Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Obama’s 13 Impeachable Offenses

Adapted from an article titled “Lawless in the White House,” written by former GOP Congressman from Colorado, Bob Beauprez – Monday, August 19, 2013.
Paraphrased video commentary, with permission of the author, by Jerry McGlothlin

Article 2, Sec. 3 of the Constitution charges the President “shall take care that the Laws be faithfully executed.” It doesn’t say that he “should” execute the laws of the United States; it uses the imperative “shall.”
Nor does the Constitution say that the President can pick and choose to enforce some of the laws, or just the ones he likes.
Nor does the Constitution give the President the authority to create new laws. Article 1, Sec. 1 is clear on that point; “All legislative Powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States which shall consist of a Senate and House of Representatives.”
The editors at Investor’s Business Daily picked up on the issue, too. Following is what they call “just a small sampling” of a “Lengthy Legacy of Lawlessness.”
Aug. 14, 2013: The Obama administration delayed the provision in ObamaCare to cap out-of-pocket health care costs, picking and choosing parts of the law to enforce, which is to exceed its authority.

The Five’s Bolling and Beckel in Heated Battle Over Oklahoma Shooting, Gun Laws

Just one hour after MSNBC’s Joy Reid examined the right’s attempts to make the Chris Laneshooting a “racial” issue, Fox News’ The Five took on the left for making it about guns. Eric Bollingwondered “how long before one of these bozos on the left starts pointing the finger at the NRA,” beforeBob Beckel jumped in with, “I’ll do it right now.”
The hosts could all agree that the three teenagers who claim to have killed the Australian baseball player out of “boredom” should be locked up for the rest of their lives. “These three punks murdered him for the sport of it,” Bolling said “They should never see the light of day again. they’ve lost the right to walk free among us. They have obviously no heart, no conscience, no soul. Lock them up, throw away the key.”
At this point, Bolling said the real question is why Al Sharpton and President Obama have not yet spoken out against the shooting the way they did for Trayvon Martin. He also asked, “Where’s the media? They’ve spent more time on Obama’s new dog than they have on this case.”
Beckel commiserated with the outraged reaction from Lane’s native Australia, but said it’s not just that country that doesn’t understand American culture when it comes to guns. “People in the civilized world do not understand when you hand out guns to everybody and people are killed,” he said. “They don’t get it and I don’t get it either.”
After Bolling brought up the NRA, Beckel said “This could not have happened in Australia” because “they have very strict gun laws.” He said, “these guns are going around, they’re illegal, they’re finding their way in the hands of kids like this, and that’s because they won’t have strict gun control laws.”
When Bolling challenged his notion, saying it would have been illegal for the teenagers to possess guns even without stricter laws, Beckel replied, “If we didn’t have handguns, we wouldn’t have that problem.”
“Guns aren’t the problem,” Brian Kilmeade countered. “This behavior is killing somebody and laughing about it, saying I was bored, and not understanding what they’re saying. That’s the issue. Guns are so far removed from the problem.”
Beckel said he understood, “but you take the evil personalities like these guys, put a lethal weapon in their hands, you’re going to have this kind of thing happen.”
Watch video below, via Fox News:

Van Hollen Denies Organizing for Action Engages in Campaign Activities

Rep. Chris Van Hollen (D., Md.) / APA top House Democrat filed a lawsuit on Wednesday to end 501(c)(4) tax treatment of groups that ostensibly engage in political activity, but said that Organizing for Action (OFA), the (c)(4) that evolved out of the president’s campaign apparatus, is not one of those groups.
“My understanding is that [OFA], as currently constituted, is not engaged in spending money to directly defeat or elect candidates,” said Rep. Chris Van Hollen (D., Md.) in a conference call announcing the lawsuit.
“They are not therefore engaged in that kind of direct electoral campaign activity,” Van Hollen added.
The congressman is suing the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) over its treatment of (c)(4) groups, which he said are legally required to “exclusively” conduct activity classified as “social welfare.”
The IRS currently requires that groups be engaged primarily in social welfare activities, which has come to mean that a majority of their activities fall into that category.
 In practice, that means that (c)(4) groups must devote at least 51 percent of their resources to activities that the IRS deems in the service of “social welfare.” Van Hollen’s suit aims to establish a 100 percent social welfare requirement.
“When you’re spending money to directly elect or defeat candidates, that clearly is political activity that is in violation of the plain meaning of the statute,” Van Hollen insisted.
Via: WFB
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Town Hall Roundup, Week 3.5: Impeachment, NSA and Obamacare

GoppersTime for the next installment in CQ Roll Call’s coverage of the town halls of August — impeachment edition.
Since we last checked in, at least two members have raised the specter of impeaching President Barack Obama.
In speaking with constituents on Aug. 10 about Obama and lingering fears that he wasn’t born in the United States, Rep. Blake Farenthold, R-Texas, said that while, in the House, “you could probably get the votes” for impeachment, it probably wasn’t a good idea to go through with it, given it would be a non-starter in the Senate.
Then, on Tuesday, GOP freshman Rep. Kerry Bentivolio of Michigan told constituents it would be a “dream come true” to impeach Obama — but at the moment he doesn’t have the evidence.
“Until we have evidence, you’re going to become a laughingstock if you’ve submitted the bill to impeach the president because number one, you’ve got to convince the press,” he explained. “There are some people out there no matter what Obama does he’s still the greatest president they’ve ever had. That’s what you’re fighting.”
But it doesn’t mean Bentivolio hasn’t explored his options.
“I went back to my office and I’ve had lawyers come in,” he continued. “These are lawyers, Ph.D.s in history, and I said, ‘Tell me how I can impeach the president of the United States.’”
Exactly what the lawmakers would impeach the president for wasn’t immediately apparent.
Elsewhere in Michigan, another Republican, Rep. Justin Amashheld a town hall event on Aug. 14. There, he accused House GOP leaders of preventing rank-and-file lawmakers from receiving pertinent information about National Security Agency surveillance activities, specifically the blanket collection of telephone records that has recently come to light following leaks from former National Security Agency contractor Edward Snowden.
“We would go to congressional briefings, and they’ll talk about the Patriot Act, for example, in pretty plain terms,” said Amash, according to local news reports. “But they won’t tell you about the uses of the Patriot Act.”
Via: Roll Call
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2899 Record cold temps vs 667 record warm temps in U.S. — From July 24 to August 19

Report: Earth undergoing global COOLING since 2002! - Climate Depot Exclusive Round Up of Current Global Cooling  predictions – Exclusive Report: Forget global warming!? Earth undergoing global COOLING since 2002! Climate Scientist Dr. Judith Curry: ‘Attention in the public debate seems to be moving away from the 15-17 year ‘pause’ to the cooling since 2002’

Via: Climate Depot

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Dem Cites 'Donut Burger' as Reason Kentuckians Need Obamacare

Donut BurgerKentucky Secretary of State and Democratic Senate Candidate Alison Lundergan Grimes defended Obamacare, saying three reasons why Kentuckians need affordable health care coverage: a "donut burger, the chili cheese-steak and the covered french fries."
Speaking at the Kentucky State Fair, Lundergan Grimes was asked by Joe Arnold of WHAS 11 (Louisville) if she agrees with Republicans who say Obamacare hurts senior citizens, and if she would delay the healthcare expansion.
She responded "As I've said before, I'm troubled with certain aspects of the Affordable Care Act, but we're here at the state fair and if there's three reasons why Kentuckians, especially our seniors, need access to affordable health care coverage.  You just have to look over to the right where you see the donut burger, the chili cheese-steak and the covered french fries that are here." - 
She continued "There are 640,000 Kentuckians who previously did not have access to insurance and as Senator McConnell himself has acknowledged, there are some good things but, we don't need to throw the baby out with the bathwater."
Lundergan Grimes told Arnold that some of her concerns regarding the Affordable Care Act are making sure small businesses are not being over-regulated and to incentivize employees who provide coverage saying "we don't [need] them cutting hours or worse, cutting employees."
The Democratic Senate candidate is running against Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, who is up for re-election in 2014.
McConnell will also face a primary challenge against Louisville businessman Matt Bevin, who announced last month he is running for McConnell's seat.
Via: CNS News
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Woman Uses 50 Identities to Collect Unemployment in 8 States

(Photo credit: OIG for the Social Security Administration)An Ohio woman used 50 stolen identities to collect unemployment benefits in eight states, according to the inspector general (IG) of the Social Security Administration.
Audrey Costar, 46, wassentenced to four years in federal prison for stealing identities over the internet and collecting $78,674 in fraudulent unemployment benefits.
Using 50 fake identities, Costar collected benefits from Alaska, Arizona, Colorado, Minnesota, Montana, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Utah between February 2009 and December 2012. She was also on unemployment through her own name at the time.
“Costar used some of the identities to open bank accounts or cash value cards over the Internet to which the unlawful unemployment benefits would be deposited,” the IG said. “After the payments were made, Costar would withdraw the payments using an automated teller machine and used the money for her own benefit.”
“When one state cut [Costar] off, she would move to another and start again,” the Columbus Dispatch reported.
The paper also reported that Costar’s attorney blamed her actions on “fallout from long-term mental-health issues.”
Costar had pleaded guilty to two counts of theft of government funds and two counts of aggravated identity theft in April. At sentencing on Aug. 9, she was also ordered to repay the more than $78,000 in illegal benefits.

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