Thursday, June 18, 2015

Rand Paul: "Blow up the tax code and start over"

Republican presidential candidate Rand Paul unveiled his version of a flat tax on Thursday, proposing to "blow up the tax code and start over "in a Wall Street Journal editorial.
"The tax code has grown so corrupt, complicated, intrusive and antigrowth that I've concluded the system isn't fixable," Paul, a freshman senator from Kentucky, wrote.
In its place, he called for "an over $2 trillion tax cut that would repeal the entire IRS tax code...and replace it with a low, broad-based tax of 14.5 [percent] on individuals and businesses." Under Paul's plan, all forms of income would be taxed at that level, including wages, dividends, capital gains, and interest.
"All deductions except for a mortgage and charities would be eliminated," Paul wrote. "The first $50,000 of income for a family of four would not be taxed. For low-income working families, the plan would retain the earned-income tax credit."
The plan, dubbed "The Fair and Flat Tax," would also eliminate "nearly every special interest loophole," Paul explained, along with the payroll tax and federal taxes like the gift tax and the estate tax.
A flat tax has long enjoyed support among some elements of GOP. Businessman Steve Forbes based his presidential campaigns on the idea in 1996 and 2000, and Republican candidates have periodically resurrected it since then, most recently Texas Gov. Rick Perry in 2012 and businessman Herman Cain, whose 9-9-9 flat tax made for a memorable campaign slogan.
In this cycle, several GOP candidates have advanced some form of a flat tax. Texas Sen. Ted Cruz, for example, called in March for "a simple flat tax that lets every American fill out his or her taxes on a postcard."

‘SHUT UP ALREADY!’ – Sheriff Clarke responds to ANOTHER pool party accusation of police RACISM

And of course there’s yet another charge against police being racist at a pool party! This time you can clearly see a kid punching a cop, and a mom resisting arrest, but somehow, if you have the right melanin amount in your skin while watching the video, you see racist police instead! It’s magic!
Here’s Megyn Kelly interviewing the mother involved in the altercation and her mumble-mouth lawyer:
OK well that was annoying, but don’t worry dear reader, I have a palate cleanser! Here’s the awesome Sheriff David Clarke to respond to EVERYONE who says racism is to blame for this latest altercation:
BOOM! Love that guy!
Via: Red State

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Liberals Call For Disarming All White People

Liberals go on mass shootings rampages yet they blame conservatives.
Check it out:
Liberals reacted to the tragic shooting at an Episcopal Church in Charleston last night by calling for an immediate gun ban in order to disarm all white people.
Police are still on the hunt for a 21-year-old slender, clean shaven white suspect who opened fire on a bible study group at the Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church, killing nine people before fleeing the scene.
One of the victims included Rev Clementa Pickney, a state senator and pastor.
The incident is already being exploited by liberals to push their twin agendas of gun control and racial division, with many advocating that a total gun ban targeting only white people be immediately enacted.
Comedian Rohan Joshi, who has 395,000 Twitter followers, reacted to the shooting by calling for the NRA to be designated a terror organization and for hateful “crazy white people” to be disarmed.
Via: Conservative Byte

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Poll: Majority of Americans Don’t Believe Human Activity is Causing Earth to Warm

The Pew Research Center has released the results of a poll that examines the ideological divide over global warming in the United States.

Only 45 percent of all Americans—regardless of their political leanings—believe that the Earth is warming and that the warming is caused mainly by human activity. This is a decline from 50 percent in 2006.

The remaining 55 percent either don’t know whether or not the Earth is warming or what is causing the warming, don’t believe the Earth is warming, or believe natural changes are the dominant determinants of any changes in the global climate.

Just 22 percent of Republicans—and only 15 percent of conservative leaning GOP members—believe human activity is causing the Earth to warm, compared to 46 percent of Independents and 64 percent of Democrats.

Among Catholics, 47 percent believe that any warming is caused by human activity, down from 53 percent in 2006. A sharp difference exists between Catholic Republicans (24 percent) and Catholic Democrats (62 percent) on this issue.

By age group, 36 percent of the 65+ cohort believe global warming is caused by humans, increasing slightly to 43 percent for the 50 to 64 age group, 47 percent for the 30 to 49 year olds, and a slim majority (54 percent) for those in the 18 to 29 year old bracket.

Whites (41 percent) and Blacks (44 percent) both have a minority of their total populations believing in anthropogenic forces driving the Earth’s climate, whereas Hispanics have a solid majority (62 percent).

None of the major Protestant divisions surveyed had a majority believing that global warming is caused by humans: all Protestants, 37 percent; white evangelicals, 25 percent; white mainline members, 42 percent, and Black Protestants, 43 percent.

Via: Canada Free Press

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Treasury says woman will be picked for $10 bill

WASHINGTON (AP) — Alexander Hamilton, who has been featured on the $10 bill since 1929, is making way for a woman.
Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew is to officially announce Thursday that a redesign of the $10 will feature the first woman on the nation's paper money in more than a century. The plan is to decide which woman sometime this summer.
The bill will have new security features to make it harder to counterfeit and will be unveiled in 2020, the 100th anniversary of the passage of the 19th Amendment giving women the right to vote. The date it will be put into circulation will be announced later.
Lew is asking the public for suggestions on who should be chosen for the bill, as well as what symbols of democracy it should feature. Ideas can be submitted by visiting website.
Various groups have been campaigning to get a woman honored on the nation's paper currency, which has been an all-male domain for more than a century. The last woman featured on U.S. paper money was Martha Washington, who was on a dollar silver certificate from 1891 to 1896. The only other woman ever featured on U.S. paper money was Pocahontas, from 1865 to 1869. Susan B. Anthony and Sacagawea are on dollar coins.
Sen. Jeanne Shaheen, D-New Hampshire, who is sponsoring legislation to put a woman on the $20 bill, praised Lew for moving forward with a decision to use the $10 bill, which is the next denomination of currency scheduled to be redesigned.
"While it may not be the twenty dollar bill, make no mistake, this is a historic announcement," Shaheen said in a statement. "Young girls across this country will soon be able to see an inspiring woman on the ten dollar bill."
A grass roots group, Women on 20s, had been pushing to get a woman's portrait on the $20, which currently features Andrew Jackson. They had conducted an online poll that gathered over 600,000 votes. African-American abolitionist Harriett Tubman was the top choice in that poll.
Lew said that Hamilton, the nation's first Treasury secretary, would still be honored in some way. He said one possibility being considered would keep Hamilton's portrait on some of the redesigned $10 bills. Lew said no final decision had been made yet.


AWD is a drummer. Which means I’m really a frustrated guitarist. Neil Peart is one of the greatest drummers on Earth. Which means he is a frustrated intellectual idjit.
Yeah, we all thought Neil was smart with all those Ayn Rand-inspired lyrics in the early years. Who can forget the lessons about the evil of absolute government tyranny from the album 2112? Or the Rand-inspired lesson from “The Trees?” Well, it appears the guy who wrote the lyrics to those songs forgot the message!
It appears Neil Peart is just the latest rock star libtard! Don’t know what it is with those guys! He recently said as quoted in the Washington Free Beacon:
Peart outgrew his Ayn Rand phase years ago, and now describes himself as a “bleeding-heart libertarian,” citing his trips to Africa as transformative. He claims to stand by the message of “The Trees,” but other than that, his bleeding-heart side seems dominant. Peart just became a U.S. citizen, and he is unlikely to vote for Rand Paul, or any Republican. Peart says that it’s “very obvious” that Paul “hates women and brown people” — and Rush sent a cease-and-desist order to get Paul to stop quoting “The Trees” in his speeches.
“For a person of my sensibility, you’re only left with the Democratic party,” says Peart, who also calls George W. Bush “an instrument of evil.” “If you’re a compassionate person at all. The whole health-care thing — denying mercy to suffering people? What? This is Christian?”
So Neil thinks the Democrat Party is the place with a person of his sensibility? Does he really believe Hillary Clinton is the answer? He now embraces socialism??? And Rand Paul hates women and brown people? Well, Rand has been ‘randering’ to black people at every chance while railing against voter ID laws and fighting for allowing felons (mostly black) to vote.
I do agree that George W was an “instrument of evil” while President because he spent money like a socialist Democrat, gave us the worthless and hugely expensive Homeland Security and TSA, and partnered with Ted Kennedy to give us the stupid No Child Left Behind. Not to mention the ridiculously expensive Medicare Part D. Yes, W was an instrument of evil but not in the ways Neal Peart thinks!
And didn’t W spend billions of dollars we don’t have to solve AIDS in Africa (which cannot be done?).
I don’t have a problem with Neal Peart wanting to do charity work for the unwashed masses worldwide, just let him use his own millions! And if Neil isn’t a Christian (he isn’t), then shut the hell up about Christians and what we should do and think!

[VIDEO] CA drought a result of environmentalist priorities

“Taxifornia” author James V. Lacy explains to Fox’s Stuart Varney that CA’s water scarcity is a result of misplaced environmental priorities.

Via: California Political Review

The Federalist: The Media Doesn't Want Americans To Know Anything About King v. Burwell

According to a new poll by the Kaiser Family Foundation, 7 in 10 Americans have heard little or nothing about King v. Burwell, the U.S. Supreme Court case that will, any day now, decide the fate of Obamacare’s health insurance subsidies for millions of Americans. Yet 63 percent of those surveyed also say that if the court rules against the government, Congress should act to keep those subsidies in place.
Got that? The vast majority of Americans know almost nothing about this case, but 63 percent have an opinion about what Congress should do in response to a ruling that carries certain policy implications. How can this be?
Other recent polls about Burwell and Obamacare also appear to be contradictory, as David Harsanyi noted about the recentWashington Post-ABC News poll, in which the conflicting results stemmed from how pollsters framed the question:
Davidson1Harsanyi’s response: “Chew over the absurdity and bias of that query (it’s worse when you dig deeper). For starters, it has absolutely nothing to do with the legality or constitutionality of the Obamacare challenge—the reason the case is in the courts. It’s about the theoretical consequences should the court side with the challengers.” In philosophy, this is called petitio principii, the Latin term for the logical fallacy of “begging the question”—when one assumes in the premises the very conclusion one is trying to prove.

Lawmaker to Vilsack: In Your Thinking, What’s the Limit to ‘the Role of the State in Caring for Our Kids?’

( – Rep. Dave Brat (R-Va.) challenged Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack Tuesday about the extent of the role he believed the federal government should have in school lunch programs.
“Is there any upper bound philosophically in your thought to the role of the state in caring for our kids?” he asked during a House Education and Workforce Committee hearing.
Brat said he didn’t “want to be sitting here at the federal level, micromanaging all these micro issues” which he said “belong to the state and local and optimally at the parent level.”
Referring to an earlier remark by Rep. Bobby Scott (D-Va.), Brat said, “The ranking member made a comment, ‘it’s our job to provide nutritious meals.’ I think most of us agree with that statement in the short run, but I want to get your thoughts on what you’d make of that in the long run – both on the economic front and on the ethics front.”
Vilsack said the questions were “really important” ones.
“Frankly, as you were asking your question I was actually thinking back to my childhood,” he continued, “adopted into a family where my mother … she was a mean lady when she drank and she was a wonderful lady when she stopped, but during the time that she was drinking she was not there.”
“You know somebody’s got to be there, somebody’s got to be there. I’d like it to be mom and dad but sometimes that’s just not possible, so somebody’s got to be there,” Vilsack said.
“You know we send our children to school and obviously you know when they’re in school this whole [in loco parentis] notion, you would hope that the school district is taking care of them, protecting them, feeding them well, and teaching them well so that at some point in time the light bulb turns on and the kid basically says, I want a better life, I want a better way. I’m going to work hard. I’m going to do what I need to do.”

The Only Comment On Dylann Roof’s Facebook Photo Is Powerful


His name is Marcus Stanley. He is a 30-year-old award winning old gospel musician from Virginia. Marcus has also been shot, eight times. According to his website:
Marcus was shot 8 times at point blank range with a .45 caliber automatic weapon while touring as an initiation act by gang members. Due to the shooting, Marcus became temporarily paralyzed on his right side, lost the ability to walk, and leaving one bullet permanent lodged near his spine. With God’s grace and mercy, Marcus was successfully able to regain the strength to walk and recover most of the feeling in his right arm.
Via: Weasel Zippers

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[VIDEO] GOP Gov. Nikki Haley Chokes Up, “The Heart And Soul Of South Carolina Was Broken”…

While Obama’s first reactions was to politicize the tragedy and push for gun control.


In the final hours before the House votes on a new leadership-concocted scheme to sneak Obamatrade past the American public, it’s been revealed that pro-Obamatrade forces are now aiming to sneak a renewal of the highly controversial Export Import Bank into the deal to secure Senate passage later if the House passes it on Thursday.
“I and all the other members there are looking for a guarantee … for a deal to be good it’s got to have enforcement, TAA, I think it’s got to have Ex-Im reauthorization,” 
Sen. Tim Kaine (D-VA)
, a Democrat who’s angling for this in the deal, said according to Politico. “A lot of [the meeting] was to talk about that very question of: What is a sufficient assurance?”

Politico reports that such a discussion happened at the White House between so-called pro-Obamatrade Democrats and President Barack Obama.
“At the White House on Wednesday, pro-trade Democrats and Obama discussed the possibility of sticking together as a bloc so they can get TPA, TAA, a customs enforcement and perhaps an extension of the Export-Import Bank charter, which lapses at the end of the month,” Politico wrote late Wednesday.
What’s more, 
Sen. Maria Cantwell (D-WA)
—and Rep. Gerry Connolly (D-VA)—also confirmed the effort to sneak the Export-Import Bank reauthorization into the deal when it hits the Senate.

Rep. Gerald Connolly (D-VA)
Sen. Maria Cantwell (D-WA)
 and a ‘small group’ of Democratic senators who voted last month to renew TPA made ‘very clear’ in a June 16 meeting with House Democrats that they will support a standalone TPA only if they can get a vote on Ex-Im reauthorization,” Inside U.S. Trade, a high-value trade subscription-only publication for beltway insiders, wrote on Wednesday. “Connolly said for these ‘handful’ of Senate Democrats the Ex-Im issue seemed more important than the passage of TAA.”

Via: Breitbart

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Former Obama Administration Official Blames South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley For Shooting At Black Church

A former Obama administration official wasted no time in politicizing a shooting at a black Charleston, S.C. church that left nine people dead.
What do you think?

Brandon Friedman, the former deputy assistant secretary of public affairs at the Department of Housing and Urban Development, posted a tweet shortly after the Wednesday night shooting linking it to South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley’s defense of flying the Confederate flag outside of the South Carolina statehouse.

In the tweet, Friedman linked to a 2014 article from the liberal website Talking Points Memo which reported Haley’s position on the issue.
What Haley’s defense of allowing the flag to continue flying has to do with Wednesday night’s shooting is unclear. Friedman did not return a request for comment.
What do you think?

Police say a white male in his early 20s entered the Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal church in Charleston and opened fire on parishioners holding Bible study. The gunman is still on the loose, and his motivation is unknown. Charleston police chief Greg Mullen did state at a press conference that he believes that the shooting could be a hate crime.
What do you think?

This is not the first time that Friedman, a veteran of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, has made controversial statements on social media. Last June he posted a string of tweets asserting that Bowe Bergdahl, the soldier who deserted his Army unit in Afghanistan in 2009, may have done so because the rest of his platoon were “psychopaths.”
What do you think?

“What if his platoon was long on psychopaths and short on leadership?” Friedman asked. What if he grew disillusioned with what he saw, didn’t trust his leadership, and walked off? Legal? No. Worthy of sympathy? Maybe.” (RELATED: Obama Administration Official Brandon Friedman: Hey, Maybe Bergdahl’s Platoon Was A Bunch Of Psychopaths)
Via: Daily Caller
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Here’s What We Know About the Charleston Church Shooter Dylann Roof (UPDATED)

charleston suspect photosOn Wednesday night, an unidentified man shot and killed nine people at the historically all-black Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church in Charleston, South Carolina.
Aside from a few recently released surveillance photos, very little is known about the suspect, which is why the Charleston Police Department is seeking the public’s assistance in identifying the man responsible for what police chief Greg Mullen has repeatedly called a “hate crime.”
Here’s what we know:
  • Sometime after 9 p.m., the Charleston Police Department responded to a shooting in the area of the church.
  • As more reporters arrived on the scene, it became readily apparent that the shooting had actually occurred in the church. That’s about when the national media began carrying the story. Photos and videos of police and emergency vehicles just outside the Emanuel AME Church in Charleston flooded social media.
  • By all accounts, an unknown white male walked into the church during a prayer meeting. However, he didn’t immediately start shooting — he actually attended the meeting for about an hour. It wasn’t until some time later that the suspect opened fire on the very congregation he’d earlier been a part of.
  • Eight people died at the scene, while a ninth victim didn’t recover from their injuries after being taken to the hospital. Six were men, whereas three were women.
  • Mullen told reporters there were three survivors, but wouldn’t elaborate.
  • Police released surveillance photos of the suspect and his vehicle on Thursday. They also described him as a white male, 5’9″ and 21 to 25 years of age.
  • “There is absolutely no doubt in my mind this is a hate crime,” the police chief said Thursday morning, adding “This is a situation that is unacceptable in any society, and especially in our society and our city.”
  • Charleston Mayor Joe Riley said the shooter was “an evil and hateful person took the lives of citizens who had come to worship and pray together.”
  • Gov. Nikki Haley also spoke out, saying “While we do not yet know all of the details, we do know that we’ll never understand what motivates anyone to enter one of our places of worship and take the life of another.”

[VIDEO] Biden: Most Important Thing Obama Can Do Is Get a Handle on Climate Change

( – Vice President Joe Biden said on Tuesday that climate change is the “single most important thing” that he and President Barack Obama will address during their eight years in office.

“This is the single most important thing that Barack Obama and Joe Biden can do in eight years of a presidency and vice presidency is to actually get a handle – get a handle -- on climate change,” Biden said at the White House’s clean energy summit.

As previously reported, in his State of the Union address on Jan. 20, 2015, Obama said, “No challenge--no challenge--poses a greater threat to future generations than climate change," President Obama declared in his State of the Union Address on Tuesday night.

At the summit, staged to announce $4 billion in private sector investment in clean energy research and development and detail executive actions taken by Obama to increase the federal government’s role in investing and developing clean energy, Biden touted that role and importance of fighting climate change.

“What you’re doing really, really matters, and I want to tell you you’ve got a partner in us,” Biden said to a crowd of alternative energy advocates and activists. “We’ll do everything that’s reasonably possible, and there’s no pride of authorship here. We’re doing things that aren’t working.

“We could do more to make it work better for you, all to make it more attractive to invest and be engaged. Let us know, because this is the single most important thing that Barack Obama and Joe Biden can do in eight years of a presidency and vice presidency is to actually get a handle climate change,” he said.

Via: CNS News

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