President Barack Obama has chosen former Pentagon lawyer Jeh (jay) Johnson as the new secretary of the Homeland Security Department.
Obama plans to announce Johnson's nomination Friday. He must be confirmed by the Senate before taking over the post most recently held by Janet Napolitano (neh-pahl-ih-TAN'-oh). Napolitano stepped down in August to become president of the University of California system.
A senior administration official on Thursday confirmed Johnson's selection, first reported by The Daily Beast. The official said Obama chose Johnson because of his experience as a national security leader.
The official was not authorized to speak about the nomination on the record and spoke on condition of anonymity.
Via: Breitbart
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Thursday, October 17, 2013
HHS Spent $56 Million on Conferences in 2012
The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) spent over $56 million on 135 conferences in one year, ranging from Head Start meetings to diversity seminars.
According to the agency’s report on conferences for fiscal year 2012, HHS spent an average of $415,784 per event.
Four conferences were devoted to the Head Start program, including the “1st National Birth to Five Leadership Institute,” a three-day conference held at the Washington Hilton for $836,521. The conference taught participants how to become Head Start leaders.
A “Head Start Research Conference” held at the Grand Hyatt in Washington, D.C., cost $1,130,000.
HHS’s Office of Refugee Resettlement hosted a $350,000 conference at the Crystal Gateway Marriott in Arlington, Va., entitled, “Transforming Hope into a Brighter Future.”
“The purpose of this meeting was to consult with various stakeholder groups to support vulnerable populations in becoming self-sufficient in the United States,” a description of the event said.
Two conferences were held on “health care in rural America” in Washington, D.C. within two months, for a total of $319,467.
Another event focused on how to “diversify the nursing workforce,” at a cost of $151,200. The “Nursing 3D: Workforce Diversity, Health Disparities, Social Determinants of Health” event was held at the North Bethesda Marriott in Maryland.
“The purpose of the summit was to convene experts, thought leaders, and key workforce diversity stakeholders to identify the full range of academic and health system factors, as well as the social, economic, and environmental determinants that influence our ability to diversify the nursing workforce,” HHS said.
McConnell: No More Shutdowns Over Obamacare
Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell made it clear on Thursday that repealing Obamacare would never be used by Republicans again to bring the federal government to a halt.
“One of my favorite old Kentucky sayings is there’s no education in the second kick of a mule," the Kentucky Republican told The Hill. "The first kick of a mule was when we shut the government down in the mid-1990s — and the second kick was over the last 16 days.
“There is no education in the second kick of a mule," McConnell added. "There will not be a government shutdown."
The Obamacare strategy was pushed by several young Republicans in the House and Senate backed by the tea party — including freshman Sen. Ted Cruz, who spoke against the healthcare plan for more than 21 hours on the Senate floor last month — which led to a 16-day partial shutdown of the government and jeopardized the nation's credit authority.
“I think we have fully now acquainted our new members with what a losing strategy that is,” McConnell told the Hill.
The Obamacare strategy was pushed by several young congressional Republicans backed by the tea party — including freshman Sen. Ted Cruz, who spoke against the healthcare plan for more than 21 hours on the Senate floor last month — which led to a 16-day partial shutdown of the government and jeopardized the nation's borrowing authority.
“I think we have fully now acquainted our new members with what a losing strategy that is,” McConnell told the Hill.
The federal government reopened on Thursday after a battle-scarred Congress approved a bipartisan measure to end the shutdown and avert the possibility of an economy-jarring default on U.S. obligations.
Via: Newsmax
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It Depends on What the Meaning of 'Settled Law' Is by Ann Coulter
No major legislation has ever been passed like Obamacare -- and I'm using the word "passed" pretty loosely.
It became law without both houses ever voting on the same bill. (Say, is the Constitution considered "settled law"?) Not one Republican voted for it -- and a lot of Democrats immediately wished they hadn't.
Historically, big laws have been enacted with large, bipartisan majorities. In 1935, President Roosevelt enacted Social Security with a 372-33 vote in the House and 77-6 in the Senate.
In 1965, Medicare passed in the Senate 70-24 and the House 307-116, with the vast majority of Democrats supporting this Ponzi scheme and Republicans roughly split.
Reagan's magnificent tax cuts in 1981 -- which Democrats now denounce as if they'd been appalled at the time -- passed with a vote of 89-11 in the Senate and even 323-107 in the hostile Democratic House.
Even Bill Clinton's signature legislative achievement -- Midnight Basketball for the Homeless -- received more bipartisan support than Obamacare.
Via: TownHall
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White House: Refuses To Answer If Anyone Will Be Held Accountable For Botched Obamacare Rollout
White House Press Secretary Jay Carney refused to answer whether anyone in the administration or in the companies contracted to build the Obamacare online exchanges would be held accountable for the rocky rollout of the President’s healthcare law.
In answer to the question from Fox News’ Chief White House Correspondent Ed Henry, Carney said questions over contracted companies should be referred to the Department of Health and Human Services, and that the President knew the website needed improvement. When Henry asked if no one was to be held accountable then, Carney could only respond:
“Again the accountability the President seeks right now is the accountability that comes from making the system better, from improving the process for consumers, fixing the problems that have arisen, and making sure that millions of Americans – for whom this program was created – are getting the benefits that it provides.”
Biden Offers Federal Workers Handshakes, Hugs, and Kisses
Vice President Joe Biden offered returning federal workers handshakes, hugs, and kisses -- and muffins, too -- this morning at the EPA headquarters in Washington, D.C.
Via the pool report:
As pool awaited the VP, EPA administrator Gina McCarthy hopped – literally, hopped – as she entered the building and then headed to greet him at a back entrance far from pooler’s view.Pool first spotted VP at about 9:17 am, rounding the corner from the back entrance, finding a cluster of workers who caught wind of his visit. He carried a few containers of “Coffee Cake Bites” – apparently $5 each per the sticker, and “Baked from scratch” with no trans fats.“I brought some muffins!” the VP said as he arrived at the security desk, placing the muffins down. And, seeing a sign on the desk that read that “All visitors must be escorted at all times,” VP announced: “I’d like to be escorted!”TV pooler quickly asked the VP, “Are you happy with how the deal played out?” He answered: “I’m happy it’s ended. It was unnecessary to begin with. I’m happy it’s ended.”He then immediately began shaking hands with employees, lined up out the entrance. The usual Biden stuff – some handshakes, some hugs, some kisses. Told some he was sorry they had to miss work and “had to go through all that.” There were occasional bursts of applause as more people arrived and found the VP there.
Via: Weekly Standard
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Matthews Questions Orrin Hatch’s Patriotism Because He Called Obamacare a ‘Bill’
MSNBC host Chris Matthews said Sen. Orrin Hatch’s (R., Utah) reference to Obamacare as a “bill” was an intentional slight meant to “disrespect” the law and President Obama Thursday on MSNBC Live.
Matthews openly wondered how Hatch or any other Republican could consider themselves a “patriot” when they disrespect the president by opposing his policies.
“The patriot,” Matthews said, “is the person who accepts the law. The patriot is the one who believes in compromise, who believes in government”:
THOMAS ROBERTS: It’s weird Orrin Hatch — with Chuck Todd, he kept calling it a bill. He kept referring to Obamacare as a bill.
CHRIS MATTHEWS: You know why? He wants to disrespect it. Disrespect for institutions, for the election of a president, for the American voter who elected him is a real problem and why they can call themselves patriots as they do that is highly inconsistent. The patriot is the person who accepts the law and the patriot is the one who believes in compromise, who believes in government.
Obamacare: The New Vietnam
It was the law.
And liberals were determined to sabotage that law.
To hold America hostage — in the middle of a war no less — until the law was repealed. Until the war was stopped.
To do it, they used the Three C’s.
Civil Disobedience.
The Culture.
The Congress.
Let’s start with the law the Left was determined to overturn.
That would be the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution, passed by Congress on August 10,1964 at the request of a popular president, Lyndon B. Johnson. The resolution authorized the president “to take all necessary steps, including the use of armed force, to assist any member or protocol state of the Southeast Asia Collective Defense Treaty requesting assistance in defense of its freedom.”
The vote? 416-0 in the House. And in the Senate? The resolution passed by a margin of 88-2.
The Vietnam War, already quietly humming along with some 16,000 U.S. advisers deployed, was now on. Big Time. And to say the least, the votes in Congress to stop the Vietnam War weren’t there.
Developing Obamacare's Health Care Exchanges Has Cost More Than Apple's Original iPhone Comment Now Follow Comments
This is a stunning number from Farhad Manjoo over at the Wall Street Journal. The development cost of the health care exchanges necessary under the ACA (aka Obamacare) is larger than the development cost of the original iPhone at Apple. Indeed, by some estimates it might be four times the cost:
If users found a few bugs in their iPads, she argued, most wouldn’t consider them a complete disaster. Instead, they’d recognize that technology is complicated, that errors are common, and they’d wait for an update. Apple Inc., she added, has “a few more resources” than her department, so “hopefully [citizens will] give us the same slack they give Apple.”That argument is as clueless as it is misleading. While it’s true that Apple is fantastically wealthy, its product-development costs aren’t necessarily greater than those of the federal government. As Fred Vogelstein reports in his coming book, Apple spent about $150 million developing the iPhone. The health-insurance exchange—which, let’s remember, is merely a website meant to connect citizens to insurance companies, something quite a bit less complex than Apple’s groundbreaking miniature computer—so far has cost at least $360 million, and possibly as much as $600 million.
That’s a pretty bad indictment of the way those health care exchanges have been built: the most egregious problems being with the Federal one that covers the 36 states that did not decide to build their own. After all, the iPhone was not just a new product category, it was also a new operating system and a new paradigm for how to do computing. One would expect this to cost rather more than what is, at root, just a website calling on a few databases. But apparently not so it’s worth trying to work out what went wrong here. Manjoo gives us one reason here:
Via: ForbesToday, any company looking to work with the government must navigate an obstacle course of niggling, outdated regulations and arbitrary-seeming requirements. For instance, your technology must be Y2K-compliant just to get in the door. The process locks out all but a tiny handful of full-time contractors—companies who also happen to be big federal lobbyists.
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[Video] Surprises tucked in Senate bill
The legislation released by the Senate late Wednesday to reopen the government contains several surprises.
The bill includes extra funds to fix flooded roads in Colorado, a $3 million appropriation for a civil liberties oversight board and a one-time payment to the widow of Sen. Frank Lautenberg (D-N.J.), who died over the summer.
The bill includes extra funds to fix flooded roads in Colorado, a $3 million appropriation for a civil liberties oversight board and a one-time payment to the widow of Sen. Frank Lautenberg (D-N.J.), who died over the summer.
It also includes an increase in authorization for spending on construction on the lower Ohio River in Illinois and Kentucky. The bill increases it to $2.918 billion.
The Senate Conservatives Fund quickly called that language the "Kentucky Kickback," and said Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) secured that as the price of his support for the bill. Taxpayers for Common Sense says the bill would increase total authorized spending by $1.2 billion.
Senate staffers were still scrambling to piece the bill together for votes in the House and Senate Wednesday night. Lawmakers hope to get it to President Obama’s desk before Thursday’s deadline for raising the debt ceiling.
A draft of the bill began circulating in the early evening, and a final version was released by Senate Democratic staff just before 6 p.m.
The Senate Conservatives Fund quickly called that language the "Kentucky Kickback," and said Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) secured that as the price of his support for the bill. Taxpayers for Common Sense says the bill would increase total authorized spending by $1.2 billion.
Senate staffers were still scrambling to piece the bill together for votes in the House and Senate Wednesday night. Lawmakers hope to get it to President Obama’s desk before Thursday’s deadline for raising the debt ceiling.
A draft of the bill began circulating in the early evening, and a final version was released by Senate Democratic staff just before 6 p.m.
Via: The Hill
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Obamacare causing Indiana city to pay 40% MORE for health insurance for city govt employees…
So Obamacare isn’t just going to raise individual and employer health care costs, but also for cities as well — in this case the city of Sullivan, Indiana. So not only might you be paying increased costs for your own health care, but Obamacare may require more of your tax dollars as well to pay for increased cost for city and state employees, and that’s not counting the federal or state subsidies either.
This thing was built to suck money right out of your wallet:
Rep. Bachmann to Fox News: Obama Got ’100 Percent of What He Wanted’
Earlier in the evening, before the House voted to end the shutdown, Rachel Maddow said Republicans got absolutely none of what they wanted from this fight. After the House vote, Michele Bachmann reacted by telling Sean Hannity that President Obama basically got “100 percent of what he wanted” from the beginning.
Bachmann said that Obama “rolled the dice” and banked on Republicans “willing to be the adults in the room.” She voted no on the House bill, and even though it overwhelmingly passed, she declared, “We aren’t waving the white flag of surrender on Obamacare, we aren’t taking our marbles and going home.”
Hannity then challenged Democrat Henry Cuellar on whether Bachmann’s right that there’s still a good opportunity for Republicans to run on the failures of Obamacare. Cuellar admitted he’s willing to see some changes in the health care law, but Hannity kept grilling him on how Obamacare is costing more than the administration claimed and is “nothing like what the president promised.”
Watch the video below, via Fox News:
Eric Bolling: Wussies! Every Last One of You…(Liberal Media)
Imagine this folks... A journalist's big moment... Finally arrives... All the tests... All the research... All the homework… The years in journalism school...
And there you are… You find yourself face to face with the President of the United States: The Government is closed; we’re on the verge of economic catastrophe, and you have 5 minutes and a chance to ask the President whatever you want… C’mon reach back… Clocks ticking, Games on the line, Go deep…
For Diana Williams of ABC News…The moment went like this:
“My daughter asked me to ask you, what is the coolest thing about being President?”
Wow hard hitting journalism Diana! I didn’t go to journalism school but allow me to offer you a tip: Turn on FOX News before the next time you have the Commander in Chief one on one… Jot down the questions we are asking and topics we are debating… But don’t expect to see President Obama answering from a FOX studio... He knows I wouldn’t ask him how “Cool it is to be President” with my time…Nor would any of my colleagues, I assure you.
Then there’s my old Twitter adversary Tommy Christopher. Tommy blogs for Mediaite, A media watch blog... I love Mediaite… It’s a great media blog… But this week, the little blogger takes the award for dumbest question of the year... At the White House Press Briefing Tommy asked Jay Carney:
“Is there a chance the President would be willing to delay ObamaCare for a year if Republicans would agree to delay heart attacks for a year?” Tommy… Dude... What kind of a jackass comment was that?
Deadly drug cartel shootout with Mexico police linked to "grenade-walking" scandal
(CBS News) CBS News has learned of a shocking link between a deadly drug cartel shootout with Mexican police last week and a controversial case in the U.S. The link is one of the grenades used in the violent fight, which killed three policemen and four cartel members and was captured on video by residents in the area.
According to a Justice Department "Significant Incident Report" filed Tuesday and obtained by CBS News, evidence connects one of the grenades to Jean Baptiste Kingery, an alleged firearms trafficker U.S. officials allowed to operate for years without arresting despite significant evidence that he was moving massive amounts of grenade parts and ammunition to Mexico's ruthless drug cartels.
"Grenade-walking" part of "Gunwalking" scandal
New evidence in ATF's mysterious grenade smuggler case
Complete coverage of the gunwalking scandal
The gun battle took place last week in Guadalajara. Authorities say five members of the Jalisco New Generation Cartel used at least nine firearms and ten hand grenades against Mexican police. If one of the grenades was supplied with the help of Kingery, as believed, it adds to the toll of lives taken with weapons trafficked by suspects U.S. officials watched but did not stop.
The Kingery case was overseen by the same Arizona U.S. Attorney and ATF office that let suspects traffic thousands of weapons to Mexican drug cartels in the operation dubbed Fast and Furious. The strategy was to try to get to the cartel kingpins, but it was halted after CBS News reported that Fast and Furious weapons were used by cartel thugs in the murder of Border Patrol agent Brian Terry on December 15, 2010. Weapons trafficked by other ATF suspects under surveillance were used two months later in the cartel murder of Immigration and Customs AgentJaime Zapata in Mexico on February 15, 2011.
On Wednesday, ATF told CBS News it has "no information" about the Kingery connection to last week's gun battle in Mexico.
As CBS News previously reported, documents show ATF began watching Kingery in "2004 related to AK47 purchases" he was believed to be trafficking to Mexico.
New evidence in ATF's mysterious grenade smuggler case
Complete coverage of the gunwalking scandal
[VIDEO] UnitedHealthCare Drops MediCare Advantage Doctors
Via: Fox News
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Obamacare Navigator Director Is an Illegal Immigrant
In the ultimate insult to Americans, an illegal immigrant who proudly defies U.S. law—and encourages others to do the same—is benefitting from our tax dollars as a subcontractor recruiting customers for Obamacare.
The recruiters are known as “navigators” because their task is to help people “navigate” the complicated health insurance exchanges set up under the controversial law. A few weeks ago Judicial Watch reported the huge potential for corruption in the Obama administration’s navigator program, which has doled out $67 million to dozens of leftist community organizations throughout the nation.
Here are some examples of the types of groups that have received navigator grants from the government; an Arizona nonprofit called “Campesinos Sin Fronteras” that provides services to farm workers and low-income Hispanics; a south Florida legal group that will provide navigators in “racially, ethnically, linguistically, culturally and socioeconomically diverse” communities; three Planned Parenthood branches—in Iowa, Montana and New Hampshire—got a combined $655,000 to serve as navigators.
In the Big Apple a group called Restaurant Opportunities Center of New York got navigator funds from Uncle Sam, according to the Center for Immigration Studies (CIS), a nonprofit that researches legal and illegal immigration in the U.S. The health education organizer for the Restaurant Opportunities Center is an illegal immigrant activist named Maria Marroquin, CIS reveals in a report published this week. That means she will be in charge of the publicly-funded Obamacare recruitment efforts for the New York organization, which is known to be a labor union front group.
Marroquin, an illegal alien from Peru, has been arrested for participating in disruptive demonstrations protesting the deportation of fellow undocumented immigrants and calling for amnesty. She is a hero in the open borders movement who publicly came out in a widely distributed video as “undocumented and unafraid.” The 25-year-old also helped create a nonprofit that fights to enact amnesty measures and build “immigrant power” in communities throughout the U.S.
“Marroquin practices the political tactics of left-wing extremists, flouting her illegal immigration status before cowed law enforcers and politicians,” CIS writes in its report, further pointing out that Obama’s amnesty has invigorated her to break the law even more. It’s beyond comprehension that this admitted lawbreaker is essentially working for the government now. “It would be hard to make up something this outrageous,” according to CIS. Few would disagree.
Besides the outrage of hiring an illegal immigrant to promote a U.S. government program, it’s equally disturbing to know that navigators will have access to the sensitive personal information of healthcare enrollees. This includes Social Security numbers, which can be used for identity theft, a rampant crime among illegal alien populations seeking to establish residency and land jobs in the U.S.
Study: Food Stamps Most Rapidly Growing Welfare Program
Food stamps are the most inefficient, vastly expanding social welfare program in the country, according to a new study.
Forty-seven million people participate in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), commonly known as food stamps, and costs have increased over 358 percent since 2000.
The increase in recent years cannot be attributed to the economic recession, according to Michael Tanner, a senior fellow at the Cato Institute, but lax eligibility requirements and an aggressive campaign by governments to boost their rolls.
“This program has expanded rapidly over the last decade in a way that is not justified by the recession that we went through,” Tanner said.
“There’s very little bang for all this increased buck.”
Tanner’s report, “SNAP Failure: The Food Stamp Program Needs Reform,” finds that in 2000 the cost of the food stamp program was just $17 billion. It has risen in cost to $78 billion today.
Spending on advertising and outreach for food stamps by federal and state governments has also increased, now amounting to $41.3 million a year.
States like Florida have hired “food stamp recruiters,” who have a quota of signing up 150 new recipients each month. Rhode Island hosts “SNAP-themed bingo games,” and the USDA tells its field offices to throw parties to get more people on their rolls.
Despite the additional spending, the USDA claims 18 million Americans are still “food insecure.”
Tanner notes the program is more successful in breeding dependence on government, which was apparent last weekend when the EBT system shutdown in several states, resulting in chaos.
Via: WFB
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Out of Control! Buying Time with Borrowed Money
WASHINGTON — Announcing the budget deal he reached with Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, Kentucky Republican Sen. Mitch McConnell said on Wednesday he was thankful Republicans were at least able to keep in place the automatic spending cuts that went into effect across government agencies earlier this year.
“That’s been a top priority for me and my Republican colleagues throughout this debate,” the Senate Minority Leader said on the floor of the Senate, referencing what’s known as the sequester. “And it’s been worth the effort.”
But while the deal freezes in place current spending numbers, the budget deal actually blows through the sequester spending caps that were supposed to go into effect on Oct. 1 — by nearly $20 billion.
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