: Breitbart
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Putin topples Obama in Forbes power ranking

New York (United States) — Having outfoxed him on Syria, Russian President Vladimir Putin has pipped Barack Obama to the title of the world's most powerful leader as ranked by Forbes on Wednesday.
It was the first time in three years that the US president has dropped to second place on the magazine's list and came as US-Russia relations slid to a new low.
Putin, who has enjoyed 13 years of dominant rule over Russia, was again elected president in March 2012.
Obama, on the other hand, has just emerged scathed from an embarrassing 16-day US government shutdown caused by a budget and debt crisis in Washington.
"Putin has solidified his control over Russia, while Obama's lame duck period has seemingly set in earlier than usual for a two-term president -- latest example: the government shutdown mess," wrote Forbes.
In August, Russia granted asylum to former National Security Agency contractor Edward Snowden, wanted in the United States over a mammoth intelligence leak.
A month later, Putin played the trump card again by averting Obama's threatened missile strikes on Syria with a plan for Damascus to hand over chemical weapons.
"Anyone watching this year?s chess match over Syria and NSA leaks has a clear idea of the shifting individual power dynamics," Forbes wrote.
The 2013 list of 72 powerbrokers was chosen to reflect one for every 100 million lesser mortals on Earth.
Third prize went to Chinese President Xi Jinping, who is expected to rule for a decade in which China is set to eclipse the US as the world's largest economy.
Pope Francis made his debut at number four and German Chancellor Angela Merkel rounded out the top five.
Among 13 newcomers were Samsung Chairman Lee Kun-Hee at number 41 and Nigerian billionaire Aliko Dangote, the richest man in Africa, in at number 64.
There were 17 heads of state who run nations with a combined GDP of $48 trillion and 27 CEOs and chairs who control over $3 trillion in annual revenues.
Only nine women made the cut despite representing half the world's population.

Obamacare’s Media Mandate

Republican civil war is no longer the issue, thanks very much.
The recent government shutdown was, as to be expected, a time of great joy for the assassins in the mainstream media; revolted as they are by Republicans and enamored with big government. But a funny thing happened on the way to their latest lynching of folks like Ted Cruz. It turns out that the GOP was both justified in the reason for the shutdown and correct in their assessment of the character of President Barack Obama and friends.
Because with the typical short-sighted megalomania and overweening hubris they have displayed for the past five years, the Obama Administration refused to negotiate any delay in the implementation of Obamacare, even as many knew of the disastrous website problems. And so it has become apparent that Obamacare has thus far miserably failed its audition, while at the same time the administration has shown itself childish and churlish in its vindictive use of the National Park Service to punish U.S. citizens for the dastardly deeds of those rapscallious Republicans.
And now that the healthcare horror stories are piling up like so much government cheese, what is the reaction of our famously unbiased press? You guessed it: it’s time for Republican Party to take stock of itself and address the civil war in its ranks. Never mind that it is Democrats who unilaterally passed the soon-to-be most unpopular law of all time.

Action Figure - Heritage Action’s Mike Needham is just getting started.

Heritage Action, the conservative group that orchestrated the defund-Obamacare campaign, emerged from the recent shutdown with few legislative victories. But it didn’t walk away empty-handed; it won influence, especially among activists, who view the group as the operational muscle behind Senator Ted Cruz.

How Heritage Action wields its newfound authority (and its Cruz ties) in the coming months will say much about its place in the conservative firmament — and its ability to shape the GOP’s strategy.

To get a better sense of its agenda, National Review sat down with Mike Needham, Heritage Action’s 31-year-old CEO, at a Capitol Hill coffee shop. He remains disappointed about the way his defund strategy fizzled, but he’s convinced he can win the brewing conservative debate over best practices during divided government.

When I mention how some Republicans think Cruz and his group were damaged by the showdown, Needham tells me, “They haven’t been more than five miles outside D.C. if they think that.”

At the top of Needham’s to-do list: encouraging House Republicans to take the lead on both tactics and policy, regardless of resistance from their Senate counterparts. “Speaker John Boehner and Eric Cantor fought during the shutdown,” Needham says. “They fought to keep the message on Obamacare. But they were kneecapped constantly by the Republicans in the Senate.”

Collateral Damage

Collateral damage is defined by Wikipedia as "damage to things that are incidental to the intended target."
This week, several million Americans who had individual health insurance policies were notified that effective January 1, their policy would not be renewed as it did not meet the specifications outlined in the Obamacare mandate. 
Next year, at about this same time, millions more will find that their employer will no longer be providing insurance coverage for them, as it will be cheaper to pay the fines than to provide the mandated coverage.  To those currently losing their insurance and the millions more that will find their employer covered healthcare dropping a year from now, there is a term for your suffrage:  "Collateral damage."
The left has been pushing for universal health care as a step toward the single payer system for decades.  This golden goose could not be had if two things didn't happen:  1) The dems had to control both houses and the White house and 2) The majority of Americans who were happy with their health care plan had to be forced out of those plans and pushed onto the government exchange.  This system can not work unless everyone is eventually mandated to participate in it. Obama put it "we won."
We witnessed the lengths the left would go to when it came time to tally the votes on Christmas eve 2009 for this legislation.  Now, we witness - after the fact - the all out assault of lies have been told in the effort to "sell" this travesty to the public.  If the truth had been offered by the president and this administration, back in 2009, there's no way on earth they would have had the votes to pass the Act.  Can you imagine the calls to Democrat senators if their constituents were told that they can't keep their current plans, doctors and premiums?  The 2010 loss of the house to Republicans would have been accompanied by a Democrat loss of the Senate as well.

The Face That Launched a Million Glitches

No wonder “Glitch Girl” is on the run, Americans facing health insurance increases of 500-1000%, thanks to ObamaCare

The pleasant looking face of the Obamacare website is gone. The young lady on the home page of the site has been replaced by nebulous circles.

It seems the glitch ridden website needed a new start after four weeks of embarrassing failures. After the Obama administration spent $600 million on a lousy site that was designed by a Canadian company with a track record of failure, the President had to resort to advising Americans to send in paper applications or call the hotline, never mind that you may be on hold for hours on end

While Kathleen Sebelius, Secretary of Health and Human Services, is not taking responsibility for the web debacle and, of course, the President refuses to take any of the blame for any of his fiascoes, the White House has found a fall girl, the website lady.

Finally, someone in the Obama administration has been fired. Unfortunately, it was just the young woman who posed for the picture on the website, the face that launched a million glitches. Today, she may be in protective custody, as hidden as the supposed ObamaCare savings.

On the other hand, “Glitch Girl” may have asked to be removed from a site that has been a disaster from day one. Supposedly, it was going to be fixed with a “tech surge,” but there were more problems last weekend, and, tonight, the troubled site is down once again.

It has been almost one month since the site’s launch, yet, we still do not have any concrete numbers on how many people have signed up for health insurance on the site. Today, in congressional testimony, Marilyn Tavenner, leader of the federal agency in charge of the site, refused to divulge the number of people who have enrolled in ObamaCare. While she was forthcoming with apologies, she was not forthcoming with the truth about this debacle. Obviously, the administration is too embarrassed to share the facts with the American people.

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