The Homeland Security Department spent $600,000 apiece to build houses in Arizona that would have gone for less than $100,000, according to a report in the Arizona Republic that’s raising questions in Congress.
“This type of spending is irresponsible as our nation faces significant budget deficits and the men and women in the Border Patrol face cuts in overtime that are essential to their mission,” Rep. Ron Barber, the Arizona Democrat in whose district the homes were built, said in a statement Friday.
The Republic said Homeland Security built 21 homes and bought 20 other mobile homes for $15 million.
Comparable homes go for between $70,000 and $100,000, the paper said. The homes were built to be rented to border agents and officers.
Homeland Security officials repeatedly refused to answer the newspaper’s questions about the project, the Republic said.
Mr. Barber is the ranking Democrat on the House Homeland Security Committee’s oversight panel, and said he will use that role to get to the bottom of the spending.
Via: Washington TImes
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