Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Foreigners to Serve on California Juries, Per Democrat Legislation

Sacramento — State lawmakers pressed ahead with controversial immigrant-rights legislation Monday, including a measure that would open up jury pools to non citizens who have proof of residency and a separate bill to protect unauthorized immigrants when they seek legal help to stay in the U.S.
The full Senate vote approved permitting non citizens to serve on juries as long as they are legal residents. If signed into law, California would become the first state in the nation to take such a step.
Supporters compare the existing ban to long-discarded policies barring women, nonwhites, older citizens and gays from the jury box. Noncitizens can serve as judges and lawyers, they add. Critics called it premature and unnecessary.
The 25-11 vote sends Assembly Bill 1401 back to the full Assembly for concurrence with Senate amendments.
Separately, the Senate Business, Professions and Economic Development Committee unanimously passed legislation carried by Assemblywoman Lorena Gonzalez, D-San Diego, that would impose standards on lawyers and consultants who work with immigrants seeking legal status as Congress debates the “pathway to citizenship” and other immigration reforms.
Gonzalez said her Assembly Bill 1159 is aimed at pre-empting what she already sees as unscrupulous practices by lawyers and consultants advertising they can help those in the country illegally comply — even before the federal law is enacted. Billboards advertising such services are already up near the border with Mexico.
“This is a problem today,” she said.

Fast-food workers urged to stage nationwide strike

(MoneyWatch) A coalition of labor, religious and other groups are calling for a nationwide strike of fast-food employees on August 29.
The campaign, building on a flurry of one-day work stoppages this year at franchises around the U.S., highlights the efforts by unions to enlist workers in the cause and heighten the impact of the strikes. Labor supporters say that fast-food workers are poorly paid and that their low wages subsidize the profits of multinational corporations. 
But many fast-food restaurant owners and other critics of the strikes say that profit margins at franchise are so thin that higher wages would put the companies out of business, costing workers their jobs. 
The call for a strike came this week from a public relations agency that counts both the Service Employees International Union and United Food & Commercial Workers as clients. Both labor groups are among dozens of local and national religious, political, and union groups supporting the call for strikes. Last month, the same groups supported walkouts in some fast-food restaurants across seven cities. Others that have supported the event are the United Auto Workers, the Presbyterian Church USA, individual churches and synagogues like St. John's Catholic Church of St. Louis, and some members of the Congressional Progressive Caucus, including Minnesota Congressman Keith Ellison.
Via: CBS Money Watch
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