Monday, October 21, 2013

Carney hedges on whether ObamaCare mandate could be delayed

White House press secretary Jay Carney hedged Monday on whether ObamaCare’s individual mandate could be delayed because of problems with the healthcare law’s enrollment web site.

Carney did not directly say the individual mandate could be delayed, but he did say that if people could not get access to ObamaCare, they would not be penalized.

Under the healthcare law, uninsured Americans are required to sign up for health insurance. If they don’t, they could be hit with a fine.

Carney was asked Monday if people would have to pay a fine if they couldn’t enroll in ObamaCare because of a glitchy website that the administration has struggled to fix.

Carney said that those “without access to affordable care due to a state not expanding Medicaid or other factors” would not be penalized. A number of states have decided against accepting federal money to expand Medicaid under ObamaCare.

Carney then dodged a question about whether the website could be one of those factors.
“We are focused on implementing the law and ensuring that people have the information they need,” Carney said.

Via: The Hill

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What If They Gave a Shutdown and No One Cared?

The shutdown/debt limit imbroglio wasn’t a defeat. Defeats leave the losers feeling defeated. But the designated losers, the conservative base of the GOP – which, more accurately, now is the GOP – is more eager and excited than it has been in a long time.
Why? Someone fought. Finally.
Sure, we didn’t win the repeal of Obamacare. The only people talking about actually repealing Obamacare as a direct result of the tactical moves of recent weeks were the doddering dinosaurs and their media accomplices trying to put out the notion that Ted Cruz and his band of merry marauders had suckered us numbskull conservatives with promises of total victory right here and right now.
Being very familiar with the Constitution, we realize that it’s kind of difficult to pass a law when we only hold the House. We’re clear on that. We were alwaysclear on that. What Ted Cruz did – and what the go-along, get-along gang of Republican stegosauruses hate – is that he fought. He fought. There’s a huge value to drawing a line, to taking a stand, to rallying the troops.


On Monday, President Obama spoke outside the White House, defending the roll-out of his signature legislative achievement, ObamaCare, aka the Affordable Care Act. He dismissed growing concerns about the launch of the health insurance exchanges by noting that the law "is not a website." As National Journal noted, however, launching the website was the "easy part." ObamaCare can go downhill very quickly.

Team Obama built the most sophisticated voter database and on-line political community in history. Its comprehensive voter outreach operation was able to defy political odds, recreate its turnout breakthroughs from 2008 and win reelection. If Team Obama has any core competency, it is building a seamless, integrated on-line community. Yet, three weeks after introduction, the HealthCare.Gov website is such a disaster that a single person signing up for coverage in Delaware is noteworthy enough to introduce the President for Monday's remarks. 
The White House has reacted to the very real problems with the on-line exchanges by announcing a "tech surge." Tapping the best software engineers from the private sector will likely bring near-term improvements to a website that was three years in the making. After several weeks or months, the on-line exchanges will probably be fully functioning. The "kinks" and "glitches" will get worked out. Then, however, the real problems with ObamaCare will come to light. 
The foundational problem with ObamaCare is that is relies on people making economically irrational decisions. Namely, young and healthy individuals, who consume very little health care, have to be convinced to buy insurance to subsidize new coverage mandates for older, less healthy consumers. If the young and healthy don't buy coverage, the premiums for everyone else will skyrocket. 

Consumer Reports: ‘Stay Away From’

Consumer Reports, which publishes reviews of consumer products and services,advised its readers to avoid the federal health-care exchange “for at least another month if you can.” “Hopefully that will be long enough for its software vendors to clean up the mess they’ve made,” the magazine said, having tested the site themselves over the course of the past three weeks.

Noting that only 271,000 of the 9.47 million people who tried signing up in the first week managed to create an account, Consumer Reports then provided a few tips to those attempting to slog through the application process. From attempting successive logins because “error messages . . . may not always match reality” to checking one’s inbox frequently because missing an e-mail a user will be timed out of the site and forced to start from square one, none of the suggestions guaranteed success.

The magazine has also released a string of scathing reviews. On October 1, the day the Obamacare exchanges went online, the magazine told people to be patient: “Don’t worry if you can’t sign up today or even within the next couple of weeks.” A week into enrollment, they urged again to “wait a couple weeks and hope that the site irons out its many problems” because the is “barely operational.”

2 dead, 2 in critical condition after shooting at Nevada middle school

Two people are dead and two boys are in critical condition after a shooting Monday at a middle school in Nevada, authorities say.
The shooting occurred at Sparks Middle School in Sparks, Nev. One of the dead was a staff member at the school, while the gunman died of a self-inflicted gunshot wound, Washoe County Emergency Manager Aaron Kenneston said, according to Reuters.
Washoe County School District Police said the suspect is "down," but offered no further details.
Kyle Nucum, a 13-year-old student, told the Reno Gazette-Journal that he saw a classmate shoot his teacher. Nucum said the teacher spotted a student with a gun and ran over to tell him to put it down before he was shot.
Angela Rambo, a spokeswoman for the Renown Regional Medical Center, said both people injured in the shooting were males.
A Sparks police dispatcher said reports of the shooting started coming in at 7:16 a.m. Monday. The shooting happened on the school's campus, but outside the school building itself, according to police. The area is now secure.

Four Things We Think We Know About Obamacare

McArdle Obamacare I’ve been seeing a few things floating around the blogosphere about Obamacare that aren’t true. They’re not really conservative or liberal talking points; they’re just misconceptions that people may have about how the health-care law works. So it seems worth pointing them out, especially because relying on some of these “facts” could get you into big trouble:
You have until March 31 to buy health insurance. This is technically true: Open enrollment ends on March 31. So you can buy health insurance up until then. But you have to buy insurance well before that if you want to avoid paying the mandate's penalty. Basically, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act says that in order to avoid paying the fine for being uninsured, you have to be insured by the end of March. But insurance policies begin on the first day of the month, which means that you need to buy insurance by February. And because it takes a couple of weeks to process a policy, in practice, you need to purchase by Feb. 15. If you buy insurance after that, you will still be insured -- but you will also need to pay a penalty. Which brings me to my second untrue “fact”:
The penalty for being uninsured next year is $95.Again, this is partly true. In fact, the penalty for being uninsured next year is $95 or 1 percent of your income, whichever is higher. So if you make $75,000 a year and you decide to go without insurance, the penalty will be $750. There are a number of things you can do to avoid having to pay it, from deliberately getting your utilities shut off to under-withholding taxes from your paycheck so that they don’t have a refund from which to take out the penalty. But that number is what will go on the books at the Internal Revenue Service, not the $95 you’ve probably heard.
If the exchanges don’t work, as a last resort, we can always get people signed up through call centers. It’s true, there are call centers. But the computer systems at the call centers for states running the insurance exchanges are the same as the computer systems thatconsumers are having such a hard time with. A nice woman at a federal call center told me that (at least for the state of Florida, where my in-laws live) there is an alternate procedure: They can fill out a manual application in PDF format. But she also told me that it takes three weeks for that application to be mailed to your house. After you receive it, you check the application to ensure it’s accurate, and then mail it in. One to two weeks later, you will be notified of your subsidy eligibility. Then you can actually enroll in a plan, though she wasn’t quite clear on how that part would work -- do you call back again? 

MSNBC Panel Denounces ‘Secrecy,’ ‘Lies’ of Obamacare Rollout: ‘It’s Almost Criminal’

Morning Joe panel roundly condemned the rollout of the Affordable Care Act federal exchanges Monday morning, calling the malfunctioning websites “outrageous” and “unacceptable,” and accusing the website developer of incompetence and Health and Human Services of deliberately misleading the public.
“The roll-out is unacceptable,” regular guest Mark Halperin said. “The secrecy is unacceptable. It begins with not saying how many people have enrolled. I don’t understand why they can’t release that figure on a rolling basis. But in addition, you search in vain for answers to lots of questions. Tom Costello, lots of other reporters have asked them every day for basic information. When governments are in crisis, they withhold information, and sometimes they don’t tell the truth.”
“I’m not being ideological,” co-host Joe Scarborough said. “These people want to run our health care system, and they want to be the grand organizers of what’s most important to most Americans over the age of thirty-five or forty. And yet they’re not telling us what’s going wrong with our system that theywant to run?”
Mike Barnicle went one further. “They’re lying about it now,” he said. “They’re not depriving us of information, they are outright lying…about the numbers of who have enrolled, the numbers who have made the process complete, the numbers of people who have actually signed up, a couple others things. The larger point is they keep using the word, ‘unacceptable.’ This is not unacceptable, this is outrageous.”
“Up until recently, they didn’t realize how bad this was going to go out,” Huffington Post’Sam Steinsaid. “No one beta tested the site, which is almost criminal, when you think about it. The president was caught off-guard, which is really unfortunate and also really kind of messed up. So you need someone who brings accountability to the process; I wouldn’t be surprised if a few people lost their jobs. But this starts with basically explaining to Congress and to the American public what went wrong. I think that’s a very low bar for the administration to hit.”
Watch the full segment below, via MSNBC:

Illegal Aliens Hear of U.S. “Credible Fear” Asylum on Facebook

As if Obama’s backdoor amnesty wasn’t bad enough, the administration is also quietly granting thousands of illegal immigrants “asylum” when they claim to have a “credible fear” of returning to their native country.

Officially foreigners can seek asylum under five categories, based on fear of persecution over race, religion, nationality, political opinions or membership in a particular social group. A chunk of the illegal aliens getting asylum hearings are entering the U.S. through Mexico, but they come from as far away as Africa and Asia, according to Homeland Security officials cited in a mainstream newspaper report.

Last year 27,546 migrants made credible fear claims after entering the U.S. illegally compared to 10,730 the previous year. In 2008 only 3,273 illegal aliens claimed fear to get asylum, according to federal data cited in the story. If this pattern continues, the number will continue to rise steadily through President Obama’s second term, likely making this yet another form of stealth amnesty.  

Clearly, word has spread among illegal border crossers that claiming to have a fear of returning home is a good way to avoid deportation. One veteran immigration lawyer in Texas says “it’s like the magic word. Say it and the government has to give you a credible-fear hearing.” Immigration judges eventually reject most of the asylum petitions, but many of the illegal aliens are freed on bail and use the lengthy process to vanish in the U.S.

Here is one of the cases featured in the story; a 21-year-old Honduran man, who entered the U.S. illegally through Mexico, was granted an asylum hearing after claiming that returning to Honduras would be a mortal risk because he witnessed a double homicide and feared the killers would target him. Border Patrol agents had spotted the illegal alien floating across the Rio Grande in an inflatable raft and he should have been immediately deported.

Instead federal authorities determined that he had a “credible fear” case, which allowed him to remain in the U.S. for asylum proceedings, which often take months. So, how did this particular illegal alien hear about the asylum procedures? He says he learned about it on Facebook while he still lived in Honduras and from the U.S. government’s immigration website.

Another illegal border crosser, a 19-year-old man from Ecuador, heard about the credible fear line while he was in federal custody. He got busted by Border Patrol officers a few minutes after crossing into the U.S. through Mexico and was sent to a detention facility. He requested a credible fear interview after hearing about it from cellmates and claimed his father accused him of breaking up his marriage and therefore wanted to kill him. Authorities released the Ecuadorean and allowed him to move in with an aunt in New York while he waits for further hearings.

In yet another unbelievable case cited in the news story, a 42-year-old man from Bangladesh flew to South America and made it to the Texas border with a Mexican smuggler. Authorities are allowing him to live in a halfway house while he waits for his asylum hearings. His credible fear claim is that he was persecuted for being a member of a political party that lost national elections.

[VIDEO] Chuck Todd: 'They're Going to Have to Find a Fall Person' for ObamaCare, 'Sebelius Is Very Nervous'

NBC chief White House correspondent Chuck Todd made a strong statement Sunday about the administration needing "a fall person" if the ObamaCare website continues to fail.
Appearing on Meet the Press, Todd said, "Kathleen Sebelius is very nervous about her standing with the president" (video follows with transcript and commentary):
DAVID GREGORY, HOST: Obamacare, just a few seconds, how does the president try to change this trajectory? He's going to be talking tomorrow.
CHUCK TODD: Well, there's a couple things. I think one, if all else fails, they're going to have to find a fall person, somebody, and say, "You know what? This didn't work. Fire somebody. Maybe high profile." Kathleen Sebelius is very nervous about her standing with the president. Who knows what happens? But that would be the ultimate sort of, "If all else fails, bring in somebody to quote unquote, 'Fix this.'"
Notice that Todd said "fall person" and not "fall guy."
Via: Newsbusters

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Navy's Largest Destroyer Going into the Water in Maine

BATH, Maine (AP) — After embarrassing troubles with its latest class of surface warships, the Navy is hoping for a winner from a new destroyer that's ready to go into the water.
So far, construction of the first-in-class Zumwalt, the largest U.S. Navy destroyer ever built, is on time and on budget, something that's a rarity in new defense programs, officials said. And the Navy believes the ship's big gun, stealthy silhouette and advance features will make it a formidable package.
The christening of the ship bearing the name of the late Adm. Elmo "Bud" Zumwalt was canceled a week ago because of the federal government shutdown. Without fanfare, the big ship will be moved to dry dock and floated in the coming days.
Meanwhile, the public christening ceremony featuring Zumwalt's two daughters will be rescheduled for the spring.
Adm. Zumwalt served in destroyers during World War II and was awarded a Bronze Star for valor at the Battle of Leyte Gulf. As the nation's youngest chief of naval operations, appointed at age 49 by President Richard Nixon, he fought to end racial discrimination and allowed women to serve on ships for the first time.
Like its namesake, the ship is innovative.

Redneck, Inc: The Duck Dynasty Story

Way out Jonesboro Road in West Monroe, Louisiana, past all the Baptist churches, past the Jack Fluck realty signs, past the Guns & Gifts store, past the dog playing dead in the middle of the road, you will find Phil Robertson in the ramshackle house where he's lived with his wife, Miss Kay, for the past 37 years – a born-again, God-loving, God-fearing bayou couple if ever there was one – and maybe his gap-toothed brother, Si, too, and his boys, WillieJase, and Jep. One thing is for sure: They'll mostly all be dressed in full duck-hunting camouflage regalia and wearing headbands to restrain their long, knotted hair but letting their long, freaky beards fly free. All of them will probably have gotten ready for the day the same way Phil has – "There's not a lot of personal hygiene going on," he says; specifically, no brushing of the teeth (that being reserved for nighttime), no combing of the hair, no flossing of the teeth, no shower, no face washing, no deodorant – and they will all look slightly dazed and bewildered by the success of their A&E TV show, Duck Dynasty, which is about them, their wives, and their incredibly lucrative duck-call business.
Phil, 67, flips up the footrest on his camo-patterned, extrawide La-Z-Boy recliner, wiggles his toes in the air, tells the rat terrier named Bobo to hush, and says, "We're trying to infuse a little good into a culture in which gentleness, patience, kindness, self-control, love, joy, and peace have become abnormal."
Si, 65, is sitting next to him, sipping tea from the blue Tupperware cup his mother sent him while he was serving in Vietnam and that has since become nearly as famous as he has. "Sad," he says, shaking his head.
"Very sad," says Phil. "I go out into America and I am literally navigating a minefield. Godliness has become abnormal. I just left California, where I spoke to 40,000 altogether. I told them I was a Bible man. I told them I believe that in the beginning, God created the heavens and the Earth. 'What's he trying to say? That I can't sleep with anybody I want? Is this guy crazy?' Then they see a little family structure on TV – us – and the show goes ballistic. Thousands and thousands of people have thanked us. Isn't that right, Si?"
Si bobs his head and says, "Yeah."


President Obama boasted last week that he had signed legislation to lift “the twin threats” to our economy of government shutdown and default. But what was done to fix the problem of growing debt that leads Washington to repeatedly raise the debt ceiling?
Nothing. In fact, by Friday, the U.S. debt had rocketed past $17 trillion.
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What does this mean?
  • At $17 trillion, this number has passed total U.S. gross domestic product (GDP), the measure of all that is produced in the economy.
  • Since Obama took office, the national debt has increased from about $10.6 trillion to more than $17 trillion—a 60 percent increase.
How quickly Obama changed his tune when he transitioned from Senator to President. Here’s what he said just a few years ago:
The fact that we are here today to debate raising America’s debt limit is a sign of leadership failure. It is a sign that the U.S. Government can’t pay its own bills. It is a sign that we now depend on ongoing financial assistance from foreign countries to finance our Government’s reckless fiscal policies. (Senator Barack Obama, March 16, 2006)
Via: The Foundry

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