Saturday, June 20, 2015

Judicial Watch Statement in Response to Federal Court Reopening Lawsuit Seeking Information on Top Clinton Aide Huma Abedin

(Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton made the following statement regarding today’s decision by U.S. District Court Judge Emmet G. Sullivan to reopen a Judicial Watch Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit that sought records about Huma Abedin, the former Deputy Chief of Staff to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton (Judicial Watch v. U.S. Department of State (No. 1:13-cv-01363)).
Hillary Clinton’s massive email cover-up is unraveling. We welcome Judge Sullivan’s decision to reopen this lawsuit. Hillary Clinton and the Obama administration concealed records and lied to obstruct federal courts and Judicial Watch from finding out about the secret emails.

The court battle to get to the truth about Huma Abedin’s “special government employee” (SGE) privileges at State is underway. The reopening of this case brings Judicial Watch one step closer to forcing the State Department to ensure that the government records in Hillary Clinton’s “secret” email system are properly preserved, protected and recovered as federal law requires.  Ms. Abedin is part of the Clinton cash raising operation and was even involved in the Benghazi scandal, so this lawsuit could not be more timely.
This is the second Judicial Watch FOIA lawsuit that has been reopened because of Hillary Clinton’s hidden email records.  Judicial Watch is aware of no prior instances of Freedom of Information lawsuits being reopened by federal courts.

Judge Sullivan ruled that the “changed circumstances” of the discovery that Hillary Clinton and members of her State Department staff used secret email accounts to conduct government business warranted “reopening” the lawsuit.

In asking Judge Sullivan to reopen the lawsuit, Judicial Watch cited a federal court rule (Rule 60(b)(3)) that allows a party to reopen a case due to “fraud (whether previously called intrinsic or extrinsic), misrepresentation, or misconduct by an opposing party:”
The State Department had an obligation under the Federal Records Act to properly preserve, maintain, and make available for retrieval records of its official functions. In fact, it is the obligation of the head of every federal agency to do so.  Secretary Clinton plainly violated her own legal obligations. Doing so was misconduct.
The State Department originally agreed with Judicial Watch’s request but later changed its mind and asked the Court to reopen the lawsuit because of “newly discovered evidence.”  In today’s ruling, Judge Sullivan simply reopened the case, rather than “spilling ink” on whether Hillary Clinton and the State Department committed fraud, misrepresentation or misconduct.

Huma Abedin left the State Department in February 2013, and in May 2013, Politico reported that, since June 2012, she had been double-dipping, working as a consultant to outside clients while continuing as a top adviser at State. Abedin’s outside clients included Teneo, a strategic consulting firm co-founded by former Bill Clinton counselor Doug Band. According to Fox NewsAbedin earned $355,000 as a consultant to Teneo, in addition to her $135,000 SGE compensation.

Teneo describes its activities as providing “the leaders of the world’s most respected companies, nonprofit institutions and governments with a full suite of advisory solutions.” [Emphasis added]  Outside of the U.S., it maintains offices in Dubai, London, Dublin, Hong Kong, Brussels, Washington, and Beijing.  Teneo was also the subject of various investigative reports, including by the New York Times, which raise questions about its relationship with the Clinton Foundation.

In February 2014, the State Department assured Judicial Watch that it had searched the Office of the Executive Secretary, which would have included the offices of the Secretary of State and top staff. Relying upon the State Department’s misrepresentation that the agency conducted a reasonable search, Judicial Watch agreed to dismiss its lawsuit on March 14, 2014.

Via: Judicial Watch

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Court orders feds to find and return deported mother and daughter from Guatemala BY FRANCO ORDOƑEZ

Immigration Lockup Complaint
In this July 31, 2014, photo, a Spanish and English welcome sign is seen above a door in a secured entrance area at the Karnes County Residential Center in Karnes City, Texas. A teenage mother found bleeding from her wrist in the center’s bathroom last week is in the process of being deported.

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 — A U.S. Court of Appeals judge has ordered U.S. officials to intercept a mother and her 12-year-old daughter on plane Friday being deported to Guatemala and immediately return them to the United States.
The 34-year-old mother, Ana, and her daughter were woken up at 3 a.m. Eastern Daylight Time on Friday and pulled from their rooms at a Pennsylvania family detention center, where they had been living for over a year, said her attorney, Bridget Cambria. By 10 a.m., the two were placed on a plane flying to Panama City, where they would catch a second flight to Guatemala City.
In a rare move that will likely draw more attention to the controversial practice of family detention, Chief Judge Theodore A. McKee of the Third Circuit Court of Appeals ordered U.S. officials to stop Ana and her daughter when they arrive in Guatemala City and immediately return them to the United States.
“If the government is unable to intercept Petitioners at the airport, they must locate Petitioners in Guatemala and return them to the United States as quickly as possible,” McKee wrote in his June 19 order.
Reached Friday night, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement officials said they were reviewing the court’s order.
“Right now the agency is working to prepare a way forward for all parties involved in the case,” said spokeswoman Gillian Christensen.
McClatchy isn’t sharing Ana’s last name because of concerns she and her lawyer have about possible reprisals from those she had fled in Guatemala.
Cambria had asked the court to block Ana’s deportation while her latest appeal was pending. In its opposition to that request, the U.S. attorney’s office told the court that, as of June 9, immigration officials had no plans to remove Ana and her daughter. She was then removed 10 days later at 9:55 a.m. Friday morning.
In his order, McKee said the court would have granted Cambria’s request to block the deportation had the court known Ana and her daughter were going to be deported.
Ana and her daughter were victims of domestic violence in Guatemala, Cambria said, and suffered psychological issues because of their long stay at the Berks County Residential Center in Pennsylvania.
Cambria said ICE knew that an emergency request to stop the deportation had been filed. But ICE officials didn’t notify the court that they had plans to remove the mother and child.
“It’s the court acknowledging that ICE can’t flex its muscle and deport victims of domestic violence, victims of sexual violence without giving them appropriate due process,” Cambria said. “You can’t play tricks when you’re dealing with people’s lives.”
The U.S. attorney has asked for Cambria’s help in tracking down Ana and her daughter in Guatemala.
Via: McClatchy
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[VIDEO] Rand Paul Warns GOP Leadership: Don’t Give Us ‘Obamacare Lite’

Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., tells The Daily Signal that he’s not in favor of a GOP plan to extend Obamacare subsidies for a couple of years if the Supreme Court rules they are unconstitutional in the King v. Burwell case.
“By keeping parts of Obamacare and letting it sputter on for awhile and saying we’re just going to get rid of the stuff that he started slowly, I don’t think that’s a good way to go about it,” Paul says in the interview conducted at the Road to Majority Conference in Washington, D.C.
The Supreme Court is expected to decide as early as Monday whether the IRS illegally provided subsidies to recipients of Obamacare in states with federally established exchanges.
Some House Republicans are floating a plan that would do away with the controversial individual mandate that requires everyone to buy health insurance, but the bill would also give states the option to choose a block grant of money so people can continue receiving the subsidies for a certain amount of time.
Paul says that’s not the right approach. “I’m not a big fan of ‘Obamacare lite.’”

The Shale Industry Could Be Swallowed By Its Own Debt

The debt that fueled the U.S. shale boom now threatens to be its undoing.
Drillers are devoting more revenue than ever to interest payments. In one example, Continental Resources Inc., the company credited with making North Dakota’s Bakken Shale one of the biggest oil-producing regions in the world, spent almost as much as Exxon Mobil Corp., a company 20 times its size.
The burden is becoming heavier after oil prices fell 43 percent in the past year. Interest payments are eating up more than 10 percent of revenue for 27 of the 62 drillers in the Bloomberg Intelligence North America Independent Exploration and Production Index, up from a dozen a year ago. Drillers’ debt ballooned to $235 billion at the end of the first quarter, a 16 percent increase in the past year, even as revenue shrank.
“The question is, how long do they have that they can get away with this,” said Thomas Watters, an oil and gas credit analyst at Standard & Poor’s in New York. The companies with the lowest credit ratings “are in survival mode,” he said.
The problem for shale drillers is that they’ve consistently spent money faster than they’ve made it, even when oil was $100 a barrel. The companies in the Bloomberg index spent $4.15 for every dollar earned selling oil and gas in the first quarter, up from $2.25 a year earlier, while pushing U.S. oil production to the highest in more than 30 years.
“There’s a liquidity issue, and you start looking at the cash burn,” Watters said.

Distressed Debt

Continental borrows at cheaper rates than many of its smaller peers because its debt is investment grade. S&P assigns speculative, or junk, ratings to 45 out of the 62 companies in the Bloomberg index.
“Our cash flow easily covers interest costs, and we expect to continue maintaining our investment-grade credit rating as commodity prices recover,” said Warren Henry, a spokesman for Oklahoma City-based Continental.
Almost $20 billion in bonds issued by the 62 companies are trading at distressed levels, with yields more than 10 percentage points above U.S. Treasuries, as investors demand much higher rates to compensate for the risk that obligations won’t be repaid, data compiled by Bloomberg show.
“Credit markets have played a big role in keeping the entire sector alive,” said Amrita Sen, chief oil analyst at Energy Aspects Ltd., a consulting firm in London.
So far this year, S&P lowered the outlook or downgraded the credit of almost half of the 105 U.S. exploration and production companies that it rates, according to a May report.

State Dept. on Missing Legal Deadline for Human Rights Report by 113 Days: 'Of Course, We Have to Obey the Law’

( – Despite now being 113 days past the federally mandated deadline for releasing the 2014 Human Rights Reports, Rear Adm. (ret.) John Kirby, the newly appointed spokesperson for the State Department, said during a press briefing on Thursday that “of course [Obama officials] have to obey the law” that requires the department to release the annual reports by Feb. 25. 

Kirby then blamed the historical and largely unexplained delay on Secretary of State John Kerry’s “very intense travel schedule” and “routine staff and administrative delays.” Kirby also declined to say whether the reports are actually completed and when they will be released.

“Okay, so they have been completed then,” pressed.

“I’m not going to talk about, you know, how dry the ink is on these things,” said Kirby.  “But I can tell you that we will release the report very, very soon.”

“Well it’s now 113 days late [on June 18], which is a historical record by almost a month,” continued. “The Foreign Assistance Act mandates that these things be released by February 25 of every year. Does the Obama administration believe that they have any obligation to obey that law?” 

“Well, of course, we have to obey the law. We know we’re late. We’re working on the report. We’ll have it out very soon,” Kirby stated before attempting to move on.

Another reporter followed up, “But could you say why it’s -- I mean, it seems to be late every year. Is like, this year dif -- I mean maybe this year is a little bit longer, but they never come out on time. So --.”
“I can’t speak to the institutional history of homework here at the State Department. But again, we’ve acknowledged that it’s late. We understand that. We know the concerns surrounding that. It will be out very soon, very soon,” Kirby said before moving to a different topic.
Via: CNS News
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[MUST READ] Californians Struggle to Afford Obamacare Premiums

covered ca
In May 2013, Covered California officials faced sharp criticism over claims that premiums would actually go down for many health insurance purchasers.’s Avik Roy wrote that the agency implementing the Golden State’s version of Obamacare needed to look at its own data, which suggested health premiums would surge at least 64 percent after the regulations in the Affordable Care Act took effect. Bloomberg analysts offered similar criticisms.
Two years later, the Kaiser Family Foundation has issued a report that suggests these warnings were more accurate than the upbeat predictions of Covered California Executive Director Peter Lee. A key finding:
“Among adults who say that they pay a monthly premium for their health coverage, nearly half of newly insured adults (47 percent) say it is somewhat or very difficult to afford this cost, compared to just 27 percent of adults who were insured before 2014. When looking specifically by type of coverage, 44 percent of Covered California enrollees (not all of whom are newly insured) report difficulty paying their monthly premium, versus a quarter of adults with other types of private coverage. Medi-Cal enrollees do not pay monthly premiums for their coverage.”
Cost, not glitches, slowing CA sign-ups
The Kaiser report, which was based on interviews with 4,555 Californians, says the cost factor is the biggest barrier to higher enrollments, not online technical snafus:
“Cost continues to prevent many uninsured adults from seeking coverage. While many people focused on website glitches and administrative barriers during 2014, uninsured adults say that the reason they still lack coverage is because it’s too expensive, with most not even trying to get ACA coverage, and many who did still saying they are ineligible or believe the coverage is too costly.”
Via: California Political Review

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Obama Rallies Hollywood Elites for Gun Control Day After Charleston Attack

On June 18–the day after Dylann Roof allegedly shot and killed 9 people at Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church in Charleston, South Carolina–President Obama urged Hollywood elites to renew their efforts to help me pass more gun control.

Obama repeated his message at two separate Democrat National Committee fundraisers.
According to The Hollywood Reporterone of the fundraisers cost “$16,700 per person” for attendees like Kiefer Sutherland, Matthew Perry, Conan O’Brien, and director James BurrowsSpeaking at this fundraiser, Obama lamented that “someone who wanted to inflict harm had no trouble getting their hands on a gun.”
He added: “This shooting is incredibly personal, and I’ve done this too much as president. Look, we’ve got to go back to the base of the issue and we have to fight it until it’s fixed.”
The second DNC fundraiser was held at Tyler Perry’s house and attendance prices “ranged from $2,500 to $33,500″ per person. Speaking here Obama said, “To see such a horrific event unfold like that is particularly shocking and it’s a reminder that we’ve got a lot of work to do.”
If you’re dissatisfied that every few months we have a mass shooting in this country, killing innocent people, then I need you to mobilize and organize a constituency that says this is not normal and we are going to change it, and put pressure to elect people who insist on that change.
Via: Breitbart

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WASHINGTON, DC – In this week’s address, Rep. Ryan Zinke (R-MT) calls on President Obama to join Republicans’ efforts to make sure our troops have the resources they need and the pay raise they have earned.  On Thursday, Senate Democrats blocked a troop funding bill in an attempt to extract more money for the IRS and the EPA.  
“Mr. President, I appeal to you as commander-in-chief to stop this game your party is playing with our national security,” Rep. Zinke says in the address. “It’s dangerous, and it’s wrong.  Do the right thing, help us give our troops the resources they need and the raise they have earned.”
Rep. Zinke is a fifth generation Montanan, former state senator and a 23-year U.S. Navy SEAL veteran.  In 2014, he became the first Navy SEAL elected to the House. 

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[VIDEO] OBAMA WEEKLY ADDRESS: Creating New Pathways of Opportunity for Americans Like You, Saturday June 21, 2015

WASHINGTON, DC — In this week's address, the President spoke to his priority of growing the economy and opening new avenues of opportunity for hardworking Americans.  While the United States has already made economic progress, with more than 12 million new private sector jobs created over the past five years, there’s still more to be done.  That’s why the President has continued to press for strong, high-standard trade agreements that are good for American workers and good for American businesses.  And it’s why his Administration has partnered with mayors and governors across the country on issues such as minimum wage and paid leave that impact hardworking Americans.  The President discussed impactful initiatives like these in his address before the Conference of Mayors on Friday.

Ann Coulter Waves Goodbye

Goodbye to the prosperous country founded by overwhelmingly Protestant colonists in the 18th century. Hello to the third-world multicultural mĆ©lange with a distinctly Mexican accent, appalling cultural norms, and a clearly leftist political orientation. Such is the vision of the United States given by no-holds-barred pundit Ann Coulter in her latest book, Adios, America: The Left’s Plan to Turn Our Country into a Third World Hellhole.

Coulter’s subtitle summarizes her basic thesis -- that America’s immigration policies since the decisive Edward Kennedy immigration bill in 1965 have altered our demographic makeup so radically that the nation will be unalterably degraded if immediate changes aren’t made to our legal and illegal immigration practices. Despite assurances to the contrary, Kennedy’s legislation became the vehicle for fundamentally transforming America’s immigrant population from largely European to overwhelmingly Third World in origin.

Indeed, Coulter observes in her heavily annotated work that about 50 million Mexicans, more than a quarter of that nation’s population, has already migrated, either legally and illegally, to America -- a figure derived by employing data other than census forms that folks unlawfully in the country clearly don’t complete at the postulated 90% rate. Thanks to family reunification policies and notoriously lax enforcement of sanctuary laws, “since 1970, nearly 90 percent of all legal immigrants have been from the Third World.”  Accordingly, the country now accepts “more immigrants from Nigeria than we do from Britain.”

The devastating consequences of accepting millions of immigrants from cultural backwaters are evident in crime statistics -- stats that Coulter says are incredibly hard to secure since it’s now deemed racist to ask how many incarcerated folks are foreign born. Despite the virtual blackout on such data, it’s clear that immigrants (legal and illegal) constitute a disproportionate percentage of the nation’s prison population. “The U.S. government admits that at least 351,000 criminal immigrants were incarcerated in the United States as of 2011.” 

Many of these criminals, Coulter observes with biting sarcasm, are committing crimes that Americans just won’t do. Adios America is replete with atrocities that most news outlets won’t specifically attribute to immigrants. Instead, a “man” or “residents” are to blame for gruesome crimes. Consider, for example, a 1998 New York Times story in which the journalist employs numerous misleading terms in his report on a vicious gang-rape in Fresco, California (“working class city… men and boys… 24-year-old man… teen-ager… seven juveniles”) all the while avoiding specifically identifying both the perpetrators and victims of these crimes as Hmong immigrants. Coulter adds that “over the next year, about three dozen Hmong men were indicted for a series of gang rapes and forced prostitution of young girls in the Fresno area.” 

The truth that PC journalists are loath to admit is that Third World attitudes toward women are generally abysmal when compared with the United States. Thus, the fact that young Hispanic girls in the U.S. are seven times more likely than their white counterparts to give birth between the ages of ten and fourteen is perfectly consistent with Mexican law where “in thirty-one of thirty-two states… the age of consent for sex is twelve.” The lone exception is Mexico State where the legal age is fourteen. Thus, it shouldn’t be surprising that Hispanics have the highest unmarried birthrate in the U.S., “even higher than American blacks,” a fact “that will never be identified as the consequence of mass immigration.” 

Via: American Thinker

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[VIDEO] German man takes revenge on ex-wife by sawing everything they own in half, selling it on eBay

Everybody handles breakups differently, and a German man has found a hilarious (albeit demented) out-of-the-box way to express his anger with his ex-wife. The two have been together for 12 years before splitting up, so the handy man took it upon itself to split in half everything they owned with help of a saw and other power tools. And then put his share up for sale on eBay.
The heartbroken guy posted a video of the feat on his YouTube channel, which shows you that you can practically cut in half any kind of object, regardless if it’s a chair, an iPhone 5, a big-screen Samsung TV or an even bigger Opel Corsa car. In what follows, you can see what Der Juli is selling on eBay, after cutting his half, and how much it’s priced at.
The best thing about it is that each product has its own story, in which the owner explains why he’s selling the product, and how it relates to his former wife (see below).
Half a teddy bear – €51 ($58): “Although she doesn’t need a stuffed animal to snuggle, there are affectionate fellow workers for that.”
Half a mail box – €40.50 ($46): “The mailbox hung for many years on our house until my wife turned int my ex-wife and increasingly unpleasant shipments arrived in it.”
Half a motorbike helmet – €34.50 ($39): “My ex-wife thought in the divorce she should be entitled to a greater part of all our things, including mine. She has never been on a motorbike.”
Half an iPhone 5 – €78 ($89): “I generously left her half of everything, even my beloved mobile phone. That way she can no longer secretly send WhatsApp hearts to a younger work colleague. She doesn’t need it anyway as she lives with one.

[VIDEO] Friend of Dylann Roof says suspect planned attack on College of Charleston

A black friend of the white man accused of murdering nine people at a Charleston church says the suspect told him a week prior to the killings that he planned to shoot up a local college campus.
Christon Scriven, a drinking buddy of Dylann Roof, told The Associated Press Friday that he thought Roof’s statements were just drunken bluster. However, Scriven said that he was concerned enough that he and another friend, Joey Meek, went out to take his .45-caliber gun, hiding it in an air-conditioning vent of a mobile home until they all sobered up.
"He just said he was going to hurt a bunch of people" at the College of Charleston," said Scriven, 22.
"I said, 'What did you say? Why do you want to hurt those people in Charleston?'"
"He just said, 'In seven days. ... I have seven days.'"
Just a week later, Roof, 21, is believed to have gone into Charleston’s historic Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church, sat in for a Bible study class for at least an hour and then fired upon participants.
Other friends have described Roof as a troubled and confused young man who alternated between partying with black friends and ranting against blacks to his white friends.
Four months before the deadly rampage, court records show Roof was arrested at a Columbia shopping mall on a misdemeanor drug charge after going around dressed in all black, asking suspicious questions about when stores closed and employees left for the night. He was then arrested again, for trespassing at the mall despite being banned from the premises.
Before it was deleted, Roof’s Facebook profile showed a picture of himself wearing a jacked adorned with white-supremacist flags of troubled South Africa and the former country of white-ruled Rhodesia. Roof also had several black people among his social connections.

[CARTOON] Medi-Cal Mess


NEW ORLEANS (AP) -- A veteran New Orleans police officer has been shot and killed while transporting a suspect to the city jail.

Tyler Gamble, a spokesman for the New Orleans Police Department, says Officer Daryle Holloway was shot Saturday morning and pronounced dead at an area hospital about a half-hour later.

Police Chief Michael Harrison told reporters that the suspect, 33-year-old Travis Boys, was able to get his hands out of handcuffs, grab a firearm and shoot Holloway while he was driving. Harrison says Boys came from the back seat into the front seat through a hole in the cage.

Gamble says police and other law enforcement, including state troopers, St. Tammany Parish sheriff's deputies are searching for Boys, who was initially arrested on an aggravated assault charge.

Via: AP

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Revealed: 'Manifesto' where killer unveils Charleston as target of church massacre, calls black people 'stupid and violent' and complains there's 'no real KKK' to help him

Charleston killer Dylann Roof apparently left a ranting, racist manifesto on the internet calling for a new civil war in America before staging his massacre in a church.

A website seemingly written by Roof not long before the killings at the Emanuel AME Church in the South Carolina city emerged Saturday, in which he pinpoints Charleston as his target because of its high proportion of blacks and bemoans that there is 'no real KKK' to help him.

The site was also stuffed full of images of Roof burning the America flag, spitting on it, posing next to Confederate landmarks and posing menacingly with a gun pointed at the camera.
Killer: A website seemingly belonging to Charleston killer Dylann Roof included this photograph of him aiming a gun at the camera, seemingly taken in his bedroom
Killer: A website seemingly belonging to Charleston killer Dylann Roof included this photograph of him aiming a gun at the camera, seemingly taken in his bedroom
Hate: Roof pictured himself burning the U.S. flag - he later said that he 'hates the sight' of it
Hate: Roof pictured himself burning the U.S. flag - he later said that he 'hates the sight' of it
Grim: The photo above shows roof spitting on the America flag while trampling it into his floor
Grim: The photo above shows roof spitting on the America flag while trampling it into his floor

Roof's 2,500-word rant begins with saying he was not raised racist, but came to the decision he had to act after reading about what he describes as 'black on white crime' and concluding that minorities were taking over the United States.

In the text, which he implies was written not long before the killings, he declares: 'N****rs are stupid and violent.... Black people view everything through a racial lense [sic].'
At the end of the passage, he wrote: 'I have no choice. I am not in the position to, alone, go into the ghetto and fight.

Via: Daily Mail

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Immigration Showdown: Coulter Dominates Maher Panel vs. Amnesty Champion Gutierrez!

Columnist and author of “Adios, America” Ann Coulter debated immigration with former MSNBC host Joy Reid and Congressman Rep. Luis Gutierrez (D-IL) on Friday’s broadcast of HBO’s “Real Time.”
The discussion began with Maher and Coulter debating the number of illegal immigrants in the US, and the prior immigration system in the US. Coulter said that, “We used to have an immigration policy where we would choose the best in the world, and that was changed,” Maher rebutted, “Well, we would choose the whitest in the world.”
Coulter continued, “Look, the pre-1970 immigrants were more educated, made more money, were more likely to buy houses, and 30% of them went home. Now, no one goes home, they go on welfare, and they are far more likely to be on welfare than the native population, I think a nation’s policies should be concerned with the people already here, and that includes the immigrants who came last year and the year before. It should be people who live here benefit, not to become the battered woman’s shelter of the world, where we’re bringing in the hardest cases, and the wife beaters, and single mother with eight kids.” Maher responded that he didn’t think those assertions were born out by statistics, because Coulter said there were 30 million illegal immigrants, while government stats say there are 12 million. Coulter argued that her number from Bear Stearns is more accurate than the Census figure that the 12 million came from because “people who have trekked thousands of miles, left their families behind, broken laws, stolen Social Security cards, are not going to be filling out government surveys.”
Maher answered that he still thinks that number is high, given lower birthrates among Mexican women, and “I’ve read everywhere that actually the net immigration from Mexico in the last seven years has been zero.” The two then agreed to suppose 30 million is correct, Coulter stated, “the point at issue is, should America’s immigration policy be used to benefit the people already here, or should it be benefiting Pakistani pushcart operators, illiterate in their own language, never mind ours, who come here, go on welfare, commit terrorism, engage in crimes. Why wouldn’t you look out across the world, like a sports team does, and try to get the crĆØme de la crĆØme?”
Gutierrez was then offered a rebuttal that Coulter was “revving up, you know, it’s a like a Latino registration machine,” and warned “you’re never going to take the White House with this kind of politics ever again–.” Maher then told Gutierrez “that didn’t exactly answer her question.”
Reid then responded, “We were earlier talking, and touched on the issue of slavery. Ever since the forcible removal of millions of African-Americans from chattel slavery, this country has been importing new slave labor because this country wants, and runs, and is fueled by cheap labor,” a point Coulter agreed with. Reid added, that cheap labor was and continues to be drawn from Mexico by “people who are on your side, big agriculture…the big corporate interests who want people to come here.” Coulter reacted that she is not on the side of big agriculture or large corporations, and Maher pointed out that Coulter agreed with Reid’s point in her book.

Obama Confuses White House For Prison

President Barack Obama accidentally compared himself to a prisoner stuck in the White House while speaking at a Beverly Hills fundraiser at filmmaker Tyler Perry’s house Thursday.
What do you think?

“We should be reforming our criminal justice system in such a way that we are not incarcerating nonviolent offenders in ways that renders them incapable of getting a job after they leave office,” Obama said, effectively comparing being in prison to being in office.

“Little slip of the tongue there. Little Freudian slip,” Obama said after making his gaffe. “Tyler is going to give me a job once I leave.”
What do you think?

It is unclear what kind of job Obama will get from Tyler Perry after he leaves office, but it seems within the realm of possibility that Obama might appear in a Perry film.
Obama also attended a swanky Los Angeles fundraiser Thursday afternoon at the home of “Two and A Half Men” producer Chuck Lorre.

Via: Daily Caller

Obama May Face First Veto Override: Medical Device Tax

(Bill Clark/CQ Roll Call File Photo)
(Bill Clark/CQ Roll Call File Photo)
President Barack Obama has his work cut out for him if he’s going to avoid House Republicans nixing part of the Affordable Care Act with a veto override.
The 2.3 percent tax on medical devices enacted as part of that law passed Thursday in the House 280-140, giving Republicans hope they’ll have the votes for an override, which requires a two-thirds majority. That came with a dozen Republicans absent for the vote. Every Republican present and 46 Democrats voted to nuke the tax.
A nonbinding vote to repeal the medical device tax passed the Senate with a veto-proof majority backed by 34 members of the Democratic caucus as part of the 2013 budget resolution vote-a-rama in the Senate, but never got anywhere with then-Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., putting the clamps down on the chamber.
But that vote was on a revenue-neutral proposal, while the House-passed bill would simply add about $24 billion to the debt over a decade.
Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., has made repealing the medical device tax a part of his agenda, so some version seems likely t0 get to Obama’s desk whenever McConnell can find floor time to squeeze it in.

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