Sunday, August 18, 2013

Obama Flouts the Law

From his first presidential campaign to the present, the president, his party and his administration have openly flouted existing laws, and it doesn't seem there is any legal means of stopping him short of impeachment.
As you may recall, the Democrats refused to fill vacant spots on the Federal Election Commission so that when the Obama campaign disabled the system to track contributions there was no way in 2008 to challenge and stop the practice and countless suspicious contributions, including many from overseas, found their way into his coffers. This, after he reneged on his promise to use federal funds, a promise John McCain stupidly adhered to his disadvantage. Obama went back on his word and jimmied the system so his lawless behavior would succeed. Yes, years later, after he was elected, the FEC imposed a huge fine for this law breaking, but it really was too late to matter much.
This was prelude to years of simply flouting federal laws at will and demonstrating repeatedly his inability to handle the job.
His agenda is on the shoals:
"The left's agenda is in tatters. Obamacare has crashed on takeoff, after five years of Democratic policies the economy is in the doldrums and we are nearly $17 trillion in debt, and the Obama administration's foreign policy is in disarray. The Democratic Party, as represented by the press, desperately needs sideshows to 1) rally the party's faithful, and 2) distract the rest of us from the failures of the liberal agenda. Thus, I don't think it is a coincidence that liberals are doing their best to portray the summer of 2013 as more or less a replay of 1967. The silliness of the attempt is a measure of how out of ammo liberals are these days."
As the lawless scandals are exposed -- Benghazi, gunrunning in Mexico, misuse of the NSA, the IRS crippling the opposition in 2012 by illegal denials of tax exemptions -- the president and his allies have been fast and furious in ginning up his base by playing the race card so often it's worn to a mere stub.

Via: American Thinker

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It’s Official: 2012 Deficit Was $1.087T; $1T+ All 4 Yrs of Obama’s 1st Term

President Barack Obama( - The Congressional Budget Office last week released updated historical budget data for the federal government, reporting a deficit of $1.087 trillion in fiscal 2012.
2012 marked the fourth straight year—and the only four years in the history of the nation--when the federal government’s deficit topped $1 trillion.
Last year’s $1.087 trillion deficit was even greater in inflation-adjusted dollars than the peak World War II deficit of fiscal 1943—which was $54.554 billion in 1943 dollars and $723.8714 billion in 2012 dollars, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics online inflation calculator.
The deficit has also remained at a higher percentage of GDP over the last four years than at any time since the conclusion of World War II (which ended during fiscal 1946, which began in June 1945).
In February, the CBO had initially calculated that the deficit for fiscal 2012, which ended on Sept. 30, 2012, had been $10894 trillion. That was based on an estimation that the federal government had taken in $2.4491 trillion in taxes during the year and spent $3,5385 trillion.
Via: CNS News

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On Fox News Sunday, Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) said "conservatives were elected to try stop the government takeover of healthcare," and House Republicans should use their leverage in a government shutdown debate to try to make the Affordable Care Act less detrimental. 
"I don't think shutting down the government is a good idea," Paul said. 
Paul has led efforts to defund Obamacare, and he said earlier in the week that there was a "good chance" he would not vote for a continuing resolution to fund the government if it funded the healthcare law. Paul reminded viewers he has signed a pledge not to vote for a resolution that funds Obamacare. He said if the House passes a resolution to fund the government except for Obamacare, such legislation would not pass the Senate, and the House and Senate would have to hammer out their differences in conference. 
When asked if Paul was trying to have it both ways on Obamacare, he said Republicans should use the desire not to shut down the government in order to get a compromise in conference that could "make the law less bad or delay the whole thing or the individual mandate."
Paul said Obamacare is not going to be good for the American public and insurance premiums are going to rise, while the working class and the poor still will not have insurance and must pay new penalties for it. 
He emphasized Republicans had "leverage" in the House and needed to use it instead of announcing defeat in advance, as President Barack Obama is conceding parts of the law need to be delayed, such as the implementation of the employer mandate.
Paul noted that Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) said the goal of Obama was ultimately to enact a single-payer system.
"If you are excited about going on Medicaid, you need to vote with Harry Reid and the President," he said, asserting that instead of trying to fix healthcare for the 15 percent of Americans that did not have it, Obama and Democrats are destroying it for everyone. 

Obama Math: 3x4=11 Under New National Public School Curriculum

Quick: what’s 3 x 4?
If you said 11 — or, hell, if you said 7, pi, or infinity squared — that’s just fine under the Common Core, the new national curriculum that the Obama administration will impose on American public school students this fall.
In a pretty amazing YouTube video, Amanda August, a curriculum coordinator in a suburb of Chicago called Grayslake, explains that getting the right answer in math just doesn’t matter as long as kids can explain the necessarily faulty reasoning they used to get to that wrong answer.
“Even if they said, ’3 x 4 was 11,’ if they were able to explain their reasoning and explain how they came up with their answer really in, umm, words and oral explanation, and they showed it in the picture but they just got the final number wrong, we’re really more focused on the how,” August says in the video.
When someone in the audience (presumably a parent, but it’s not certain) asks if teachers will be, you know, correcting students who don’t know rudimentary arithmetic instantly, August makes another meandering, longwinded statement.
“We want our students to compute correctly but the emphasis is really moving more towards the explanation, and the how, and the why, and ‘can I really talk through the procedures that I went through to get this answer,’” August details. “And not just knowing that it’s 12, but why is it 12? How do I know that?”


MSNBC host Ed Schultz unleashed Saturday on Christians who oppose President Obama’s landmark healthcare law, branding them as “phony Christians” and saying the repeal of the law would certainly result in the death of innocent children.
Schultz, who hosts ‘The Ed Show” on weekends, said the new healthcare law “is the most moral thing this country has ever done” and hammered those who disagree.
“This is good for America and I won’t let them lie,” Schultz said. “They’re phony Christians. Phony Christians when they say that they are Christian but then they want to take away from their next door neighbor. They don’t want to be their brother’s keeper.”
“A growing number of right wing Christians are coming out day after day as a Christian,” he continued. “I think I have the right to expose their hypocrisy and call them out for all the things they are saying wrong and how misguided they are.”
The liberal host then said “it is a fact” that innocent Americans will die if the law is repealed.
“It is very simple. If ObamaCare is repealed, Americans will die. Children of God will die,” he said.
Schultz, who says he is a born again Christian, made the comments during a segment where he asked if the “Christian conservative campaign against Obamacare is dangerous for America.”

New York Times Public Editor Admits Paper Has Liberal Bias

NewsBusters readers certainly don't have to be told that the New York Times has a liberal bias, but when the paper's public editor admits it on national television, one has to take notice.
With that in mind, grab some peanuts, popcorn, or Cracker Jacks and take a gander at Margaret Sullivan on CNN's Reliable Sources Sunday marvelously telling us what we already know (video follows with transcript and commentary):
JOANNE LIPMAN: Big newspapers used to employ in-house watchdogs to keep them on the straight and narrow and to represent readers. Few do that anymore.
But "The New York Times" does, and theirs is as outspoken as they come. I sat down earlier to talk with public editor Margaret Sullivan as she marks one year on the job.
LIPMAN: Margaret Sullivan, thank you so much for joining us.
LIPMAN: So let's dive right in. The loudest criticism that we often hear about "The New York Times" -- I don't know if it's the most frequent but it's certainly the loudest -- is that it has a liberal bias. Does it?
SULLIVAN: Well, some of my predecessors have taken that head-on. In fact, Daniel Okrent, the first public editor, once wrote a column -- and I think the headline said something like "Is 'The Times' a Liberal Newspaper?"
And his answer in the lead was, of course it is. And he went on from there. And it got quite a bit of response.
I mean that is obviously something people feel about "The Times," and I think maybe the best way to think about it is that "The Times" reflects its readership, its community. It's an urban paper; it's a New York City paper. I mean that's a reasonable criticism, I think.
LIPMAN: So it is a yes?
SULLIVAN: It's a modified yes with a lot of nuance in it.
Via: Newsbusters

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Importance Of Egypt To U.S. Military Preparedness

WASHINGTON — The U.S. military is heavily dependent on Egypt to move personnel and equipment to Afghanistan and around volatile parts of the Middle East, complicating U.S. efforts to place pressure on the Egyptian military in the wake of its violent crackdown on protesters.
"Egypt has been a cornerstone for the U.S. military presence in the Middle East," said James Phillips, an analyst at the Heritage Foundation.
During the past year, more than 2,000 U.S. military aircraft flew through Egyptian airspace, supporting missions in Afghanistan and throughout the Middle East, according to U.S. Central Command, which is responsible for the region.
About 35 to 45 U.S. 5th Fleet naval ships pass through the Suez Canal annually, including carrier strike groups, according to the Bahrain-based fleet. Egypt has allowed U.S. warships to be expedited, which often means getting to the head of a very long line of ships waiting for access to the canal.
"The Egyptian military has always been good to us," said Kenneth Pollack, an analyst at the Brookings Institution.

[VIDEO] Krauthammer: The Idea That Climate Change Is A Closed Issue Is "Arrogant And Anti-Scientific"

Charles Krauthammer on Interior Secretary Sally Jewell saying "I hope there are no climate change deniers in the Department of Interior."

CHARLES KRAUTHAMMER: No, it's not totalitarian, but it is shockingly arrogant and anti-scientific. The idea that science is closed, that science is settled and that anybody who brings evidence or questions is somehow a flat-earther is appalling.

Freeman Dyson, who is one of the great physicists of our time, he's a climate skeptic, he has more IQ in his pinky than the entire political echelon of the EPA put together, and they are saying this man is a scientific illiterate? The entire idea of science is that you are open to contrary evidence, it is the definition of a scientific theory. And particularly, climate science which is young, it's new, built on all kinds of assumptions, and data which contradicts each other -- the idea that it is a closed issue is incredibly unscientific and arrogant and that these bureaucrats and political hacks are decreeing this, I think is scandalous. (Special Report, August 16, 2013)

The View from Marcellus: Fracking brings breathtaking economic and environmental benefits—at least to places that welcome it.

A drill near Dimock, Pennsylvania, taps what may be the world's second-largest reserve of natural gas.Few people understand the ground better than Larry Fulmer, a soft-spoken man with flowing white hair pulled back into a ponytail. Fulmer, the hydrofracturing superintendent for Cabot Oil & Gas in Pennsylvania, knows just how much pressurized water and sand will liberate the natural gas trapped in the shale rock a mile beneath our feet. Here, in a small square field carved out of hill country in Dimock, Pennsylvania, his crew is mixing water and sand day and night. “They pull [the mixture] in at 35 to 40 pounds per square inch,” he explains, “and boost it to whatever our treating pressure is, anywhere from 4,000 to 9,000 pounds per square inch, and they send it back to the missile”—the final hose to the well. Like a traveling show, Fulmer’s people will be here for just four days before packing up and moving on to the next venue.

Over the last half-decade, workers like Fulmer have tapped immense quantities of previously unreachable energy from pockets deep underground. The economic and political benefits of this Shale Revolution, as it’s sometimes called, are enormous. Shale gas is locally abundant and easily transported to serve the heating and electricity needs of the East Coast. It diminishes our dependence on foreign oil and gas, generates domestic jobs, and pours money into poor rural areas. The hydrofracturing technology to extract, transport, and use it already exists, so there’s no need for decades of research and development before we can take advantage of it.

Shale gas is also far cleaner than oil and coal; indeed, environmentalists should be crusading for it. Instead, they have sought to smother the Shale Revolution, claiming that it’s harmful to the environment and promoting their cause through complaisant media. Their relentless work has begun to turn public opinion and has even influenced New York’s governor to delay the approval of fracking in his state. That’s why I’ve come to visit an active drilling community in rural Pennsylvania, atop the vast rock formation called the Marcellus Shale. I want to observe gas exploration in person. When you’re on the ground, it’s hard not to be awed by its promise—and worried that so many have become convinced otherwise.

Obama’s Melting Wings Way down below, America loses and loses. By Mark Steyn

Descending from the heavens for the G8 summit at beautiful Lough Erne this week, President Obama caused some amusement to his British hosts. The chancellor of the exchequer had been invited to give a presentation to the assembled heads of government on the matter of tax avoidance (one of the big items on the agenda, for those of you who think what the IRS could really use right now is even more enforcement powers). The president evidently enjoyed it. Thrice, he piped up to say how much he agreed with Jeffrey, eventually concluding the presentation with the words, “Thank you, Jeffrey.” Unfortunately, the chancellor of the exchequer is a bloke called George Osborne, not Jeffrey Osborne. President Obama subsequently apologized for confusing George with Jeffrey, who was a popular vocal artiste back in the Eighties when Obama was dating his composite girlfriend and making composite whoopee to the composite remix of Jeffrey Osborne’s 1982 smoocheroo, “On the Wings of Love.”

I suppose it might have been worse. When Angela Merkel proposed a toast to a strong West, he could have assumed that was the name of Kim and Kanye’s new baby. At any rate, President Obama’s mishap had faint echoes of a famous social faux pas during the Second World War. Irving Berlin, the celebrated composer of “White Christmas,” was invited to lunch at 10 Downing Street and was surprised to find that Churchill, instead of asking what’s that Bing Crosby really like, badgered him with complex moral and strategic questions and requests for estimates of U.S. war production. It turned out the prime minister had confused Irving Berlin with the philosopher Sir Isaiah Berlin, then under secondment to the British embassy in Washington, and thought it was the latter he’d invited to Number Ten. In the Obama era, any confusion is the other way around. It would be a terrible thing for the president to invite the eminent rapper Jay-Z to lunch only to find himself stuck next to the turgid British philosopher Professor Sir Jay Zed. Although Obama’s confusion went largely unreported in America, the BBC’s enterprising Eddie Mair got Jeffrey Osborne on the line and inveigled him into singing George Osborne’s best-known words — “Tax cuts should be for life, not just Christmastime” — to Jeffrey’s best-known tune. 

Via: National Review Online

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Retail Expert Davidowitz: Wal-Mart's Woes Stem From Economy in 'State of Collapse'

Wal-Mart issued weak earnings news Thursday, but the company isn't doing anything wrong, says Howard Davidowitz, chairman of retail consultant Davidowitz & Associates. It's merely suffering from a weak economy.

"Wal-Mart is a terrific operator," Davidowitz tells Yahoo. "They didn't suddenly become stupid. ... The economy is in a state of collapse. That's what's going on."

The world's biggest retailer cut its full-year profit forecast after second-quarter profit came in below analysts' expectations.

The employment situation illustrates the weakness of the U.S. economy. Of the new jobs generated this year, 75 percent are low-wage, part-time, Davidowitz explains. 

Real unemployment, including those who have stopped looking for work and are working fewer hours than they want, is 14 percent, he adds. 

"Business is bad in America," Davidowitz notes. "Look at our GDP [gross domestic product] growth. We're growing at 1.5 percent. That means we can't produce jobs."

The economy expanded at an average rate of 1.4 percent in the first and second quarters. 

"I don't think we're in a recession right now, but I think there's a 50 percent chance we'll be in a recession next year," Davidowitz predicts. 

Via: Money News

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New GOP ads hit Obamacare ‘exemption,’ Iowa congressman

The National Republican Senatorial Committee on Friday will take their first swipe at Democrats in the wake of an Obama administration decision to let federal lawmakers and their staffs keep the government subsidy that offsets much of their insurance premiums costs — even though they will enter state-based health exchanges under “Obamacare.”

The effort is being launched through billboards in Des Moines, Iowa, and “walk cards” that will be handed out at the Iowa State Fair to target Rep. Bruce Braley, Iowa Democrat.

The ad campaign and a website,, depict the congressman as a key supporter of Mr. Obama’s health care law.

Braley wants to be exempted from ObamaCare, while forcing it upon hard working Iowans,” NRSC spokeswoman Brook Hougesen said.

Her comments refer to the Office of Personnel Managment’s recent decision to let lawmakers and staff keep their traditional premium subsidy in lieu of the tax credits that Americans without employer-based insurance will use when they enroll in the exchanges tied to the Affordable Care Act.

Via: Washington Times

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Rep. Michael Grimm (R-NY)A Republican Congressman from New York recently turned to Fox News to issue a scalding criticism of President Obama for taking unilateral action to extend high speed Internet to virtually every school in America.
Rep. Michael Grimm (R-N.Y.) took issue with President Obama asking the Federal Communications Commission to raise a fee that would help pay for the Internet program reportedly estimated to cost taxpayers $4 billion to $6 billion.
“It’s just a flagrant, you know, disregard not just for the current Congress,” Grimm reportedly said. “Look, it’s not about me personally. That’s not what this is about. You think about who is the Congress? It really — it is the voice of the people.”A Republican Congressman from New York recently turned to Fox News to issue a scalding criticism of President Obama for taking unilateral action to extend high speed Internet to virtually every school in America.
“He [President Obama] has an agenda and he’s going to do whatever he has to do to pass that agenda, regardless of the Constitution,” he added. “I mean, I think our founding fathers are turning over in the graves right now because he’s just so blatant in his — the administrators, the people he puts in charge of these agencies are bold and brazen about saying, ‘yes, we’re going to make an end run around Congress.’”
A White House spokesman told The Hill the FEC will independently decide whether or not to raise the fee, but added the President is independently acting because of “dysfunction in Congress.”
“Unfortunately, we haven’t seen a lot of action in Congress, so the president has advocated an administrative, unilateral action to get this done,” Josh Earnest, a White House spokesman, said. “We’re not going to wait for Congress to act.”
Grimm fired back, saying any dysfunction in Congress is because of the president’s poor leadership.
“Leadership is about leading. The president hasn’t led!” Grimm said, adding he has never once been invited to the White House to discuss policy.

[VIDEO] Mark Levin Brings The Constitution To Life

Author explains why he wrote 'The Liberty Amendments'

Via: Fox News

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Saturday, August 17, 2013

Liberal groups fight Heritage anti-Obamacare tour

The Heritage Action tour to defund Obamacare is getting an unwelcome visitor: Obamacare allies.

Americans United for Change and Protect Your Care are planning to travel across the country to counteract Heritage Action’s nine-city August tour calling on Congress to choke off funds to the president’s health care law.

“We’re not going to let this dangerous and ludicrous proposal be touted without a response — we’re going to every state they are [going to] and our presence will be felt,” the liberal groups wrote as they ann0unced the tour Friday. “We’ll hold our own events in some cases with dozens of concerned citizens, elected officials, doctors, nurses, students, seniors and people from across the spectrum who are or will benefit from the law.”

The Heritage Action tour, meant to drum up support for defunding the health care law during the congressional budget battles this fall, will be led by former Sen. Jim DeMint of South Carolina and starts Monday in Fayetteville, Ark.. It wraps up Aug. 29 in Wilmington, Del. Some of those advocating defunding say it’s nonnegotiable — even if that means a government shut down.

Supporters of the president’s health law will hold their own events and speeches hours before the Heritage stops, and they’ll be visible at the Heritage events, too. They’ll also use mobile billboards in Fayetteville and Dallas on Tuesday, where the Heritage tour will be joined by Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Tex), whose prominent role in the funding fight has brought him national attention and a burst of speculation about 2016 presidential ambitions.

The Obamacare allies claim the law’s opponents want to take away tangible benefits people are receiving, like preventive care and coverage for young adults. They say the GOP foes of the law want to deny health coverage to people —a theme that President Barack Obama hit hard in last week’s White House press conference.

Via: Politico

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