Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Don't believe the liberal spin. ObamaCare is sputtering.

This month, the Supreme Court may well deliver a fatal blow to ObamaCare in King vs. Burwell, by ruling that the health insurance subsidies handed out through federal exchanges in 36 states are illegal. Many liberals seem to think that the only thing preventing the president's crowning domestic achievement from becoming a rip-roaring success is this largely specious and semantic lawsuit. But here's the thing: ObamaCare is teetering due to its own internal contradictions that have nothing to do with the lawsuit.

ObamaCare's supporters would like everyone to believe that with now functioning, everything is just fine and dandy. Contrary to what the conservative press (which I guess would include me) has been saying about the many problems of ObamaCare, Vox's Ezra Klein declared last September that "in the real world, it's working." In February, his fellow Voxland inhabitant Sarah Kliff rattled off eight ways in which the law had proved its critics wrong.

But has it? Not really.

For starters, the exchanges have enrolled about 3 million fewer people than the Congressional Budget Office projected in 2010. And far fewer of the enrollees are from the ranks of the uninsured than hoped. Medicaid enrollment is lower too, for the simple reason that states refused to expand the program.

The core of President Obama's sales pitch to America was that the program, which he called the Affordable Care Act, would "bend the health care cost curve" and save an average family $2,500 on their premiums each year. How would it accomplish this feat? Essentially, he said, by forcing uninsured "free loaders" who show up in the emergency room to obtain free care to either buy (subsidized) coverage on the insurance exchange or sign up for the expanded Medicaid program. The point was that if they had coverage, they'd get cheaper care sooner in a doctor's office rather than more expensive care later in a hospital emergency room.

An Issue of Race or Police Under Siege? What Really Happened at This Texas Pool Party?

MEGYN KELLY, HOST, "THE KELLY FILE": Breaking tonight, angry protesters hitting the streets over what they call the latest incident of racist policing in America. What the folks in the middle of this mess say the video today seen by millions only tells part of the story.
Welcome to THE KELLY FILE, everyone. I'm Megyn Kelly. The Black Lives Matter protest group has tonight organized what they call a march for justice in McKinney, Texas just getting underway there. It started with the Friday evening party in McKinney that quickly went bad. Residents say a rowdy group of teens first started trespassing. Then began harassing the neighbors. Then the confrontation turned really ugly. With alleged racial slurs, fights and one police officer caught on camera. Now being held up as the latest in a media narrative about cops out of control. Here are parts of the video.
UNIDENTIFIED WOMAN: It was that guy. It was that guy.
UNIDENTIFIED MAN: Get on the ground.
UNIDENTIFIED MAN: I told you to stay.
Get down on the ground. (Bleep). (Bleep).
UNIDENTIFIED MAN: Sir, we just got here. Sir, we just came to a birthday party. Please.

Mayor 'disturbed' by lack of diversity in CPD command staff

Mayor John Cranley says he is disturbed by the lack of minorities in the city's police command staff. (FOX19 NOW/file)
          Mayor John Cranley says he is disturbed by the lack of minorities in the city's police command staff. (FOX19 NOW/file)
(Cincinnati, OH) Mayor John Cranley and the Sentinel Police Association want to change testing procedures used to determine promotions in the city's police department.
"Mayor Cranley is disturbed by the lack of diversity in the police department's command staff," reads a prepared statement from the mayor's office. "Of the three assistant chiefs, none are African-American; and of the 12 police captains, only one is African-American."
U.S. Census statistics indicate the city of Cincinnati's population is 49.3 percent Caucasian and 44.8 percent African-American, the statement reads.
A police department should reflect the city it serves to effectively police the community and to develop a good relationship with residents.
“We clearly need some diversity in our command staff to foster trust and cooperation with the community,” Cranley said. “For years, the Sentinels have said the way we test and grade the examination process for promotions is unfair.”
An upcoming vacancy in the captains' ranks will create an opportunity to add diversity in the command staff of the police department. Last week, Assistant Chief Paul Humphries announced he is leaving later this month for an out-of-state job.
".... not only will an assistant chief's position be filled due to a retirement, but presumably a captain's position will be vacated if a captain is promoted to assistant chief," the mayor's statement reads.
The Sentinels say they believe the lack of diversity stems from promotional tests that were written and graded by the command staff. They are calling for a fair test that is “double blind” – written and graded by outsiders, and graded anonymously.
Cranley agrees and asked city officials a few months ago to begin implementing the change.
"We just want a fair testing system. We believe that if we have a fair testing system, it will lead to greater diversity,” Mayor John Cranley said on Monday.
City Manager Harry Black – who is not related to the Sentinel president – is in the process of making changes to the promotional exam process. The new procedures will be used in the next round of captain's exams that will be administered soon.
“I want to thank the administration for listening to the Sentinels and me to develop a fairer method of testing,” Cranley said.
Cranley wants the city manager and Human Resources Director Georgetta Kelly to meet with the Sentinel's president again to discuss the new process and ensure the Sentinels' concerns are being adequately addressed.

NYPD Commish: Hard to Hire Black Cops Because ‘So Many Have Spent Time in Jail’

brattonAccording to New York City Police Commissioner Bill Bratton, the reason black males are underrepresented by the city’s police force is because so many would-be recruits have served jail time.
In an interview with The Guardian, Bratton addressed the gap by saying: “We have a significant population gap among African American males because so many of them have spent time in jail and, as such, we can’t hire them.”
Indeed, data updated by the New York Times earlier this year shows that the New York Police Department is 21 percentage points more white than its residents. Only 16% of the NYPD is black, while the city’s population is 23% black, suggesting a slight racial gap in the force. That being said, the NYPD is actually quite diverse compared to many other police departments, partially due to court-ordered mandates.
A complicating factor is what Bratton calls the “unfortunate consequences” of an explosion in “stop, question and frisk” stops in the last decade that caught many young men of color in a summons net.
Those summonses are not automatic disqualifications. However, after passing the exam, a candidate moves to the more subjective background investigation, which includes criminal records. A pot arrest without indications of gang activity might not disqualify a candidate, but a series of summonses could. As a result, Bratton is concerned that the “population pool is much smaller than it might ordinarily have been”.
One of the most common arguments against the drug war — especially in urban areas — is that by disproportionately arresting and punishing young men (mosty black males) for nonviolent drug-related crimes, local governments create a cycle of poverty, sealing off potential opportunities. It appears as though Bratton acknowledges that some of those opportunities could be… joining law enforcement.

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

[FLASHBACK] Highlights From the New York Times’ 2008 Hillary Clinton Endorsement

In June 2007, just as the Democratic presidential primary was heating up, Bill and Hillary Clinton wrote a $100,000 check to a New York Times charity group. In January 2008, the Times editorial board endorsed Hillary over her much trendier rival, Barack Obama. The endorsement makes for an intriguing read in retrospect. Here are some highlights:

Fawning praise

The Times editor clearly had a difficult time choosing between the “brilliant” Hillary Clinton and the “incandescent” Barack Obama. Ultimately, it seems, it was Hillary’s “abiding, powerful intellect” that won the day. “We are hugely impressed by the depth of her knowledge, by the force of her intellect and by the breadth of, yes, her experience,” the editors wrote.

‘Firstness’ fatigue

The Times was definitely excited to have a choice between two historic candidates, but was getting tired of hearing about it all the time:
By choosing Mrs. Clinton, we are not denying Mr. Obama’s appeal or his gifts. The idea of the first African-American nominee of a major party also is exhilarating, and so is the prospect of the first woman nominee. “Firstness” is not a reason to choose. The times that false choice has been raised, more often by Mrs. Clinton, have tarnished the campaign.
No doubt the Times will maintain its intellectual consistency on the issue of “firstness” throughout the 2016 campaign.

If you like your plan, you can keep it

On the issue of healthcare, the Times favored Hillary because “She understands that all Americans must be covered—but must be allowed to choose their coverage, including keeping their current plans.”

Obama’s naivety re: Iraq

Despite Hillary Clinton’s more hawkish voting record, the Times argued she was better equipped to handle the situation in Iraq. Obama, the Times presciently observed, most likely had not thought through his plans for Iraq beyond “end the war,” which could lead to disastrous consequences:
Mrs. Clinton seems not only more aware than Mr. Obama of the consequences of withdrawal, but is already thinking through the diplomatic and military steps that will be required to contain Iraq’s chaos after American troops leave.
Via: WFB

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Rubio Pushes Back Against NYT Story Citing Financial Imprudence

Image: Rubio Pushes Back Against NYT Story Citing Financial Imprudence

The Rubio campaign has hit back at a New York Times story Tuesday claiming that the Florida senator's personal financial habits have been "imprudent" and at times extravagant. 

"First, The New York Times attacks Marco over traffic tickets, and now they think he doesn't have enough money," said Rubio spokesman Alex Conant, according to USA Today. "Of course, if he was worth millions, the Times would then attack him for being too rich, like they did to Mitt Romney." 
Tuesday's story by the Times, headlined, "Struggles with Finances Track Marco Rubio's Career" said that Rubio stands out not only for his youth and dramatic political rise but also for persistent doubts about his personal financial management.
"A review of the Rubio family's finances — including many new documents — reveals a series of decisions over the past 15 years that experts called imprudent: significant debts; a penchant to spend heavily on luxury items like the [$80,000 speed] boat and the lease of a $50,000 2015 Audi Q7; a strikingly low savings rate, even when Mr. Rubio was earning large sums; and inattentive accounting that led to years of unpaid local government fees," the Times said.

The Times also said that, separate to his personal spending patterns, there were instances in which he intermingled personal and political money. He used a state Republican Party credit card to pay for a paving project to his home and travel to a family reunion. He also put relatives on campaign payrolls.

Conant said that Rubio has the same financial challenges as many Americans do and that he is not motivated by wealth.

"His goal at this stage in his life is to provide his four children with a good home, a quality education, and a safe and happy upbringing," Conant said in a statement, according to USA Today. 

"As he wrote in his book, 'the mark I make in this world will not be decided by how much money I make or how many titles I attain. Rather, the greatest mark I can leave is the one I will make as a father and a husband.'"

A separate story by the Times last week detailed how Rubio was cited four times in 18 years for minor traffic violations while his wife received 13.  The report said that the Rubios received tickets for violations that include speeding, driving through red lights, and careless driving. 

Via: NewsMax

TSA whistleblowers describe security concerns, culture of 'fear and distrust'

Whistleblowers on Tuesday portrayed the beleaguered Transportation Security Administration as an agency mired in a culture of “fear and distrust” while raising security concerns over several programs -- including TSA PreCheck, in which passes for expedited screening allegedly are passed out “like Halloween candy.”
The TSA employees leveled their criticism during a Senate hearing that follows recent bombshell inspector general reports. One showed undercover agents were able to sneak fake explosives and banned weapons through airport checkpoints about 96 percent of the time; the findings led to the acting TSA secretary being reassigned last week. A second report released Monday showed the agency failed to flag 73 commercial airport workers "linked to terrorism." 
As if to underscore the security concerns being addressed, the committee hearing was interrupted shortly after noon over a suspicious package report. Capitol Police emptied the committee room, and evacuated the floor of the Senate office building. 
Earlier, Rebecca Roering, an assistant TSA federal security director at the Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport, told the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee that the agency suffers from low morale. She said this is in part the result of agency leadership, composed of too many former commercial airline executives “placing more emphasis on customer service and passenger wait times than on security and detection rates.

CALIFORNIA: Free Rides Program for Drunk Senators Withers Under Public Criticism

Ancient Greek historian Herodotus tells us that when the Persians decided a matter while drunk, they made a rule to reconsider it when sober.
Recent news from Sacramento tells us that the state Legislature may have adopted at least the first part of the Persian ritual. Members of the Senate were recently issued cards with a phone number they could call 24/7 when inebriated, so they could be picked up at whatever location and be driven home by a Senate employee. When the program became public last week, it withered under public ridicule and the Senate leadership responded by attempting to quietly put the genie back in the bottle by canceling the free service to lawmakers late Friday afternoon.
However, if the “drunks ride free” cards are no longer valid, the questions raised by this elitist perk remain.
The program was probably a defensive reaction to the bad publicity stemming from the drunken driving arrests of four lawmakers in the last five years, but it makes one wonder: How serious is this problem?  If taxpayers were expected to pay for this service, should money also be spent providing counseling or detox to those members of the Legislature who drink in excess? Perhaps these cards were a tacit admission that some legislators have a drinking problem,which may boost the argument that some have been making that drug testing should be required for elected officials. Just last year such a bill was introduced in the Florida Legislature.
Some will say that safety should be the primary concern, and they would be right, but aren’t our elected officials bright enough to call a cab when they are tipsy?  Perhaps they don’t like dipping into their $142-a-day in tax free expense money, which they get on top of the highest legislative salaries in all 50 states. And considering their ability to influence government policy, is it fair to say that it is most likely that the drinks they consume are not paid for by them but by favor seekers?
Although the cost to taxpayers for the free ride program was relatively small – we have a state budget of $170 billion – it is another symbol of the arrogance of the political class when dealing with other people’s money. It is the same kind of thinking that allowed the Senate President Pro Tem to spend nearly $30,000 in taxpayers’ money on his “inauguration” held at the Los Angeles Music Center.

Obama's EPA Regulations: 6,552x As Long As Constitution; 46x As Long As Bible

( -- Since President Barack Obama took office on Jan. 20, 2009, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has issued 3,373 new final regulations, equaling 29,770 pages in the Federal Register and totaling approximately 29,770,000 words, according to a count of the regulations published in the Federal Register.
The Gutenberg Bible is only 1,282 pages and 646,128 words. This means the new EPA regulations issued by the Obama Administration contain 23 times as many pages as the Bible and 46 times as many words.
The Federal Register publishes documents, including proposed rules, notices, interim rules, corrections, drafts of final rules and final rules. The tabulation included only final rules from the EPA. found 3,373 distinct rules published by the EPA since January 20, 2009 covering greenhouse gases, air quality, emissions and hazardous substances, to name a few.

To give an example, on Jan. 13, 2015 the EPA released a final rule entitled, “Definition of Solid Waste,” which totaled 122 pages and was issued to revise “recycling-related provisions associated with the definition of solid waste used to determine hazardous waste regulation.”
The Obama EPA regulations have 27 times as many words as the entire Harry Potter book series, which includes seven books with 1,084,170 words. 
The EPA regulations have more than double the number of words of the Obamacare regulations, which have 11,588,500 words and are 78 times as many words as the Obamacare law itself, which contains 381,517 words. 
The EPA regulations, to date, have 6,552 times as many words as the U.S. Constitution, which has 4,543 words, including the signatures; the regs also have 20,418 times as many words as the Declaration of Independence, which has 1,458 words including signatures. 
Over the course of Obama’s presidency, the EPA has greatly expanded its regulatory overreach. In President Obama’s first year in office in 2009, the EPA issued 365 regulations, averaging one rule per day. In 2010, the EPA issued 454 regulations and in 2011, the EPA issued 557 regulations.
The number of rules issued during the Obama years peaked in 2012 with 646 final rules issued--76.9 percent more than issued in Obama’s first year. In 2013, the EPA issued 548 regulations and in 2014 the EPA issued 564 regulations.
So far, in 2015, the EPA has issued 241 regulations.
The EPA has issued 3,373 regulations over the 1,665 business days since President Obama took office. This means that the EPA has issued an average of about 2 regulations per work day, Monday through Friday, during Obama's presidency.
There have been 2,329 calendar days since Obama has taken office, meaning the EPA has issued an average of about 1.45 regulations per calendar day.

Time To Break Up The Los Angeles School System

Now that the recent school board elections are over in the Los Angeles Unified School District, there will be the usual calls for a new beginning and getting down to the serious business of charting a bright future for the 600,000 or so deserving students that the board is privileged to serve.
Such a view ignores the fact that LAUSD’s governance structure is fundamentally broken and needs to be replaced by smaller units of school governance that are much more capable of delivering educational change that better serves students and their parents. In addition to being nimble and flexible, smaller school districts are physically closer to the parents they serve, and can initiate change strategies in a much more timely fashion. For example, Long Beach UnifiedGarden Grove Unified and ABC Unified are all known as urban districts that can move quickly to implement needed changes that parents care about.
Ten years ago, while a faculty member at the University of Southern California, I served as the federal court monitor for the Modified Consent Decree, the blueprint for improving services to students with disabilities in the behemoth district.
During moments of frustration with the district’s intransigence, I would sometimes say to the courageous disability advocate lawyers representing the plaintiffs that I had a tough time figuring out how students and their parents benefited from maintaining the district at its current size, and that breaking it up into smaller units would better serve students’ interests.
They would quickly counter: “Now, Carl, if you broke it up, you’d get a lot of Comptons or Inglewoods, which might be even worse than what you’re getting now.” And I’d came back with: “You might also get some Long Beaches, which would be a vast improvement over what these kids and parents are getting now.”
The argument for breakup becomes even stronger today when you consider the important equity promise of Gov. Jerry Brown’s remarkable LCFF/LCAP school funding reform initiative, which places even greater authority at the local level to get things right for kids. When Los Angeles Unified screws up, more than half a million California youngsters are denied a critical opportunity to get a decent education during their one shot at using education to alter their life chances.

President Obama's loose tether to reality

President Obama has made so many statements a variance with reality that it is time to question whether he is delusional or merely lying. My hope is on the latter. If he really believes his spin (as he once told a reporter – "You know, I actually believe my own bull----"), then we are in serious trouble as a nation. Investor’s Business Daily lists a number of counterfactual statements from the Leader of the Free World:
President Obama was in Germany the last few days, but too many of his recent remarks sound like he's been in high orbit — around another planet.
America has never been held in greater esteem than under Obama's leadership. Counterterrorism worked well in Yemen until the emergency evacuation of embassy and Special Ops forces — and the loss of millions in arms.
The president's half-hearted "war" on the Islamic State is also a "success." As is ObamaCare, never been working better. Just as he promised.
Jobs are finally humming along with unemployment numbers down (because so many gave up looking). The economy actually shriveled in the first quarter, but that's because of some unexpected phenomenon called winter.
The Mexican border is secure now because the president says so. Since Bill Clinton was already named the first black president, the actual first black president claims he's given such staunch support to Israel that he's in reality the first Jewish president. (snip)

Via: American Thinker

McDonald’s Hires Former Obama Spokesman Robert Gibbs To Help Build A “Progressive Burger Company”…

Mooch not pleased.
OAK BROOK, IL (Marketwired via COMTEX) — McDonald’s Corporation today announced the appointments of Robert Gibbs as Executive Vice President, Global Chief Communications Officer and Silvia Lagnado as Executive Vice President, Global Chief Marketing Officer. Both will report to McDonald’s President and CEO Steve Easterbrook.
“Robert and Silvia are both highly-respected, talented leaders who will bring a wealth of experience and outside perspective to McDonald’s as we build a more modern, progressive burger company,” said Easterbrook. “Returning excitement to our business proposition and brand is foundational to our turnaround plan, and Robert and Silvia — with their respective teams — will play critical roles in bringing this strategy to life.”
In his new role, Gibbs will lead McDonald’s corporate relations group, which manages internal and external communications and government and public affairs. He will lead McDonald’s in communicating clear, coordinated messages to internal and external constituencies, enhancing the brand and supporting corporate strategies.
Step #1: Hire this man as the new face of McDonald’s:
Michael Moore

Hillary’s ‘No Ceilings’ Project Accepted $5 Million From Sexual Abuser

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton’s “No Ceilings” women’s empowerment project at the Clinton Foundation accepted a $5 million commitment last December from a Swiss billionaire even as his lawyers were fighting in federal court to hide his darkest secret — a long record of sexually abusing women.
The No Ceilings: The Full Participation Project is needed, according to the Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton Foundation, because “even today, persistent stereotypes and barriers keep women from equal access, representation, and compensation in our communities and around the world.”
Hansjorg Wyss, a generous donor to major liberal groups like the Center for American Progress and longtime financial patron of Clinton Campaign Chairman John Podesta, also launched a “Women’s Equality Program” at his $2.1 billion Wyss Foundation. His net worth is estimated at $6.1 billion.
At issue in the federal district court case was a $1.5 million settlement of a suit brought by Jacqueline Long, a Colorado woman who charged that Wyss brutally and sexually abused her for years while serving as his employee.
Long, a former development officer at the HJW Foundation, said she had to have sex with him in return for his grants to non-profits that focused on at-risk youth and sex trafficking, causes to which she was passionately devoted.
“He was not interested in these programs,” Long told the Daily Caller News Foundation in an exclusive interview. “He was only doing it in reward for my having sex with him. It was a tool for leverage.”

Swiss Billionaire’s Marks On America

In the court pleadings, Wyss’s lawyers hinted at the severity of the sex abuse, stating,  “The agreement at issue are (sic) both highly confidential and relate to extremely private matters.”
Via: Daily Caller

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President Obama launched a new website this morning to promote Obamacare, posting a previously unpublished personal letter he received after the death of Sen. Ted Kennedy.

In an effort to highlight the historic nature of the law, the website features a timeline of previous presidents working for health care reform, positing that Obamacare was the product of “nearly a century of work.”
The website also hails the unpopular law as “an improbable piece of legislation with a lot of heart behind it.”
“[I]t will live on as a legacy achievement not just of this administration, but of all those who fought for it for so many years,” the text of the website reads.
The website is part of a lager public relations effort for Obamacare, as a key provision of the law is currently under consideration by the Supreme Court.
It is also the answer to the news media, which Obama believes hasn’t done a good enough job telling the positive stories behind the law.
During his press conference in Germany yesterday after the G7 Summit, Obama expressed his frustration with the negative coverage of the law.
“What’s more, the thing is working,” he said. “I mean, part of what’s bizarre about this whole thing is we haven’t had a lot of conversation about the horrors of Obamacare because none of them come to pass.”
The website includes 36 personal stories of Americans who say they were helped by the law and encourages website users to explore health care data in their state.
In June, health insurers signaled that premium rates for the 2015 would rise significantly— estimating increased rates of at least 10 percent in 37 states.


Hillary Clinton has laid out her game plan for winning back the White House for herself and her husband next year. Let’s hope Republicans were paying attention.
She apparently decided it won’t be enough to rely on the 66 million people who voted twice for Barack Obama, many of whom are disillusioned by the failure of “hope and change.” Obama promised an end to wars in the Middle East, a more prosperous economy for the average American and more harmonious race relations, but all three problems have only gotten worse.
Since Hillary won’t have the youthful exuberance that propelled Obama to his unlikely double victory, she plans to build a whole new electorate out of people who didn’t vote for Obama. That’s the gist of her speech in Houston last week, which her friends at MSNBC called a “far-reaching vision for expanding access to the ballot box.”
Who are the new voters to whom Hillary wants to give “access to the ballot box”? They include felons and non-citizens, along with anyone who can’t prove identity, citizenship, or residence within the voting precinct.
She also plans to harvest millions of new votes by expanding the dangerous practices of same-day registration and early voting, which enable Democrats to badger, berate, bribe, or bamboozle reluctant low-information voters to the polls. Democratic Party and union workers can identify reluctant voters and harass them until the party worker verifies that they have actually cast their ballot.
In her new book, “Adios, America,” Ann Coulter asks a relevant question: “Should Democrats be given 30 million new voters?” Answering her own question, Ann says, “There is simply no reason for Republicans to legalize 30 million people who will vote 8-2 against them.”
While Hillary gave lip service to the notion that “every citizen” should vote, her Democratic allies are in court trying to stop every reasonable means of verifying a voter’s citizenship. That’s no surprise because, according to a recent Rasmussen survey, a majority (53 percent) of Democrats believe that non-citizens, including even illegal immigrants, should be allowed to vote.
Via: Western Journalism

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State Department ignores lawsuit over records linking Boko Haram and Clinton Foundation

Photo - Abubakar Shekau, centre, the leader of Boko Haram, Nigeria's Islamic extremist group. Boko Haram fighters have shot or burned to death about 90 civilians and wounded 500 in ongoing fighting in a Cameroonian border town near Nigeria, officials in Cameroon said. (AP Photo/Boko Haram)
Abubakar Shekau, centre, the leader of Boko Haram, Nigeria's Islamic extremist group. Boko Haram fighters have shot or burned to death about 90 civilians and wounded 500 in ongoing fighting in a Cameroonian border town near Nigeria, officials in Cameroon said. (AP Photo/Boko Haram
)A conservative group is suing the State Department in an effort to find out whether the agency's refusal to place Boko Haram on the terrorist watch list while Hillary Clinton was secretary of state had anything to do with the fact that a high-level Nigerian official was a major Clinton Foundation donor and close friend of the former president.
Citizens United, a conservative nonprofit, brought the case to court after the State Department ignored its request for records about the Chagoury Group, a sprawling Nigerian company headed by a Clinton friend and financial supporter of Clinton causes, Gilbert Chagoury.
Chagoury donated between $1 million and 5 million to the Clinton Foundation, donor recordsshow.
More than 30 days have passed since Citizens United first filed the lawsuit without a response of any kind from the State Department.
David Bossie, president of Citizens United, said it was the first time he'd seen the State Department completely ignore a case against it in federal court.
"These proceedings are important that both sides take them seriously," Bossie said. "I have no idea what the judge will do, but I believe the judge will order a hearing to find out why the government did not respond."
"Federal judges, I don't think, look kindly on people who ignore the court's workings," he added.
In January 2010, Chagoury was removed from a private jet and questioned by federal agents for hours because his name had been added to the no-fly list, according to the Center for Public Integrity.
Although he was removed from the list before the U.S. government issued a formal, written apology, it is still unclear why he received that designation in the first place and how he was able to get his name off the no-fly list.
Sen. David Vitter, R-La., wrote a letter to Kerry in March raising concerns that Chagoury may haveattempted to influence Clinton's decision about whether to designate Boko Haram as a terrorist group.

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