Saturday, June 13, 2015

U.S. Agrees to Let Iran Keep Nuke Secrets

The Obama administration will agree to let Iran bypass questions about its past nuclear military work under any final deal signed in the coming weeks, according to reports.
Western officials were quoted as telling the Associated Press on Friday that the United States has given up a major concession to Iran on the military front.
While senior U.S. officials, including Secretary of State John Kerry, have long insisted that Iran will immediately have to submit to wide-ranging inspections and disclosures regarding its past nuclear work, the new reports indicate that this demand has been cast aside as world powers work to strike a final deal with the Islamic Republic by the end of June.
According to the AP report:
After a November 2013 interim accord, the Obama administration said a comprehensive solution “would include resolution of questions concerning the possible military dimension of Iran’s nuclear program.”
But those questions won’t be answered by the June 30 deadline for a final deal, officials said, echoing an assessment by the U.N. nuclear agency’s top official earlier this week. Nevertheless, the officials said an accord remains possible. One senior Western official on Thursday described diplomats as “more likely to get a deal than not” over the next three weeks.
Via: WFB

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Civil Rights Activist Who Marched With Martin Luther King Posts Blunt Billboard About ‘Black Lives Matter’

“Black lives matter. So let’s quit killing each other.”
One man feels so strongly about that message that he put it in big bold letters on a Memphis, Tennessee, billboard, just steps from where he goes to work everyday.
Image source: WMC-TV
Image source: WMC-TV
“We’re going to have to wake up. We’re going to have to say to ourselves that black lives matter, and we’re going to have to refrain from killing each other out of our own frustration,” civil rights activist Fred Davis told WMC-TV.
The sign was put up at Airways Boulevard and Park Avenue southeast of downtown. Davis said he wanted to get the message across to people because he was a part of the history.
“I think that gives me a license as an experienced observer to push and to advocate to the black community – let’s stop it,” Davis added.
Image source: WMC-TV
Image source: WMC-TV
Davis is an Army veteran who served in France for two years. He was also the first black man to receive a masters of business administration degree from the University of Memphis, the first black chairman of the Memphis city council, and walked alongside Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. when the iconic civil rights leader made his last march in Memphis in 1968, the year of his assassination.
Today, Davis has his own insurance agency at the same intersection where he put up the billboard.

NPR Reporter: 'Pugilistic, Mean-Spirited' Fox News May Be Watered Down by Murdoch Sons

When it came to assessing Rupert Murdoch’s decision to cede more control of his empire to his sons James and Lachlan, PBS and NPR turned to David Folkenflik, who as NPR’s media reporter is a Murdoch obsessive and author of the book Murdoch’s World: The Last of the Old Media Empires.
On Thursday’s PBS NewsHour, Folkenflik surely pleased liberals by floating the idea that eventually Fox News would move to the center and be “a little more measured” in its point of view once Rupert and Roger Ailes fade from the scene. 
James Murdoch was said to be significantly involved in the decision by 21st Century Fox to invest a decent chunk of change in VICE, the multi-platform, multi-outlet entity that it’s own kind of pirate, renegade media outfit run by Shane Smith in Brooklyn here in New York. [Renegade? Or Obama-Kool-aid?] And that’s not something you would have thought of Fox News as investing in kind of outfit.
There has been a significant distrust and ill will between the Murdoch sons and Roger Ailes, of course, the chairman and CEO and guiding creative spirit at Fox News. I don’t think you are going to see Ailes sidelined immediately. But he is in his mid-70s. He’s not in particularly good health. And the actuarial tables favors the boys.
The question is, how can they shift it to be a little bit more measured, a little bit more like Sky News in the U.K., Australia, and elsewhere that is lively, peppy, sometimes strong voices on the air, but not itself taking a strong point of view, in the way that Fox seems to by its selection of stories and guests. So, those are some real significant indications of where things could go.
When PBS anchor Judy Woodruff asked for the legacy of Rupert, Folkenflik suggested he was creative – but he was also “destructive,” with his media properties projecting a “pugilistic, often mean-spirited character.” 
Via: Newsbusters

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State Department Has No Record of Clinton IT Security Training

The State Department has no record of former Secretary Hillary Clinton or her two top aides receiving IT security training while Clinton led the department, the Washington Free Beacon has learned.
In response to a Freedom of Information request filed by the nonprofit Competitive Enterprise Institute in March, State said it could not locate any record of Clinton, chief of staff Cheryl Mills, or deputy chief of staff Huma Abedin undergoing any sort of IT security training.
“One former, senior executive branch personnel official contacted me to point out the requirement that appointees take this training, and that if Mses. Clinton, Abedin or Mills had deigned to follow the law, a record of this would exist,” explained CEI senior fellow Chris Horner, who filed the FOIA request.
“He also noted, however, that if anyone was to turn up their noses and refuse the training—and be permitted to—these are the folks.  We now know this to be the case,” Horner said in an email.
The request also asked for “all separation documents … completed or submitted” by Clinton, Mills, or Abedin. State returned no responsive documents to that request.
The department previously stated that it had no record of Clinton signing such separation documents, designed to ensure that former employees do not retain confidential information after their departure. State’s reply appears to confirm that neither Clinton nor her top aides submitted those documents.
Cybersecurity experts say Clinton, Mills, and Abedin should have undergone IT security training at State, and that their apparent failure to do so is part of a systemic problem.
“She should have done it, but the data point that she did not is sadly unsurprising,” said Steve Bucci, the director of the Heritage Foundation’s Douglas and Sarah Allison Center for Foreign and National Security Policy.

Extra Interviewer Thanks Obama: You ‘Saved My Finances and My Life’

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At the top of what has to be one of President Barack Obama’s all-time friendliest interviews,Extra correspondent Jerry Penacoli thanked the president for the Affordable Care Act. Seated in the White House Rose Garden, the interviewer declared, “You pretty much saved my finances and my life.”
Pencil spent years suffering from a variety of ailments that required expensive treatment, including melanoma and thyroid cancer. The lifetime limits on his health insurance meant that he would have had to pay a large portion on the cost out of pocket — until Obamacare passed and outlawed those limits.
“One of the goal for the Affordable Care Act was not just to help people get insurance for people who didn’t have it, it was to give better protections to those who already had insurance,” Obama told Penacoli on Thursday. “You were a perfect example of someone who could be caught with debilitating bills, or, alternatively, not being able to get the care you need.”
Throughout the discussion, Obama continued to use Penacoli’s story as a prime example of why the Affordable Care Act should be kept intact pending this month’s Supreme Court decision. The two men also discussed such hard-hitting topics as what it’s like to raise teenage daughters and who Obama is rooting for in the NHL Stanley Cup (“Blackhawks!”) and NBA finals (“both teams are playing incredible basketball.”).

Scott Walker Eyes Marco Rubio as His Running Mate

Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker is talking positively about a Republican presidential ticket — potentially announced even before the first nomination balloting — that would include Sen. Marco Rubio as his running mate. 

In a Bloomberg Politics interview Thursday, the likely candidate also expressed agreement with President Barack Obama on the pressing issue of fast-track trade legislation.

Walker, 47, isn't expected to formally enter the race until early July, after his state has completed a two-year budget plan. Still, he's apparently given some consideration and had discussions already about a potential running mate, with the focus on Rubio.
"I've actually had quite a few people, grassroots supporters, donors, and others who have made that suggestion," he said when asked about a Walker-Rubio ticket.
"For now, you know, Marco is a quality candidate," Walker said. "He's going to be formidable in this race as things progress. And if we were to get in, we'd be as well, and we'll see where things take us."

Walker was in Utah to meet with potential financial supporters and to speak at a summit hosted by 2012 Republican nominee Mitt Romney that's attracted six declared and likely presidential candidates. The full interview can be seen on
Walker said he and Rubio often hear the suggestion that they should combine forces, potentially even before the first nomination voting in Iowa in February 2016, as a way to stand out amid a crowded field. "We'd just probably have to arm-wrestle over who would be at the top of the ticket," he said.

Some who have talked privately to Walker about a possible pairing with Rubio say they have been surprised by how seriously the Wisconsin governor seems to be taking the prospect. At this phase of presidential campaign, the norm would be for a White House hopeful to summarily dismiss such a move, in public and in private.

Via: NewsMax

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[VIDEO] Obamacare: It’s Still Unaffordable, Unworkable and Unfair

Earlier this week, President Obama taunted the Supreme Court for taking up a challenge to Obamacare and boldly declared that his health care law is a success.

“What’s more, the thing is working,” Obama boasted to reporters. “I mean, part of what’s bizarre about this whole thing is we haven’t had a lot of conversation about the horrors of Obamacare because none of them come to pass.”
In reality, the president is willfully disregarding the facts and ignoring mounting evidence about the Affordable Care Act’s failures. Obamacare remains unaffordable, unworkable and unfair to the American people.
The Heritage Foundation decided to set the record straight for the president. This new video chronicles the problems playing out in states across America—many of which will be impacted by the Supreme Court’s upcoming ruling in King v. Burwell.
Via: The Daily Signal
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Friday, June 12, 2015


Former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin is sharing Breitbart News’story on Facebook, following the close Rules vote ahead of Friday’s final vote on the Trade Promotion Authority (TPA) that would grant President Obama fast-track authority to finish his trade negotiations.

She also posted her reaction to the non-transparency this administration has shown in handling the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal, which is keeping part of the draft in a secret room on Capitol Hill.
“The secretive, hugely impacting Obamatrade deal is another behind-closed-doors fast-tracked D.C. deal that screams “don’t pass it ’til we know what’s in it!” Yet politicians are going along to get along, supporting Obama’s pet project while ignoring the public’s right to know what’s in this monumental international trade deal. This, despite the President’s track record proving he hasn’t got it in him to put American workers first,” Palin posted.
“If Congress hands this secretive deal to Obama on a silver platter, admitting to not even reading it first, then shame on us for letting another one slide. This is fast-tracked, friends. Like Obamacare, when we sounded warning bells but too many were too busy to pressure their employees (your elected politicians) to do the right thing and learn it first. Since when is Congress able to halt any bullying administration’s fast-track deals? They never have before. Didn’t we learn last time?”
The vote on TPA is expected Friday afternoon.

Boeing 787 Dreamliner performs near-vertical takeoff

The White-est of All Guilt

SPOKANE, Wash. — Controversy is swirling around one of the Spokane region’s most prominent civil rights activists, with family members saying the local leader of the NAACP has falsely portrayed herself as black for years.
Rachel Dolezal is president of the Spokane chapter of the NAACP, chair of the city’s Office of Police Ombudsman Commission, and an adjunct professor at Eastern Washington University.
The Spokesman-Review reported Thursday that questions have arisen about her background and her numerous complaints to police of harassment. The story was first reported by the Coeur d’Alene Press.
Dolezal’s mother, Ruthanne, says the family’s ancestry is Czech, Swedish and German, with a touch of Native American heritage.
Dolezal has identified herself in application materials as white, black and Native American.
Police say they have found little evidence of racial harassment.
On Twitter and sometimes here, I like to talk about how ridiculous “Tumblr Culture” is. It’s Tumblr and places like it that have allowed kids with no clue of how the world works to claim they are transabled, have “headmates” (if you are unclear as to what this term means, forget you’ve ever seen it because only sadness comes from looking it up), and other signs of either too much imagination or mental distress.
Well, at some point, along came an Internet troll with a great idea: Let’s create “transethnicity” to up our trans game. And, so, it happened as a joke. With Dolezal, it no longer appears to be a joke.

Scott Walker and the Fate of the Union

In Wisconsin, where the labor movement took root a century ago, a campaign by the governor has broken its power. His political allies hope he can take a similar campaign nationwide.

Why America Hates the GOP-Obamatrade Deal

Why America Hates the GOP-Obamatrade DealOutside the Beltway bubble, a broad coalition of voters from the left, right and center opposes the mega-trade deal getting rammed through Congress this week by the Republican establishment on behalf of the White House. 

Here’s why.

Constitutional conservatives don’t like it. Trade unions abhor it. Obama critics hate it. Environmentalists despise it.
The Obama administration, House GOP leader John Boehner and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell have sold out American sovereignty. Their so-called Trans-Pacific Partnership Commission will have sweeping authority over trade, immigration, environmental, labor and commerce regulations.
As alert watchdogs U.S. Sen. Jeff Sessions, R-Ala., chairman of the Subcommittee on Immigration and the National Interest and U.S. Rep Duncan Hunter, R-Calif., warn: “By adopting fast-track, Congress would be formally authorizing the President to finalize the creation of this Pacific Union and will have surrendered its legislative prerogatives. Before a word, line, paragraph, or page of this plan is made public, Congress will have agreed to give up its treaty powers. … In effect, one of the most sweeping international agreements seen in years will be given less legislative scrutiny and process than a Post Office reform bill.”
The Obama administration, House GOP leader John Boehner and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell have sold out legislative transparency. Boehner smugly asserts that so-called Trade Promotion Authority puts Congress in charge and promotes “more openness” on trade talks. Nonsense. Under the Boehner/Obama plan, Congress gives up its ability to amend any trade deals under fast track, severely limits the ability to debate and lowers the vote threshold in the Senate from 61 to 51. The 11 international parties negotiating with Obama on TPP refuse to sign their dotted lines until Congress agrees to pre-agree to behemoth global trade pacts — sight unseen.

[AUDIO] Rick Perry: Obama Lacks ‘Executive Experience’

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Earlier this week, during his press conference at the G7 Summit in Germany, President Barack Obama said in response to a question about the fight against ISIS, “We don’t yet have a complete strategy, because it requires commitments on the part of the Iraqis.”
The president’s conservative’s critics were quick to jump all over the statement as proof that the administration doesn’t know what it’s doing in the Middle East, a narrative that carried into an interview Dana Loesch conducted with former Texas governor and current Republican presidential candidate Rick Perry this week.
Perry said he was “stunned” that Obama would make those comments publicly and that he believed they provided some level of insight into the president’s mentality on ISIS. The candidate suggested that if Obama hadn’t expressed a “lack of engagement to stop ISIS” in Syria, then the U.S. could have somehow eliminated both the terrorist network and Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, despite the fact that they were fighting each other and knocking one side down would have only bolstered the other.
“It’s this lack of really being able to connect the dots, I think it’s a lack of executive experience that this president has, as well as a philosophical void when it comes to understanding what it takes to keep America safe,” Perry added.
While this “executive experience” argument may have been a reasonable line of attack against Obama in 2008, now that he has been president for more than six years, it rings a bit hollow.
Listen to the full interview below (ISIS comments start at approx. 15:40):

SCOTUS Okaying Gay Marriage Is Not Bad Law, It's Not Law at All

Within the month, the nation will receive the opinion of the U.S. Supreme Court as to whether the U.S. Constitution requires all of the states to jettison their domestic laws and sanction same-sex marriage.  Numerous federal judges have so ruled, and most states have simply yielded to those federal court decisions.  In a few cases, beginning with Vermont and Massachusetts, state courts ruled for same-sex marriage, and state officials have accepted passively those decisions as well. 
Generally, courts have ruled for same-sex marriage using either the “due process clause” or the “equal protection clause” of the Fourteenth Amendment, or both.  That raises a simple question:  is it really possible that when the Fourteenth Amendment was ratified in 1868 the framers intended that it sanction same-sex marriage?  Of course not.  The U.S. Constitution says nothing about same-sex marriage.  Then, how could the Constitution be manipulated to support a decision in favor of same-sex marriage?  Well it has not been easy.  The Constitutional case for same-sex marriage is pathetically weak — unless you adopt the notion of an “evolving” Constitution — which is, of course, the polar opposite of the notion of our “written” Constitution. 
There are actually four cases, all from the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit, which have been consolidated for decision in the U.S. Supreme Court — ObergefellDeBoerTanco, and Bourke.  If you would like to know more about how this case developed, a great deal of information, and links to all documents, is available on SCOTUSblog.  The amicus curiae brief which we filed in the Sixth Circuit in support of traditional marriage is available, as is the amicus curiae brief which we filed in the U.S. Supreme Court

California’s Political Earthquake On Its Way

Photo courtesy Franco Folini, flickr

California is facing an uncertain future – and it’s not an earthquake, despite a current blockbuster movie. There’s a water crisis, an education system declared woeful by a state judge and soaring costs on all levels – water, utilities, energy, housing and taxes. These could all be eclipsed by the huge elephant in the room – unfunded pensions and health care for state and local government employees that could be $1 trillion or more.
What are our public officials doing? As was recently reported, there are no fewer than a dozen proposals in the legislature to increase taxes AND spending, despite the massive underfunding of pensions and health care. The governor crows about a California ‘comeback’ but he almost completely ignores the trillion dollar bomb expected to hit over the next 20 years. This government employee pensions and healthcare bomb only gets worse, as life expectancies expand and investments underperform the rosy scenarios built into their projections.
Take heart, California, there is change coming and it’s not the San Andreas splitting apart. It will be a political earthquake and it’s called the Neighborhood Legislature (NL). It will replace the dysfunctional and practically corrupt (if not actually corrupt in some cases) California legislature. We just received Title and Summary and we have built a professional plus volunteer organization that will soon be circulating through the neighborhood precincts of California to collect signatures and build support for this groundbreaking proposal.
Why is this such a political earthquake? Because it holds real promise that it will return power to actual representatives of the people, citizen legislators, who will be able to explore and implement the important reforms unimpeded by the allure and/or sting from special interest money spent to protect the status quo. These citizen legislators will replace the professional fundraisers and special interest representatives we currently endure.

[VIDEO] 'He did nothing wrong': Florida principal ousted after defending Texas cop

A Florida high school principal, who defended the Texas police officer at the center of that infamous pool melee, has become the latest victim of radical speech police hell-bent on trying to silence public discourse.
Alberto Iber lost his job as the principal at North Miami Senior High School after he wrote a comment about the McKinney, Texas incident on the Miami Herald’s website.
“He did nothing wrong,” Iber wrote. “He was afraid for his life. I commend him for his actions.”
Three sentences. Sixteen words. Sixty-two characters.
Miami-Dade County Public Schools released a statement on June 10 announcing that Mr. Iber had been removed from his position at the high school and reassigned to an administrative position.
The district said they require their employees to conduct themselves “in a manner that represents the school district’s core values.”
Superintendent Carvahlo sent a very chilling message to his employees – any opinion that is contrary to liberal ideology must be silenced. And those who dare to voice such an opinion in the public marketplace must be severely punished.
“Judgment is the currency of honesty,” Superintendent Alberto Carvalho wrote in a statement. “Insensitivity – intentional or perceived – is both unacceptable and inconsistent with our policies, but more importantly with our expectation of common sense behavior that elevates the dignity and humanity of all, beginning with children.”

GOP Releases Hillary ‘Wrong For America’ Video 2 Days Before Her Do-Over Announcement

The GOP has come out swinging at Hillary Clinton with a new video two days before Clinton’s re-do announcement speech in New York.
The 30-second ad, titled “Wrong for America,” is made up of clips from news coverage of Clinton’s sliding poll numbers, her disconnect with “everyday Americans” she wants to champion, and her exorbitant wealth.
The video ends with a final punch from Larry Sabato.
“They act like she is allergic to real people.”

$2.1T: Tax Revenue for FY15 Hit Record Through May; Gov't Runs $365B Deficit

( - Inflation-adjusted federal tax revenues hit a record $2,103,987,000,000 for the first eight months of the fiscal year this May, but the federal government still ran a $365,156,000,000 deficit during that time, according to the latest Monthly Treasury Statement.

Each month, the Treasury publishes the government’s “total receipts,” including all revenue from individual income taxes, corporate income taxes, social insurance and retirement taxes (including Social Security and Medicare taxes), unemployment insurance taxes, excise taxes, estate and gift taxes, customs duties, and “miscellaneous receipts.”

In constant 2015 dollars, the $2,103,987,000,000 that the federal government collected from October through May in fiscal 2015 was $170,187,740,000 more than the $1,933,799,260,000 it collected in October through May in fiscal 2014.

The Treasury has been tracking these data since 1977 and at that time the federal government collected $868,767,320,000 in inflation-adjusted revenue in the first eight months of fiscal 1977. This means that since then, revenues have more than doubled, increasing by 142 percent.

Via: CNS News

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Hillary embarrassing herself with Roosevelt Island 're-launch' tomorrow

Hillary Clinton's campaign comprises a bunch of clueless dolts, who don't understand symbolism at all.  The choices they have made for tomorrow's event intended to bolster a flailing effort are only digging her hole deeper.
It will be far, far more difficult to attend Hillary Clinton’s campaign “re-launch” tomorrow than to vote for her, if she gets her way on voting.  Daniel Halper of The Weekly Standard highlights an e-mail sent out by Hillary for America:
There will be airport style security. Items that will NOT BE permitted include food, liquids other than water, large bags, large purses, backpacks, strollers, umbrellas, noise makers, bullhorns, posters, signs, pets other than licensed service animals, sharp objects, or weapons.
When her personal safety is at issue, she demands advance registration and a ticket and photo ID.  But when the fate of the nation hangs in the balance with a presidential election, she wants people to be able to waltz into a polling station, claim to be someone, and vote with no questions asked and definitely no photo ID.  And she’d like weeks to be allowed to do so, in case you want to vote a hundred times using the names of deceased residents who haven’t been purged from the voters’ register.

But that’s just the beginning of the embarrassment.  The entire concept of a re-launch suggest that the campaign has been a failure.  I am most familiar with the concept of re-launch from television programs featuring celebrity chefs like Gordon Ramsay of Kitchen Nightmares and Robert Irvine of Restaurant Impossible, who go into failing eateries, clean up the kitchens, motivate the staff, redecorate the dining area, and teach the kitchen staff to cook new and more appealing items.  Despite all the aid and the re-launch, investigators claim that most of the restaurants end up failing.

Can we just call Hillary for America “Campaign Nightmares” or “Campaign Impossible”?

Via: American Thinker

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Marilyn Mosby’s Father Was A ‘Crooked Cop,’ Police Officer Grandfather Sued For Racial Discrimination

Marilyn Mosby has made it widely known that she comes from a long line of police officers, five generations of law enforcement to be exact. The 35-year-old Baltimore city state’s attorney’s father, mother, grandfather, and uncles have all at some point worked as cops — a history which Mosby cites to push back against the claim — as Fox News’ Griff Jenkins put it during a recent interview — that Baltimore’s finest believe the rookie prosecutor does not have their backs because of how she’s handled the Freddie Gray case.
“I come from five generations of police officers,” Mosby responded to Jenkins. “That’s absurd.”
But while it’s true that numerous Mosby family members have worn the badge, a thorough look reveals a more complicated picture of that law enforcement background than she has let on in public.
Start with Mosby’s father, a former Boston police officer named Alan James. In 1989, James and a fellow officer named Dwight Allen were arrested and charged with assault and battery for their role in several armed robberies in a high-crime area of Boston.
According to a Boston Globe article at the time, James, Allen and another suspect flashed badges and brandished guns while shaking down drug dealers. The officers identified themselves as “renegade police” and were reportedly drunk. During one robbery, one of the men fired his gun, though nobody was hurt.
James was arrested while on duty at a police station in Dorcester but was acquitted of charges in the case in 1991. After acquittal he was immediately fired for conduct unbecoming an officer, according to the Baltimore Brew, an independent newspaper.
Mosby has not publicly acknowledged this mark on her family’s policing legacy. Though, according to the Brew, she acknowledged her father’s troubled past in a biography written for her campaign for state’s attorney.
“My dad was a crooked cop,” Mosby said, according to the document, which was not released to the public. “He confiscated drugs and money from the dealers on a regular basis.”

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