Thursday, August 15, 2013

Black Citizens Group Files ‘Articles of Impeachment’ Against Obama

A conservative black citizens group has filed lengthy and detailed articles of impeachment against Barack Obama, calling for the President to be removed from office over NSA spying, prosecution of whistleblowers, wiretapping of journalists, the torture program as well as the Benghazi cover-up.
Despite the fact that the Florida-based National Black Republican Association (NBRA) associates itself with the GOP, a number of the articles of impeachment refer to activities undertaken by the Obama administration that have been supported by establishment Republicans, such as mass NSA surveillance, the illegal torture program and the treatment of whistleblowers like Edward Snowden.
This non-partisan broadside against Obama makes the articles of impeachment less easy to dismiss as merely a Republican group with an axe to grind.
Citing the Declaration of Independence and the need “to free ourselves and our fellow citizens from governmental tyranny,” the articles note that Obama “has intimidated whistleblowers and brought twice as many prosecutions against whistleblowers as all prior presidents combined, also pointing out that, “while refusing to prosecute anyone for actual torture, (Obama) prosecuted former Central Intelligence Agency employee John Kiriakou for disclosing the torture program.”
The articles slam Obama for his administration’s role in failing to secure the US consulate in Benghazi and then subsequently launching a cover-up to hide the true nature of the incident, including subjecting CIA agents to regular polygraph tests to ensure they don’t leak information about an arms smuggling operation based near the consulate that saw weapons smuggled to Al-Qaeda militants in Syria.

Obamacare is coming, and so are the con artists

As the debate rages over who benefitsfrom the Affordable Care Act, one thing is becoming clear: The controversial program is a dream come true for rip-off artists.
Consumer experts warn that the program has created a huge opportunity for swindling people by stealing their money and their sensitive personal information.
"Any time you roll out a big government program like this, confusion is inevitable," said Lois Greisman, an associate director in the Bureau of Consumer Protection at the Federal Trade Commission. "This confusion creates a tremendous opportunity for the fraudster."
Scammers have been at it for more than a year now, but consumer advocates and security experts warn that the problem will worsen as we get closer to Oct. 1. That's when the millions of uninsured Americans can use a health insurance exchange, set-up by their state or by the federal government, to shop for coverage.
"I believe the incidents are going to skyrocket as that date approaches," said Eva Velasquez, president and CEO of the nonprofit Identity Theft Resource Center. "And even people who are smart and savvy could get taken, so we are very concerned about the potential for some serious financial harm."
The Affordable Care Act created a Health Insurance Marketplace, also referred to as the Health Insurance Exchange. Policies in the exchange have been preapproved by each state's insurance commissioner.
"There are fake exchanges already up and running on the Internet," said Monica Lindeen, Montana's Commissioner of Securities and Insurance. "If you do a search and type in 'exchange,' you'll find all sorts of websites that claim to be in the exchange when they are not."

Obama's Policies Have Crushed the Economy

The headline at CNN Money was, "Why America's Youth Aren't Finding Jobs."
If you expected an analysis of how and why President Barack Obama's policies hurt the job market for the young, think again. Believe it or not, CNN wrote a piece, supposedly explaining the tight job market, without using the following words: Obama, Obama administration, taxes, regulations, "stimulus" program or, of course, ObamaCare.
Apparently, CNN believes the country has been on autopilot for the last five years, with policy decisions by the White House having no effect, for good or for ill. Since CNN will not, let's examine the major economic decisions by this administration and their impact on the job market.
"Stimulus": The Obama administration spent nearly $1 trillion on "economic stimulus" that would "save or create" 3.5 million jobs. Did it? "The inability to measure Mr. Obama's jobs formula is part of its attraction," wrote William McGurn in The Wall Street Journal. "Never mind that no one -- not the Labor Department, not the Treasury, not the Bureau of Labor Statistics -- actually measures 'jobs saved.'"
But some things can be measured. To keep pace with the number of new people entering the job market, the economy must produce 150,000 new jobs every month. In July, the economy produced 162,000 jobs. To date, in the four years since the end of the recession, Obama's economy has produced 4,657,000 jobs -- an average of just 97,020 per month. The percentage of civilians 16 years and older working or actively looking for work recently reached a 34-year low. Down from 65.7 when President Barack Obama took office, it is 63.4 today. Would-be workers are simply giving up, frustrated, no longer looking.
Team Obama said that without stimulus, unemployment, which was then 7 percent, could reach as high as 8 percent. Well, Congress did pass stimulus -- and unemployment rose to 10.2 percent in the first year of Obama's presidency.
Via: Real Clear Politics
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Will: Obama’s worse than Nixon on the Constitution

Richard Nixon once argued to David Frost in a now-famous post-resignation interview that anything a President does is by definition legal:
George Will writes today that the spirit of Nixon has returned with a vengeance in President Barack Obama, who has suddenly discovered that statutes are inferior to presidential whim.  Rather than wait for Congress to address the need for delays in ObamaCare mandates, or even work with efforts to provide them, the President stiffed Congress by declaring the legislative branch unnecessary for the statutory process:
Obama’s explanation began with an irrelevancy. He consulted with businesses before disregarding his constitutional duty to “take care that the laws be faithfully executed.” That duty does not lapse when a president decides Washington’s “political environment” is not “normal.” …
Twenty-three days before his news conference, the House voted 264 to 161, with 35 Democrats in the majority, for the rule of law — for, that is, the Authority for Mandate Delay Act. It would have done lawfully what Obama did by ukase. He threatened to vetothis use of legislation to alter a law. The White House called it “unnecessary,” presumably because he has an uncircumscribed “executive authority” to alter laws.
At least Nixon took care to limit his claim to national security, or nearly so, Will writes.  Obama seems to have adopted in on the grandest possible scale, especially for protecting his political interests:

Californis Dems Eager to Implement Obamacare Train Wreck

PPACA-Slide-with-US-BackgroundThe wheels may be starting to come off the Obamacare train as it rolls out nationally. But California Democrats are more interested in greasing the skids than preventing what critics fear will be a train wreck.
SB 639, by Sen. Ed Hernandez, D-West Covina, is one of several bills making their way through the Legislature that are designed to implement in California the federal Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. It is scheduled for consideration by the Assembly Health Committee on Tuesday. SB 639 would:
—Limit annual out-of-pocket expenses to $6,050 for single coverage, according to the bill’s legislative analysis (Hernandez says it’s $6,250), and approximately $13,000 for a family.
—Limit deductibles for small group plans to $2,000 for an individual and $4,000 for a family.
—Require coverage to include the four “metal” tiers in Obamacare: bronze (covering 60 percent of medical costs), silver (70 percent), gold (80 percent) and platinum (90 percent).
CoveredCalifornia1—Prohibit insurers from offering anything other than a standardized insurance plan in the individual market.
The California Chamber of Commerce opposes SB 639, asserting on its bill priority list that it “[e]liminates lower-priced plans, inhibits competition and innovation, and leads to less affordable coverage for California businesses and their employees.”
The legislation is also opposed by the insurance industry. Although Covered California, which is running the insurance exchanges, announced on Wednesday that 12 insurance companies have signed up to provide coverage in the individual market and six companies will provide insurance for small businesses.
“Covered California and the insurance companies participating in our marketplace have worked hard to secure these contracts, which will mean affordable health insurance plans for millions of people who currently have no coverage or whose coverage is too expensive,” said Covered California Executive Director Peter Lee in a press release. “We are proud of the product mix, the robust provider network and the lower-than-expected premiums.”

Dem. Guest Tells Fox: NAACP ‘Jumped the Shark’ on Rodeo Clown

Appearing on Fox News Thursday morning, Democratic analyst Jehmu Greene told hostMartha MacCallum and conservative radio hostLars Larson that the NAACP had gone too far in calling for a Secret Service investigation of the Missouri State Fair rodeo clown incident.
“The NAACP has jumped the shark on this one,” Greene said. “They do really great work in communities around the country. But this is—I agree with you, Lars—it’s ridiculous.”
“But the hypocrisy is on both sides,” Greene added. “Remember the Dixie Chicks, and when there were so many conservatives who were like, ‘You can’t say anything against President Bush, we’re going to smash your albums?’ But liberals have to remember: when Game of Thrones decapitated George Bush, they loved it! Behind closed doors, they were all cheering for it. Come on, this is outrageous.”
Larson began the segment with the C.S. Lewis quote, “Above all else the devil cannot stand to be mocked,” which caused both MacCallum and Greene to pull over and make sure Larson wasn’t calling Obama the devil. “It’s a comparison,” Larson insisted, not to Greene’s satisfaction.
Watch the full clip here, via Fox News:

Administration awards $67M to 'navigators' promoting ObamaCare

The Health and Human Services (HHS) Department released $67 million in grants Wednesday for "navigators" who will help people make sense of new coverage options under ObamaCare.

The department said 105 organizations received the grants to help explain coverage options in states where the federal government is running all or part of newly created insurance exchanges.

Republicans have raised questions about the navigators program, warning participants could make off with personal information from people seeking insurance

The administration says the program will provide valuable assistance to people who do not understand their options or who prefer in-person assistance over Web and telephone support

"Navigators will be among the many resources available to help consumers understand their coverage options in the marketplace,” HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius said.

Navigators will have to complete 20 to 30 hours of training to become certified, HHS said, and are subject to prosecution if they violate state or federal privacy laws.

The funding opportunity for navigators was initially pegged at "up to" $54 million, but HHS awarded $67 million in grants Thursday.

The awardees included community organizations, universities and healthcare centers.
A list of all the ObamaCare navigators is available here.

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