Thursday, August 22, 2013

71.4% of Full-Time College Students Get Federal Aid, Averaging $10,500 a School Year

( - As President Barack Obama was preparing this week to embark on a bus tour on which he intends to propose ways to “fundamentally rethink and reshape” the higher education system in the United States, the U.S. Department of Education’s National Center for Education Statistics released a new report on the financial aid paid to American college students.
In the 2011-2012 school year, says the report, the federal government provided 71.4 percent of full-time college students with some form of taxpayer-funded aid for their education.
According to the report, 55.2 percent of full-time college students in the 2011-2012 school year took out direct federal student loans, 47.4 percent received a federal grant, and 10.5 percent were in some type of federally backed work study program.
On average, full-time college students received $10,500 in federal aid during the year.
The average value of the direct student loans made to a full-time college student in 2011-2012 was $7,000, according to the report. The average value of the Pell Grants made to full-time students was $4,400.
Via: CNS News

Donald Rumsfeld: Obama Has Created a 'Leadership Vacuum'

President Barack Obama has created a "leadership vacuum" in the world and is partially to blame for Egypt’s woes with his attitude that everything there can be "warm and fuzzy," former Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld says.

"The people in Egypt believe we have been supportive of the Muslim Brotherhood because we were eager for early elections, totally ignoring the reality that Adolf Hitler was elected in an election and then tried to consolidate power," Rumsfeld told Newsmax TV on "The Steve Malzberg Show"

"[Hitler] did successfully and caused a war. [Ousted Egyptian President Mohammed] Morsi has been trying to consolidate power and the people of Egypt have opposed it."

Rumsfeld, who served as Secretary of Defense under Gerald Ford and George W. Bush, said the "single most important relationship" the U.S. currently has in the Middle East is with Egyptian military, which recently ousted Morsi and the Muslim Brotherhood.

That action that has put the country on the verge of civil war as the military clashes with Morsi supporters who want him and the Muslim Brotherhood reinstated. 

Hundreds have been killed as the fighting continues — a tragedy for a country as vital to the U.S. as Egypt, according to Rumsfeld.

"Egypt's the most important country . . . kind of an educational center for the Arab world. We have an excellent relationship," Rumsfeld said.

Via: Newsmax

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Obamacare contraception rule moving toward Supreme Court showdown

Is there religious liberty in the US or isn't there? That will be the argument of opponents of the contraception rule in Obamacare, that appears heading for a showdown in the Supreme Court perhaps as early as next term.
Two federal appeals courts have come down with opposite rulings on an important question related to the policy: whether for-profit businesses and their owners have the right to challenge in court the requirement that businesses provide contraception as part of their insurance coverage.
"I think it's likely the Supreme Court is going to end up deciding this thing, and the question is when," said Mark Rienzi, senior counsel at the Becket Fund for Religious Liberty, which has organized many of the 60-plus lawsuits challenging the contraception mandate.
The different rulings by the two federal appeals courts significantly increase the likelihood the mandate will end up with the Supreme Court -- possibly with a ruling just two years after the justices ruled ObamaCare's insurance mandate was constitutional.
Louise Melling, deputy legal director at the American Civil Liberties Union, which supports the contraception mandate, said it's "likely" the Supreme Court could hear oral arguments in its next term, depending on the timing of appeals.
"I would anticipate, when there's this much activity ... that the court will hear one of these," Melling said.
Last month, a panel of judges on the 3rd Circuit Court of Appeals ruled against the owners of a for-profit corporation who sued to block the mandate.
Members of the Hahn family, which owns a cabinet-making firm called Conestoga, said complying with the contraception requirement would violate their Mennonite faith.
But the 3rd Circuit said the family could not sue over a policy that applies to its company.
"Since Conestoga is distinct from the Hahns, the Mandate does not actually require the Hahns to do anything," the court said. "All responsibility for complying with the Mandate falls on Conestoga."
The owners' religious beliefs do not "pass through" to the corporation they own, the court said in its ruling.
Via: American Thinker

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Meet the privileged Obama-supporting white kids who perpetrated cruel Oberlin race hoax

One of the two students removed from Oberlin College earlier this year for allegedly circulating virulently racist, anti-Jewish and anti-gay messages around campus  is an ardent leftist and committed supporter of President Obama, The Daily Caller News Foundation has learned.
Dylan Bleier, one of the two students, hosted a voter registration drive in a Walmart parking lot sponsored by Organizing for Action, the community organizing project that advances the agenda of President Obama.
The Oberlin Police Department identified Bleier and his partner in the spree, Matt Alden, as two of the principal architects of a month-long spate of racist, anti-Jewish and anti-gay messages at the small, private campus.
On his now-defunct LinkedIn page, Bleier noted that he was the founder and president of the Ithaca High School for Obama club. He also identified himself as a member of the Oberlin College Democrats.
Bleier also listed his participation in a group called Ithaca White Allies Against Structural Racism. He joined the group in May of this year, he reported. He said the group’s goal is to “eradicate structural racism in Tompkins County [NY], via forums discussing racism.”
On his Twitter account, which he protected after TheDCNF reached him on Tuesday, Bleier hailed Obama’s comments on George Zimmerman, tweeting: “Zimmerman is just the tip of the iceberg, a single highly visible symptom of the racist system that is ‘succeeding’ in the US.”
Bleier also describes himself on Twitter as an “atheist/pacifist/environmentalist/libertarian socialist/consequentialist.”
The progressive school canceled all classes for a day in a mad scramble to address the alleged hate-related incidents the campus. The saga culminated in a report of a person wearing a hood and robe resembling a KKK outfit near the Afrikan Heritage House, according to Oberlin’s president Marvin Krislov in a letter also signed by three deans. (RELATED: Vandalism at Oberlin was perpetrated by students)
Via: Daily Caller

Obama EEOC Blasted in Background Check Discrimination Ruling

The Obama administration’s claim that criminal background checks discriminate against minority job applicants suffered a lashing from a federal court that found the allegations “laughable,” “distorted,” “cherry-picked,” “worthless” and “an egregious example of scientific dishonesty.”

That kind of whipping from a federal judge has got to hurt though it’s unlikely to deter the administration from spending more taxpayer dollars to file frivolous lawsuits against employers who use the checks to screen job applicants. Judicial Watch wrote about this a few weeks ago when the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), the federal agency that enforces the nation’s workplace discrimination laws, sued two large companies that screen criminal background records claiming that the checks disproportionately exclude blacks from hire.

That violates Title VII of the Civil Rights Act, according to the Obama administration, which has pushed hard to deter companies from using criminal background checks to screen job applicants. Of interesting note is that the EEOC conducts criminal background checks as a condition of employment and credit background checks for most of its positions. For some reason, it’s not discriminatory against minorities when the agency does it.

But it is when private businesses utilize the tool because information about prior convictions is being used to discriminate against a racial or ethnic group, according to the EEOC. Thus, the alleged violation of civil rights laws. The argument is laughable, but a federal judge hearing one of the government’s many background-check discrimination cases in Maryland wasn’t amused.

The case involves a family-owned company (Freeman Inc.) that provides services for corporate events, conventions and exhibits. The business has 3,500 full-time and 25,000 part-time and seasonal workers throughout the U.S. Like many companies, Freeman has been a victim of embezzlement, theft, drug use and workplace violence by employees. Background checks on job applicants are essential to better evaluate candidates’ trustworthiness and reliability, according to court documents.

33 Shocking Facts That Show How Badly the Economy Has Tanked Under Obama...

featured-imgBarack Obama has been running around the country taking credit for an "economic recovery", but the truth is that things have not gotten better under Obama.  Compared to when he first took office, a smaller percentage of the working age population is employed, the quality of our jobs has declined substantially and the middle class has been absolutely shredded.  If we are really in the middle of an "economic recovery", why is the homeownership rate the lowest that it has been in 18 years?  Why has the number of Americans on food stamps increased by nearly 50 percent while Obama has been in the White House?  Why has the national debt gotten more than 6 trillion dollars larger during the Obama era?  Obama should not be "taking credit" for anything when it comes to the economy.  In fact, he should be deeply apologizing to the American people.
And of course Obama is being delusional if he thinks that he is actually "running the economy".  The Federal Reserve has far more power over the U.S. economy and the U.S. financial system than he does.  But the mainstream media loves to fixate on the presidency, so presidents always get far too much credit or far too much blame for economic conditions.
But if you do want to focus on "the change" that has taken place since Barack Obama entered the White House, there is no way in the world that you can claim that things have actually gotten better during that time frame.  The cold, hard reality of the matter is that the U.S. economy has been steadily declining for over a decade, and this decline has continued while Obama has been living at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.
It is getting very tiring listening to Obama supporters try to claim that Obama has improved the economy.  That is a false claim that is not even remotely close to reality.  The following are 33 shocking facts which show how badly the U.S. economy has tanked since Obama became president...
#1 When Barack Obama entered the White House, 60.6 percent of working age Americans had a job.  Today, only 58.7 percent of working age Americans have a job.
#2 Since Obama has been president, seven out of every eight jobs that have been "created" in the U.S. economy have been part-time jobs.
#3 The number of full-time workers in the United States is still nearly 6 million below the old record that was set back in 2007.
#4 It is hard to believe, but an astounding 53 percent of all American workers now make less than $30,000 a year.
#5 40 percent of all workers in the United States actually make less than what a full-time minimum wage worker made back in 1968.

Congressman to Town Hall: It Would Be a ‘Dream Come True’ to Impeach Obama

During a Republican meeting Monday, Rep. Kerry Bentivolio (R-MI) let it slip that it would be a “dream come true” for him to impeach President Obama. He stressed that he would first need some “evidence” of wrongdoing, but assured his audience that he has gone so far as to meet with lawyers to help him figure out how to obtain what he needs to make his “dream” a reality.

Answering a question from an attendee about what Congress is doing to stop Obama “from everything he’s doing against our Constitution,” Bentivolio said, “You know if I could write that bill and submit it, it would be a dream come true. I feel your pain and I know. I stood 12 feet away from that guy and listened to him and I couldn’t stand being there. But because he is president I have to respect the office. That’s my job as a congressman. I respect the office.”

Via: Fox News

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