Friday, October 25, 2013

[VIDEO] BOOM! Megyn Kelly Does Killer Report on ObamaCare’s Broken Promises

Are ObamaCare's promises panning out?
Insurance customers see an increase in premiums, cancellations


MEGYN KELLY, FOX NEWS HOSR: In the midst of the troubled health care roll out the president and Democrats have assured the American people that the law itself remains a good one. In fact the law was passed based on the same promise and many, many others, but are they panning out?
BARACK OBAMA, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA: You've got health insurance. You like your doctor, your plan, keep can keep your doctor. You can keep your plan -- you like your doctor or health care provider, you can keep them.
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Everybody will have lower rates.
PRESIDENT OBAMA: If you like your doctor, you will be able to keep your doctor, period. This is for people who have health insurance. You will save money -- if you like your health care plan you will be able to keep your health care plan, period.
SENATOR HARRY REID (D), MAJORITY LEADER: Obamacare has been wonderful for America.
Via: Fox News
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Americans voting with their 'feet' on Obamacare

This Reuters headline is not good news for the administration:
Frustrated by, some consumers buy off exchange
Americans are abandoning the site and buying insurance the old fashioned way; calling the companies directly.
Since its launch on October 1, technical problems have stalled, the website meant to help millions of uninsured Americans sign up for coverage as part of the biggest U.S. social program since Medicare plans for the elderly launched in the 1960s.
Nearly a dozen insurance companies offering plans on the exchange who were interviewed by Reuters say they have received at most a trickle of enrollments through the federal marketplace serving 36 states, some of them with errors that require the insurers to separately verify information about applicants.
At the same time, consumer inquiries at insurance company call centers and websites are up, in some case even double the amount of normal traffic. When they hear from potential customers who appear to qualify for government subsidized plans, they take phone numbers, create shopping baskets for the plans they like and send them to to verify eligibility.
But if the shoppers do not qualify for a subsidy, insurers say they sell them a plan directly. More often than not, those plans are individual policies that are not available on the government-run exchange.

Via: American Thinker

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Dem: Obama should consider stopping all deportations of illegal immigrants

President Obama "has the responsibility" to stop deportations of illegal immigrants if Congress proves unable to pass a comprehensive immigration bill, Rep. Luis Gutierrez (D-Ill.) argued in an interview published Friday.
"There are devastating effects if the Congress of the United States cannot enact comprehensive immigration reform – then the president of the United States has the responsibility to act to defend those immigrants which he says he wants to provide safety and justice for," Gutierrez told Salon.
In 2012, the Obama administration announced it would stop deporting some illegal immigrants who entered the United States as children if they enrolled in either college or the military and did not break any laws. 
Gutierrez said the president should "definitely look at" expanding that policy to all 11 million immigrants who have entered the country illegally, if efforts to reform the nation's laws remain stymied in the Republican-controlled House.
"I think that those who call on the President of the United States to re-evaluate his actions on the dreamers and expand it — I think that’s something the President of the United States should definitely look at, and begin to evaluate how he brings that about," he said. "I think he should think about that."

In an interview with Telemundo in September, the president said that advocates of immigration reform shouldn't expect him to use prosecutorial discretion to address the issue if Congress is unable to agree to reform legislation.

Obama said doing so would mean "essentially … ignoring the law" and would be "very difficult to defend legally."

Obamacare Website Should Be Fixed by December


Obamacare’s hobbled health-insurance exchange will be fixed by December, according to the management consultant asked to salvage the website. It’s the first time the administration has given a timeline for correcting the flaws.

The project’s management has been reorganized, with a lead contractor taking over for the site, Jeffrey Zients told reporters on a conference call today in his first public comments since President Barack Obama assigned him the job this week. The contractor wasn’t named and it wasn’t clear whether those previously in charge, including Henry Chao, the deputy chief information officer at the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, would remain as managers.

CMS had been acting as its own “system integrator,” coordinating the work of 55 contractors and supervising testing before the site went live Oct. 1. Since opening for business this month, the site has been plagued by technical problems, including delays, error messages and hang-ups that have prevented many customers from completing their enrollment.

The website,, was intended as the main portal for millions of uninsured Americans in 36 states to gain coverage from the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010. Ten Democratic senators led by Jeanne Shaheen of New Hampshire called on the Obama administration to extend the health law’s first open-enrollment period, now scheduled to end March 31.

“As long as these substantial technology glitches persist, we are losing valuable time to educate and enroll people in insurance plans,” the senators wrote.

Via: Newsmax

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Obama team hits the road to promote health law as site struggles

While President Obama's tech team hunkers down to try fixing the ailing website, a cadre of the president's closest advisers are closely following the crisis script -- by hitting the campaign trail. 
Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius, instead of testifying at a hearing on Thursday, visited an ObamaCare call center in Phoenix where she also rebuffed Republican calls for her resignation. 
"The majority of people calling for me to resign I would say are people who I don't work for, and who do not want this program to work in the first place," she said. 
On Friday, Sebelius was visiting San Antonio and Austin. 
Republican Texas Sen. John Cornyn questioned why she was there. "If she's still confused about who exactly she works for and if she hasn't come ready to answer questions about why hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars have been wasted on a botched product, she might as well not visit," he said in a statement. 
The visits are part of a multi-city tour by White House officials and Cabinet secretaries to "directly reach uninsured Americans." They are hitting up cities with high rates of uninsured, where they will encourage people to sign up. 
Via: Fox News
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The Democrats' Freak-Out About ObamaCare Has Begun

featured-imgFrustrated with the disastrous rollout of, the Democratic coalition is beginning to crack slightly on the Affordable Care Act.

Sen. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.), a frequent critic of the health care law, is preparing to introduce legislation that would delay Obamacare's individual mandate by a year. Other Senate Democrats are going to push for an extension of open enrollment in the exchanges. And House Democrats are openly venting their frustrations.
Manchin appeared on Fox News' "The O'Reilly Factor" Wednesday night to discuss his plan, and he said there that he'd be open to working with Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.).

"I came here to fix things," Manchin said. "Affordable health care was never meant to be, if you've got insurance now you're going to have to buy insurance that's more costly and not as good. That has to be fixed."
Manchin said he wouldn't attach his name to Rubio's legislation, which would delay the mandate's penalties until six months after the  Government Accountability Office (GAO) certifies that the online exchanges are functional.

Manchin's willingness to look at tweaks to the law is nothing new. He said in September that he would support  a year-long delay in the individual mandate — he just didn't support that being part of negotiations surrounding the federal government shutdown.

In fact, if there were any senator Democrats were worried about breaking off from the caucus during the debates, it was Manchin. He told Bill O'Reilly that he thinks he can get the votes for his plan, but no other Democrats have come out publicly in support.

Via: Fox News
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CBS: Obamacare Enrollment Trends Threatening Program’s Structure

California:The Betrayal of Taxpayers

At the end of September, Assembly Bill 8 was signed by Governor Brown and became law. This is horrible news for taxpayers because California motorists will now be paying $2.3 billion in additional taxes and charges. Adding insult to injury, taxpayers will find their hard earned dollars being used to subsidize programs such as the purchase of all electric cars, like the Tesla that, even with the taxpayer provided discount, can be afforded only by a handful of wealthy individuals. Money will also be lavished on the hydrogen network designed to service vehicles of which, about 250 currently exist.
The bill for ordinary California drivers may not be immediately noticeable because these “surcharges” are buried in vehicle registration and charges for the disposal of tires and other auto services. But they are there nonetheless and, like a death by a thousand cuts, working class Californians are paying for questionable programs that citizens in other states simply don’t have to suffer.
With all the burdens Sacramento imposes on taxpayers — we already have the highest state sales in all 50 states, the highest marginal income tax rate and the highest gas tax — these additional taxes may not get much attention from the general public — at least not at first.
But the real problem for taxpayers with the approval of this kind of legislation runs much deeper than its immediate cost because it was passed in the Legislature using the technique of bribing unconvinced lawmakers to vote yes by offering the prospect of reduced regulation on businesses important to those lawmakers’ districts. Nine Republicans, who usually put taxpayers’ interests first, were persuaded to support AB 8 by the lure of reduced regulations.
While the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association believes that business is shouldering an unreasonable burden of regulations, especially compared to other states, these regulations should be judged individually on their merits. The offer of reform should not be used by the majority party to solicit payoffs — higher taxes — in return for doing the right thing.
However, against type, it is Republicans in the Capitol who provided the votes to guarantee this bad legislation became law. And it is not the first time. Sadly, we are sensing a trend. Last year, the Legislature placed a new one percent tax on the sale of lumber, with four Republicans providing the votes to put the measure over the top. Here, the bribe was that some restrictions on the timber industry would be lifted.

Bitterly clinging to Obamacare

Campaigning during his first presidential run over five years ago, then Senator Barack Obama (D-IL) was overheard at a private fund raiser among the extremely wealthy in San Francisco infamously stating: 
You go into these small towns in Pennsylvania and, like a lot of small towns in the Midwest, the jobs have been gone now for 25 years and nothing's replaced them. And they fell through the Clinton administration, and the Bush administration, and each successive administration has said that somehow these communities are gonna regenerate and they have not.
And it's not surprising then they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy toward people who aren't like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations.
So how is the now President Obama (still D) helping these bitter clingers?  He's not.  As a matter of fact he is making their lives worse with Obamacare and his other laws and policies.  As the New York Times discovered about the (Un)Affordable Care Act.

Rep. Renee Ellmers introduces bill to protect Americans from Obamacare fines

The name of the legislation — the “Fairness in Failed Federal Exchanges Act” — gives a pretty good idea why Rep. Renee Ellmers (R-N.C.) thinks that Americans should have a reprieve from Obamacare fines, at least until the system is proved to be up and running as intended. We’re guessing today’s testimony from contractor CGI Federal didn’t do much to reassure her that was going to happen any time soon, or even next year.

In short, the legislation would exempt individuals from paying the Obamacare noncompliance fine in 2014 and beyond if they attest that they’ve been unable to enroll in an exchange due to technical problems. Ellmers issued a brief but stern statement that included the word “trainwreck”:
The American people deserve a reprieve from the failures of the Obama administration and should not be penalized because the White House can’t build a functioning website. That’s why today I have introduced legislation that will provide a way out of this mess and offer some sanity to the pathetic rollout of this terrible law. The Fairness in Failed Federal Exchange Act will exempt people from the individual mandate penalty and protect them from facing unjust fines and penalties because of this trainwreck.
Via: Twitchy

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CBS Video: Obamcare Takes Away Woman's Health Care Choices

A new CBS report highlights the story of Natalie Willes, "one of the millions of Americans who already have private health insurance but whose policies do not comply with the Affordable Care Act."
Watch the video here.
"I was completely happy with the insurance I had before," Willes tells CBS. "Now I'm being forced to choose from a bunch of new plans that I don't want to choose from that are all more expensive."
The report shows a clip of President Obama saying at a rally in 2010 that "if you like your insurance plan, you will keep it."
Is it possible to characterize the president's promise as anything other than intentionally misleading?

Sebelius NOT Fired? But This Single Mom ObamaCare Operator Is? FacebookTwitter Share Email SEAN'S RADIO INTERVIEW WITH THE OBAMACARE OPERATOR (BEGIN VIDEO CLIP) PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA: We updated the website's homepage to offer more information about the other avenues to enroll in affordable health care until the online option works for everybody. So you will find information about how to talk to a specialist who can help you apply over the phone. (END VIDEO CLIP) SEAN HANNITY, FOX NEWS HOST: That was President Obama on Monday urging people who were trying to sign up for Obamacare and couldn't get online to call the hotline. On my radio program we took the president, we took his advice, we called the number he gave out, and a very nice, very pleasant woman named Earline Davis picked up and answered every question we had, was very patient. Here is part of the conversation. (BEGIN VIDEO CLIP) HANNITY: Hello? EARLINE DAVIS, FIRED OBAMACARE OPERATOR: My name is Earline Davis. How may I help you? HANNITY: You're on the radio with Sean Hannity. Is it Eileen? DAVIS: Earline. I'm the health care marketplace call center. HANNITY: That's who I want to call. You're on the radio. Is that OK with you? You have to say yes if you want to be on. DAVIS: It's OK. Yes, sir.


PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA: We updated the website's homepage to offer more information about the other avenues to enroll in affordable health care until the online option works for everybody. So you will find information about how to talk to a specialist who can help you apply over the phone.
SEAN HANNITY, FOX NEWS HOST: That was President Obama on Monday urging people who were trying to sign up for Obamacare and couldn't get online to call the hotline. On my radio program we took the president, we took his advice, we called the number he gave out, and a very nice, very pleasant woman named Earline Davis picked up and answered every question we had, was very patient. Here is part of the conversation.
EARLINE DAVIS, FIRED OBAMACARE OPERATOR: My name is Earline Davis. How may I help you?
HANNITY: You're on the radio with Sean Hannity. Is it Eileen?
DAVIS: Earline. I'm the health care marketplace call center.
HANNITY: That's who I want to call. You're on the radio. Is that OK with you? You have to say yes if you want to be on.
DAVIS: It's OK. Yes, sir.

Via: Fox News 
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New columnist for New York Times is anti-Israel conspiracist

In addition to your daily dose of liberal invective, you will now get a monthly infusion of anti-Israel conspiracy on the New York Times opinion page.
Earlier this month, the New York Times announced that it had hired Egyptian novelist Alaa Al-Aswany to write a monthly column for the paper. But according to Egypt scholar Eric Trager of the Washington Institute for Near East Policy, Al-Aswany buys into the conspiratorial notion that a cabal of Jews controls American leaders.
Writing in the New Republic, Trager explains that Al-Aswany has been able to cultivate an image of himself in the West as an enlightened liberal who ardently opposed the dictatorial regime of former Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak. But his more nefarious views have largely been hidden from the West’s view because Al-Aswany most often expresses them in Arabic, says Trager.
For instance, notes Trager, Al-Aswany declared earlier this year on Egyptian television that President Obama is prevented from “go[ing] against Israel’s desire” by a “massive Zionist organization” that “rules America.”
Al-Aswany also holds the bizarre conspiratorial view that the United States supported the virulently anti-Semitic and anti-Israel Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt in order to help Israel.
“[T]he United States supports the Muslim Brotherhood to reassure Israel,” Al-Aswany said on Egyptian television earlier this year, Trager reports.
“The Zionist John McCain, one of the biggest defenders of Israel, threatens Egypt if it does not release [Brotherhood leader] Shater immediately. The only explanation is that Brotherhood rule is in the interest of Israel,” Al-Aswany tweeted, according to Trager’s translation.
Though Al-Aswany himself supported Muslim Brotherhood-backed candidate Mohammed Morsi in the 2012 Egyptian presidential election, he has become a vocal supporter of the military-backed regime that took power as result of last summer’s coup.

Administration Grants Itself 3-Month Exemption from Individual Mandate

Kathleen Sebelius and Barack ObamaThe Obama administration is granting itself a three-month exemption from the Obamacare mandate that requires individuals to buy health insurance—even though the exemption, as written into the law itself, was plainly intended to provide forbearance to individual citizens who failed to meet the mandate, not to an incompetent administration that has failed to effectively implement the law.
In July, the administration similarly unilaterally suspended for one year the Obamacare mandate that requires large employers to provide insurance to their workers.
In neither case did President Obama seek congressional action to change the terms of the law--even though Article 1 Section 3 of the Constitution says the president "shall take care that the laws be faithfully executed."
“The Obama administration said Wednesday night that it will give Americans who buy health insurance through the new online marketplaces an extra six weeks to obtain coverage before they incur a penalty,” the Washington Post reported on Thursday.
“The announcement means that those who buy coverage through the exchange will have until March 31 to sign up for a plan, according to an official with the Department of Health and Human Services,” said the Post.
“The law also says that people will be fined only if they do not have coverage for three months in a row,” says the Post.
However, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act expressly mandates that individuals “shall” have government-approved health care coverage by January 2014, or else pay a fine. It then extends an exemption to the individual mandate to certain classes of people and also provides exemptions from the Obamacare penalty to individuals under certain circumstances—including those who have a continuous coverage gap of three months or less in any year after the mandate kicks in in January 2014.
Via: CNS News
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Lawsuit: Colorado ILLEGALLY funded Planned Parenthood since 2009

Former Colorado Lt. Gov. Jane Norton is suing Rocky Mountain Planned Parenthood, the governor of Colorado and two of his appointees, claiming that Planned Parenthood has been illegally receiving taxpayer dollars since 2009.
Norton claims the state has spent as much as $14 million on the organization in that time, in violation of both the state constitution barring public funds from being used for abortion services as well as an order to end payments to Planned Parenthood that she made when she was executive director of the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE).
In addition to Planned Parenthood, Gov. John Hickenlooper, current CDPHE director Larry Wolk and Colorado Department of Health Care Policy and Finance director Susan Birch are named as defendants.
As health department director in 2001, Norton suspected that Planned Parenthood was using some of the public money given to it by the state to directly or indirectly fund abortion, which is specifically prohibited by a 1984 amendment to the state constitution.
An independent audit of the organization found it didn’t properly separate state funds from those used to help pay the rent for affiliated organizations that provide abortions.
As a result, Norton canceled a 24-year contract with Planned Parenthood that required state funds be separately maintained and accounted from those used for abortion services.
“If Planned Parenthood wants to accept state tax dollars, it is their responsibility to demonstrate that they comply with the state constitution,” the director of the health department’s office of legal affairs said in a 2001 press release included as an exhibit in Norton’s lawsuit.
Her order cutting off state funds was ignored beginning in January 2009, the lawsuit alleges, and the women’s health organization has been receiving state funds ever since.
Via: Daily Caller
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O'Reilly Talking Points DEVASTATES The Obama Presidency

On Thursday's O'Reilly Factor, host Bill O'Reilly criticized President Obama for failing to hold accountable those individuals who hold responsibility for the various scandals that have plagued the administration.
O'Reilly discussed the IRS targeting debacle, the September 11, 2012 attack on the United States' consulate in Benghazi, Libya, among other incidents:

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