Friday, November 1, 2013

Obamacare: Unfair to the young middle class, punished enough already

The Obama administration came out with a report Monday arguing that 1 million single adults between the ages of 18 and 35 will be eligible for an Obamacare insurance plan costing less than $50 a month.
That’s news to me.
I’m a healthy 34-year-old with a taxable income hovering right around the Obamacare subsidy level who, for the last several years, has purchased a relatively inexpensive catastrophic health insurance plan from Blue Shield. I get to see the doctor four times a year for a $30 co-pay, and I won’t have to spend the rest of my life working off the debt if I get hit by a bus.
Last month, however, I received a letter from my insurance company informing me that my plan was “no longer available” due to “new requirements for health coverage under the Affordable Care Act.” I am being funneled into the closest equivalent plan under the new California health exchange, and my monthly premium is going to rise by nearly 43% to $214 a month.  
My old plan was as bare-bones as they came, so I assumed that even though the new plan would cost more, my coverage would improve under Obamacare, at least marginally.
It did not.
Under my old plan, my maximum out-of-pocket expense was $4,900. Under the new plan, I’m on the hook for up to $6,350. Copays for my doctor visits will double. For urgent-care visits, they will quadruple. Though slightly cheaper plans exist if I decide to shop around on the exchange, I will lose my dental coverage should I switch.
Needless to say, I am not pleased.  
Most young, middle-class Americans I know are happy that millions of previously uninsured people will receive free or heavily subsidized insurance under the Affordable Care Act.
We just didn’t realize that, unless we had health insurance at work, we’d be the ones paying for it.

Pelosi: People getting their insurance cancelled for their own good

Another day, another slew of Democratic talking points on the disaster that is Obamacare. House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi sought to soothe the hurt feelings of people who were bumped off their insurance plans because of the law by making the startling claim that it's for their own good.
"While you might like your old plan, what you're going to get under the new plan is that [it does] not discriminate on the basis of pre-existing conditions, does not deny you a key benefit like ... maternal, mental health or prescription drug coverage and cannot drop you when you are sick," Pelosi said during a press conference in the Capitol. 
"These are part of the 'patients' bill of rights,' which is a vast improvement over other plans."
Pelosi said the sharp rise in medical costs, combined with the transient nature of the individual insurance market, would eventually have forced people out of their individual plans - ObamaCare or none.
"No matter what people say about whether they like their plan or not, their plan was not going to be their plan," she said. "Everybody's premiums were going up."
Via: American Thinker

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Book Details Obama Aides’ Talks About Replacing Biden on 2012 Ticket

President Obama’s top aides secretly considered replacing Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. with Hillary Rodham Clinton on the 2012 ticket, undertaking extensive focus-group sessions and polling in late 2011 when Mr. Obama’s re-election outlook appeared uncertain.
Pool photo by Martin H. Simon
President Obama with Hillary Rodham Clinton and Orrin G. Hatch in 2010. Obama aides decided that putting Mrs. Clinton on the 2012 ticket would not offer a significant boost, a book says.

Via: New York Times

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The aides concluded that despite Mrs. Clinton’s popularity, the move would not offer a significant enough political boost to Mr. Obama to justify such a radical move, according to a newly published account of the 2012 race.
The idea of replacing Mr. Biden with Mrs. Clinton had long been rumored, but the journalists Mark Halperin and John Heilemann, in their new book, “Double Down,” provide a detailed description of the effort inside the senior circle of Obama advisers. It was pushed by the chief of staff at the time, William M. Daley, despite the close personal rapport Mr. Daley had developed with Mr. Biden, a fellow Irish Catholic and veteran of Washington politics.
“When the research came back near the end of the year, it suggested that adding Clinton to the ticket wouldn’t materially improve Obama’s odds,” the authors write in their sequel to “Game Change,” which chronicled the 2008 campaign. “Biden had dodged a bullet he never saw coming — and never would know anything about, if the Obamans could keep a secret.

Breaking: Docs Show ONLY 6 People Signed Up For Obamacare On Day 1

FOX News' Megyn Kelly reported that documents released by the House Oversight & Government Reform Committee, chaired by Rep. Darrell Issa (R-Calif.), show that a total of six Americans signed up for Obamacare on Day 1.
Watch below, from The Kelly File:

In first month, the vast majority of Obamacare sign-ups are in Medicaid

The cast on Cathey Park's hand is seen after US President Barack Obama autographed on it which reads
The first month of the new health law’s rollout reveals an unexpected pattern in several states: a crush of people applying for an expansion of Medicaid and a trickle of sign-ups for private insurance.
This early imbalance — in some places, nine out of 10 enrollees are in Medicaid — has taken some experts by surprise. The Affordable Care Act, which expanded Medicaid to cover millions of the poorest Americans who couldn’t otherwise afford coverage, envisions a more even split with an expanded, robust private market.
“When we first saw the numbers, everyone’s eyes kind of bugged out,” said Matt Salo, who runs the National Association of Medicaid Directors. “Of the people walking through the door, 90 percent are on Medicaid. We’re thinking, what planet is this happening on?”
The yawning gap between public and private enrollment is handing Republicans yet another line of criticism against President Obama’s health overhaul — that the law is primarily becoming an expansion of a costly entitlement program.
Supporters, however, caution against reading too much into the early numbers. Some of the states that set up their own exchanges, including Maryland, are suffering Web site glitches similar to those of the national system, and that is delaying private plan enrollments.

War on Halloween? The Five Rails Against ‘Costume Correctness’

Thanks to Fox News, we know there’s a War on Christmas. And we’re pretty there’s a War on Easter. But what about Halloween? Today on The FiveEric Bolling kicked off a discussion about an epidemic of “costume correctness” that may just be sweeping the nation this year.
Bolling reported that a medical center in Kentucky is requiring all of their employees to attend a sensitivity training course after someone came to a Halloween party dressed as President Obama in a straight jacket. And, Pottery Barn had to apologize for selling Asian-themed costumes that some found “culturally offensive.”
Dana Perino pointed out that when she was White House press secretary her boss George W. Bush was the most popular mask in America. “It was not a compliment and nobody had to go to diversity training.” None of the hosts could comprehend what was wrong with the Pottery Barn costumes, with Greg Gutfeld saying “it only takes one complaint” to make “skittish” companies apologies.
Perino urged President Obama to come out and say, “Guys, wear whatever you want. Halloween is Halloween.”
Bolling added that it would be even better of Obama made that announcement while wearing a Bush mask.
Watch video below, via Fox News:

Thursday, October 31, 2013

White House celebrates Halloween

US NEWS WHITEHOUSE-HALLOWEEN 9 ABAFirst Lady Michelle Obama is handing out more than fruit this Halloween.
The White House will give out White House M&Ms, jelly beans, a serving of dried fruit and a White House sweet dough butter cookie made by White House Executive Pastry Chef Bill Yosses.
The White House and grounds will be decorated with 185 pumpkins carved by volunteers, topiaries of the dogs dressed up in costume for the holiday – “Bo” as a pirate and “Sunny” as a sunflower.
More than 5,000 people, including local schoolchildren and children of military families, are expected to visit the White House Thursday night. Last year's event was canceled after Hurricane Sandy hit.
As the trick-or-treaters make their way across the South Lawn to the South Portico they will be entertained by the Black Bear Combo brass band from Chicago playing Halloween music and spooked by in-costume actors and volunteers.

Read more here:

Pentagon training manual: white males have unfair advantages

toddstarnes.jpgA controversial 600-plus page manual used by the military to train its Equal Opportunity officers teaches that "healthy, white, heterosexual, Christian" men hold an unfair advantage over other races, and warns in great detail about a so-called "White Male Club."
“Simply put, a healthy, white, heterosexual, Christian male receives many unearned advantages of social privilege, whereas a black, homosexual, atheist female in poor health receives many unearned disadvantages of social privilege,” reads a statement in the manual created by the Defense Equal Opportunity Management Institute (DEOMI).
The manual, which was obtained by Fox News, also instructs troops to “support the leadership of people of color. Do this consistently, but not uncritically,” the manual states.
The military manual goes into great detail about a so-called “White Male Club.”
The Equal Opportunity Advisor Student Guide is the textbook used during a three month DEOMI course taught at Patrick Air Force Base in Florida. Individuals who attend the training lead Equal Opportunity briefings on military installations around the nation.
The 637-page manual covers a wide range of issues from racism and religious diversity to cultural awareness, extremism and white privilege.

Obama’s 16 words

Remember George W. Bush’s “16 words” in his 2003 State of the Union address making the case for military action in Iraq? Sen. John Kerry charged that Bush “hoodwinked the American people.” Sen. Hillary Clinton said Bush “misled” the country. And Sen. Barack Obama accused the White House of “shading intelligence reports to support its case.”
Well, now it seems President Obama has his own 16 words to answer for: “If you like your health care plan, you’ll be able to keep your health care plan.” (Actually, it was a little more than 16 words if you include what the president said next: “Period. No one will take it away. No matter what.”)
Obama attempted to move the goal posts i nhis speech in Boston’s Faneuil Hall Wednesday, declaring that if you like your current health plan, “For the vast majority. . . you can keep it.” Sorry, he didn’t say “the vast majority” back in 2009. He said you can keep your plan. Period. No matter what.
Indeed, Obama repeated this promise on at least 24 separate occasions — before and after the law went into effect. It was critical to his case. Without his 16-word pledge that no one would lose his or her health plans, Obamacare might never have become law.
But Obama’s 16 words were untrue. Across the country, Americans are now seeing their health plans discontinued — and experts say the cancellations could eventually reach 16 millionAs one woman in California who got a cancellation letter from her insurer told the Los Angeles Times, “All we’ve been hearing the last three years is if you like your policy you can keep it . . . I’m infuriated because I was lied to.”

Google, Oracle Engineers Enlisted for Obamacare Tech Surge

Image: Google, Oracle Engineers Enlisted for Obamacare Tech SurgeGoogle Inc., Red Hat Inc., Oracle Corp. and other technology companies are contributing dozens of computer engineers and programmers to help the Obama administration fix the U.S. health-insurance exchange website.

The help is arriving as the government’s main site for medical coverage remains plagued by repeated outages a month after its Oct. 1 debut. Michael Dickerson, a site reliability engineer on leave from Google, and Greg Gershman, innovation director for smartphone application maker Mobomo, are among those helping, the Obama administration said today.

“They are working through the analytics of what happens on the site to prioritize what needs to be fixed,” Julie Bataille, a spokeswoman for the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, told reporters on a conference call. Dickerson is working to improve the stability of the website, while Gershman is “helping the development process be more agile.”

The administration began touting a “tech surge” on Oct. 20, to cure the software and technology errors on the federal website that have prevented people from enrolling in health plans and insurers from collecting data. Kathleen Sebelius, the U.S. Health and Human Services secretary, apologized yesterday and said her agency has pulled in outside help to achieve “an optimally functioning” exchange by the end of November.

“I know it’s a very political topic,” Oracle Chief Executive Officer Larry Ellison said today at the software maker’s annual meeting. “As an information technology company we are doing everything we can to help.”
Redwood City, California-based Oracle is the world’s largest database-software maker.

Via: Newsmax

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Insurance Companies Profit from Obamacare

No one can reasonably deny that the major Insurance Companies were the driving force behind the writing of the Affordable Care Act legislation. “The health care industry spent nearly $500 million lobbying for health care issues in 2012, and $243 million so far in 2013.” Obamacare or Corporate-care: The Writing of the Affordable Care Act, sums up the process.
“Essentially, the ACA was designed to write the for-profit health care system into law, increase corporate profits, and to discourage people from demanding a health care system that would actually provide real health care coverage for all. The ACA wasn’t written to fix a broken system – it was written to ensure that the broken system would be kept in place. After all, from the standpoint of the health care industry, the system is working just fine for their profits.”
Since the public insurance providers are enjoying a jump in their stock values and a protected rise in premiums, the normal conclusion is that Obamacare is the big winner in the socialization of medicine. Before going any further, The Health Care Blog raises a curious issues regarding Obamacare in the article,Does Obamacare Limit Profits for Health Insurance Companies in Your State?
“The ACA imposes a minimum medical loss ratio (MLR) on all insurers. The MLR is the amount of money spent on covered person medical care divided by the total revenue received through premiums.
The ACA requires health insurers in the individual and small group market to spend 80 percent of their premiums (after subtracting taxes and regulatory fees) on medical costs. The corresponding figure for large groups is 85 percent.
Even though the MLR is a national law, it may not apply in your state. Why? Because many States are petitioning for a waiver.
Why did these States receive waivers? For a variety of reasons, but one of the reasons is due to the fact that some states have a less competitive medical market. Maine, for instance, requested a MLR of 65%. The reason was that State only has two large commercial insurers, Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield (with 49% of the market) and MEGA Life and Health Insurance Company (with 33% of the market).”

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