Monday, September 16, 2013

Morning Bell: Will Unions Want to Repeal Obamacare?

In a typical Friday afternoon “news dump,” the Treasury Department announced it could not grant unions’ request for another special Obamacare break.
This time, unions had lobbied the Administration to let union-run, multi-employer plans receive taxpayer-funded insurance subsidies on the new exchanges. These subsidies would be in addition to the tax break that multi-employer plans, like health plans offered by all employers, already receive.
Union leaders wrote to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) in July asking for the Obamacare “fix,” stating that their progressive “vision has come back to haunt us”:
When you and the President sought our support for the Affordable Care Act (ACA), you pledged that if we liked the health plans we have now, we could keep them. Sadly, that promise is under threat. Right now, unless you and the Obama Administration enact an equitable fix, the ACA will shatter not only our hard-earned health benefits, but destroy the foundation of the 40 hour work week that is the backbone of the American middle class.
However, despite comments by Reid that unions would get another special break, the Administration actually found one part of the law it wants to uphold—after all the waivers, delays, and illegal modifications made to other parts of Obamacare.

‘You may not leave’: Senate went into lock down after Navy Yard shooting

UPDATE: In a 4:16 p.m. email, the Senate sergeant at arms emailed staff saying, “I am lifting the portion of the lock down which required you to remain in the buildings.”
In explaining the original move, he wrote, “While this [lock down] approach is inconvenient, it is at times necessary. The lessons of Boston, Virginia Tech, Sandy Hook, and Aurora are clear, and just still too raw.”
WASHINGTON – The Senate complex in the Capitol Building has been locked down after a shooting at the nearby Navy Yard early Monday morning.
UPDATE: In a 4:16 p.m. email, the Senate sergeant at arms emailed staff saying, “I am lifting the portion of the lock down which required you to remain in the buildings.”
In explaining the original move, he wrote, “While this [lock down] approach is inconvenient, it is at times necessary. The lessons of Boston, Virginia Tech, Sandy Hook, and Aurora are clear, and just still too raw.”
WASHINGTON – The Senate complex in the Capitol Building has been locked down after a shooting at the nearby Navy Yard early Monday morning.

CNN anchor: Who ever heard of a gunman rampaging across a U.S. military facility?

CNN Must be new to the news business.  Were they around in 2009?
Via Newsbusters. As Santayana said, those who do not learn from history are condemned to broadcast their ignorance about it on national cable news.
Probably 80 percent of the public, I’d guess, thought of Nidal Hasan when they heard the news this morning. I’m one of them; it occurred to me that maybe this was revenge from a sympathizer for the death sentence he got a few weeks ago. Here’s the very latest as I’m writing this at a little past noon ET, though:
That smells like real workplace violence, not the euphemistic version that the Pentagon wants you to believe Hasan engaged in. But if it’s workplace violence, how to explain this?
A workplace violence conspiracy involving multiple shooters is unlikely, needless to say. And it seems … odd that the top cop in the District would casually tell the public that there may or may not be two mass murderers still roaming around. Good luck out there, Washingtonians.
The death toll at the moment is six. At least one shooter, possibly the only one, is also dead.
Via: Hot AIr
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Declining Demographics and the Destruction of an Exceptional Country

Third world banana republic dominated by failed European style multiculturalism, unassimilated ghettoes

The Russians are addressing their declining demographics by having a special holiday, take-off-work-to-have-sex day. If a baby is produced 9 months from an official holiday, the couple receives a car.

It takes 2.1 babies per family in order to replace a dying population. Most European nations are way below this statistic, thus committing self-suicide. Whether they are not having babies for economic reasons, selfishness, increase in cheap and readily available abortions, depraved lifestyles, lack of housing, lack of jobs, high unemployment encouraged by a generous welfare state, or education, the problem is that most Europeans are self-destroying through attrition, fast replaced by north Africans and Middle Easterners who do have lots of babies per family.

EU governments have tried to address the issue by opening their immigration floodgates to hordes that have refused to assimilate, not becoming good citizens, and in general a nuisance to a peaceful society by overtly trying to destroy it while the government and the police did nothing to punish the offenders or even address the multiculturalism gone berserk. Instead, they have punished locals for hate speech when citizens tried to point out the huge immigration problem.

In the United States, the replacement value gets a pass to 2.1 thanks to unchecked illegal immigration and anchor babies, otherwise Americans replace their dying population at 1.9 or less, not enough to keep the local population at current levels. The problem is the same here as in the EU, the illegals refuse to assimilate, learn the language, and become Americans. Instead, one demographic is pushing for Reconquista and another for the establishment of a world caliphate, advocating taking over the country in the near future.

Touré Investigates ‘Workplace Violence’ Angle For Navy Yard Shooter… Who Didn’t Work There

MSNBC host Touré spoke to a psychologist on Monday and asked him to spell out some of the behavioral signs that may indicate a coworker was planning on engaging in “workplace violence,” similar to what he indicated had occurred at the Washington Navy Yard on Monday morning. Except for the minor detail that shooting suspectAaron Alexis did not work at the Navy Yard and used the identification of a former employee to illegally access the secure military site. 
“We don’t know what the motive here is at all, no idea if we’ll find that out ever, but there are some — it does seem somewhat consistent with some of the things we’ve seen before in terms of workplace violence,” Touré began. “Let’s talk about workplace violence in general. What are the commonalties that you tend to see in those incidents where people return with a firearm?”
Dr. Larry James, the associate vice president of Wright State University, replied that disheveled appearance, appearing to have “gone off the edge,” or coming to work with a weapon were good indications that “workplace violence” might be imminent.
Earlier in the day, multiple sources – including the police – confirmed that several suspects were wanted in connection with this attack. AT the time of this broadcast, only one of those suspects had been cleared by police. The second remains at large.
Furthermore, multiple reports indicate that Alexis never worked at the Navy Yard, though he was a civilian contractor. Reports indicate that Alexis used the identification of a former Navy Yard employeeto gain access to that site, but it is not yet clear if he was given that identification or he stole it.
Watch the clip below via MSNBC:

Obamas to Host Third Command Concert Since Sequester

Obamas dancePresident and Mrs. Obama Monday night will host their third “command performance” since the sequester began in March, grooving in the East Room to the sounds of Hispanic music.
Among the stars who will appear to serenade the first couple are Gloria Estefan, Ricky Martin, Raul Malo, Prince Royce, Natalie Cole, Lila Downs, Arturo Sandoval, Romeo Santos, Alejandro Sanz and Marco Antonio Solis.
While workers are being furloughed throughout the government, services are cut, and White House tours remain on ice, private concerts for the Obamas somehow remain beyond the budget axe. The Obamas hosted a “celebration” of Memphis soul music in April and a tribute to Carole King in May.
Tonight’s Música Latina: In Performance at the White House is actually the second musical event featuring the Latino music, the first being what was billed as a “Fiesta Latina” on the South Lawn. Estafan also performed there, as she did during the Carole King concert.
Michelle has also invited 130 middle and high school students from around Washington to  take part during the day in an educational workshop,Celebrando el Ritmo Latino: The History of Latin Music. Some of the performers will drop by.
Tonight’s command performance, the 12th of the Obamas’ tenure, will be broadcast Tuesday, October 8 at 8:00 p.m. ET on PBS.

SSA: $1.29 Billion in Disability Overpayments a ‘Small Payment Error’

APThe Social Security Administration (SSA) gave $1.29 billion in payments to individuals who were not considered disabled, a mistake the agency says is a “small payment error.”
The SSA made improper payments to roughly 36,000 individuals who were able to earn more than $1,000 per month, rendering them ineligible for the Disability Insurance (DI) program, according to a Government Accountability Office (GAO) report released Friday.
The cost to the taxpayers was nearly $1.3 billion.
The SSA said that the overall rate of overpayment is low, but the sheer number of people involved in the program leads to large totals.
“While our overpayment accuracy rates are high, even small payment errors result in large costs to taxpayers and to DI beneficiaries,” said Katherine A. Thornton, deputy chief of staff for the SSA, in the SSA’s response to the report.
“The true extent of overpayments is currently unknown,” the GAO said, “but our prior work suggests that most overpayments are related to beneficiaries who worked while receiving benefits.”
“This report demonstrates just how little importance the Social Security Administration places on policing its disability rolls,” Sen. Tom Coburn (R., Okla.), ranking member of the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs, said in a statement.
“SSA has known for years that it could prevent millions of dollars in improper disability payments using quarterly wage records, but chose not to,” he said.
The GAO based its findings on earnings data from the National Directory of New Hires (NDNH) database. SSA uses the database for oversight of its Social Security Insurance program but does not use the NDNH to conduct oversight of the DI program.

Global warming documentary to premier on fossil fuel funded Al Jazeera

It wasn’t that long ago that environmentalist Bill McKibben was criticizing former Vice President Al Gore for selling Current TV to fossil fuel-backed Al Jazeera. But in an ironic twist of fate, McKibben’s group will be debuting its global warming documentary on the Qatar-funded network.
McKibben and are premiering their documentary “Do the Math” on Al Jazeera. The documentary will go “after the fossil fuel industry directly, energizing a movement like the ones that overturned the great immoral institutions of the past century, such as Apartheid in South Africa,” according to PF Pictures.
The network is partly financed by the government of Qatar. The OPEC member produces 734,000 barrels of crude oil per day as well as 157 billion cubic meters of natural gas.
The trailer for “Do the Math” opens with McKibben saying, “If it’s wrong to wreck the climate, it’s wrong to profit from that wreckage” — something critics argue he is precisely doing by airing his documentary on a fossil-fuel funded network.
“We did the math a long time ago on Bill McKibben and determined he argues from positions of emotionalism and rationalization. His actions are a prime example of ‘Noble Cause Corruption’ — anything for the cause,” global warming skeptic blogger Anthony Watts told The Daily Caller News Foundation.
“We already knew that Al Gore is the most lavishly funded fossil fuel player in the global warming debate today,” said Marc Morano, publisher of Climate Depot, a global warming skeptic news site. “Now it turns out that Bill McKibben’s principles are as dodgy as his understanding of climate science. Say it ain’t so Bill.”
McKibben criticized Al Gore when he sold the left-leaning Current TV to Al Jazeera, and still doesn’t like to talk about how Gore sabotaged his own credibility among environmentalists by doing so.
Bloomberg Businessweek reported: “McKibben doesn’t like to talk about Al Gore, but he shakes his head sadly when I bring up the recent sale of Gore’s Current TV to Al Jazeera — a media company funded in part by the emir of Qatar’s fossil-fuel fortune — and how that seems to have diluted Gore’s credibility. McKibben raises his eyebrows, smirks, and says, ‘You think?’ McKibben sees himself as part of a tradition of environmental writer-activists, from John Muir to Henry David Thoreau to Rachel Carson.”

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