Saturday, August 4, 2012

Clint Eastwood endorses Mitt Romney (Updated)

"Dirty Harry" star Clint Eastwood, who made waves when he appeared in the "it's halftime in America" Super Bowl ad, was at a Mitt Romney fundraiser tonight, per a pool report flagged by POLITICO's Ginger Gibson.
Per Gibson's pool report, Eastwood deadpanned, "I haven't endorsed Gov. Romney," and then laughed.  He later added he was kidding. "I think the country needs a boost somewhere," he added.
UPDATE: Romney appeared pleased by the endorsement from Eastwood, whose Chrysler ad during the Super Bowl earlier this year was widely seen as a tacit nod to President Obama, even though he never said anything specifically about the campaign.
From Gibson's report, a transcription of Eastwood's ode to his film Mystic River and how it brought him to Romney:
Romney: "There is a guy here from the world of acting, who has pursed his dreams in a very unsuual way, he stood up to the industry and did things his own way."

Friday, August 3, 2012


Tenn. Democratic Party disavows its own US Senate nominee

The Tennessee Democratic Party disavowed its own U.S. Senate nominee Friday, announcing that he is “associated with a known hate group” — in this case, a conservative advocacy organization.
Mark Clayton won Tuesday’s Democratic primary with 30 percent of the vote in a field of seven candidates.
“The only time that Clayton has voted in a Democratic primary was when he was voting for himself,” said the Tennessee Democratic Party in a statement. “Many Democrats in Tennessee knew nothing about any of the candidates in the race, so they voted for the person at the top of the ticket. Unfortunately, none of the other Democratic candidates were able to run the race needed to gain statewide visibility or support.”
“Mark Clayton is associated with a known hate group in Washington, D.C., and the Tennessee Democratic Party disavows his candidacy, will not do anything to promote or support him in any way, and urges Democrats to write-in a candidate of their choice in November,” the statement concluded.
Via: The Daily Caller
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Boehner: Obama Has “Never Even Had A Real Job, For God’s Sake”…

House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) lashed out at President Obama during an interview Tuesday, saying the president has "never even had a real job, for God's sake."

Boehner was discussing the presidential election, and accusing President Obama's campaign team of using "over-the-top" rhetoric to distract from his economic record.

Sometimes I have to catch my breath and slow down because the rhetoric in this campaign is just so over-the-top," Bohener said during an appearance on "Kilmeade and Friends." "And that's because the president's policies have failed. Listen — 93 percent of Americans believe they're a part of the middle class. That's why you hear the president talk about the middle class every day, because he's talking to 93 percent of the American people."


On what alternate universe will Democrats enjoy a D +19 turnout advantage over Republicans on election day? Well, that would be Planet Pew:

The latest national survey by the Pew Research Center for the People & the Press, conducted July 16-26, 2012, among 2,508 adults, including 1,956 registered voters, finds that, in keeping with his favorability advantage, Obama continues to hold a sizable lead over Romney in the election contest. Currently, 51% say they support Obama or lean toward him, while 41% support or lean toward Romney.
Sample Size:
459 Republicans
813 Democrats
599 Independents
In the best election season Democrats have enjoyed since Nixon resigned, 2008, the Democrat advantage was only D+8, but Pew is now attempting to hustle us into believing the turnout this  year is going to be D +19.
Via: Breitbart
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The Obama Lie Machine

        Obama tax calculator offers tax cuts for millionaires

The Obama campaign unveiled a new website Thursday as part of a major communications push to convince voters that Mitt Romney’s tax plan favors the rich.
The website includes a tax calculator that allows voters to compare their tax savings under President Obama’s and Gov. Romney’s competing plans.
However, the tax calculator seems to be doing some fuzzy math. President Obama has promised to raise income taxes on all Americans making more than $200,000 and all families making more than $250,000 a year. Obama campaign spokesman Jen Psaki told reporters aboard Air Force One earlier today, “If you’re a millionaire or billionaire, it’s probably not looking good for you in our plan, but otherwise, you’re great under our plan.  So we encourage people to go [to the calculator website].”

ICE Agent Faces Suspension For Arresting Illegal Alien

A veteran Immigration and Customs Enforcement agent is facing suspension after he refused to release an illegal immigrant who was not considered a priority target under the Obama Administration’s new immigration enforcement policies, according to documents provided exclusively to Fox News.

“They’re punishing law enforcement officers who are just trying to uphold U.S. law,” said Chris Crane, president of the National ICE Council. Crane is a union representative acting on the unidentified officer’s behalf.The officer under fire is an 18-year law enforcement and military veteran.
On March 27 he and another officer were conducting surveillance on a vehicle in Newark, Del. with plates that were registered to a criminal alien target. During the surveillance, they observed an individual get into the vehicle. The person was detained, questioned and taken to an ICE office so that his fingerprints could be run through a federal database.
Via: Fox Nation

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Thursday, August 2, 2012

Obama’s Racism-Obsessed Surrogate

Virginia state senator: 'I absolutely believe it's all about race'

The Obama surrogate who blamed the president’s falling poll numbers in Virginia on racist tactics by Republicans has a history of claiming racism.
State Sen. Louise Lucas (D., Portsmouth), told a radio host that Republican candidate Mitt Romney is “speaking to that fringe out there who do not want to see anybody other than a white person in a leadership position.”
“I absolutely believe it’s all about race and for the first time I’ve convinced my children finally that racism is alive and well,” she said.
Lucas appeared on the WHKT talk show in her official capacity as an Obama surrogate. The president’s reelection campaign refused to respond to media requests about the comment.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Bonus Blowout: GSA Gave Out $44M

Employees at the obscure General Services Administration are quietly gobbling up 10 percent of the entire federal government's bonus checks, a top Republican lawmaker revealed Wednesday, with the tab reaching a stunning $44 million last year.

The $44 million amount is far more than was previously reported. As House lawmakers convened a hearing Wednesday digging deep into alleged mismanagement and waste at the embattled agency, Transportation Committee Chairman John Mica, R-Fla, called the latest revelations "absolutely outrageous."

Disclosing the results of what he described as a preliminary investigation, Mica said bonuses totaled $44 million, with many bonuses worth $50,000 apiece and some going to workers now under investigation. One employee, he said, received a $79,000 bonus, adding up to nearly $260,000 in total compensation.

Lawmakers also said overtime payments were over the top. Mica cited one case where a worker with an $84,000 salary received $115,000 overtime.

Via: Fox News

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Monday, July 30, 2012

Flashback: Obama Promised In 2008 He Would Not Run Negative Ads...

When there is nothing left but a string of broken promises too numerous to list.  Then there's this.....
Via BuzzFeed

Posted by Conservative Happenings (c)2012

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