When Republicans dared to question Barack Obama during his 2008 campaign he warned them to stop criticizing him. He sent a shot across the bow:
“If they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun.”
He confirmed his animus whenever he felt he was being dissed -- in other words, quite often, since he has a very thin skin.
After he won the presidency, he “joked” that he would sic the IRS on Arizona State University when Arizona State University withdrew their early 2009 offer to give him an honorary degree because they belatedly realized he had done far too little to merit such an honor. One wished the Nobel Peace Prize Committee had shown an equal level of intelligence, but Obama not being George Bush -- and not being a Republican -- was enough rationale for them.
He also has continually mocked and insulted political opponents and, for that matter, many millions of Americans. He is the Snarker-in-Chief. His “joke” about ASU became less funny when his IRS, his FBI and his Department of Justice targeted political opponents. He does not “lead from behind” when his feelings are hurt or his political future may suffer. He is incapable of developing a strategy to deal with Islamic terrorists but is quite capable of developing a strategy when his career is at stake.
Has he devoted the same attention or forcefulness when dealing with Islamic terrorists -- America’s enemies?
What has been his approach?
Barack Obama has recently declared that “ideologies are not defeated with guns; they’re defeated by better ideas.” Or, as New York Post columnist Benny Avni phrased it in the title to a recent column, “President Obama brings a mouth to a knife fight.”
Avni writes:
“Ideologies are not defeated with guns; they’re defeated by better ideas.”Add that, along with “leading from behind” and disappearing “red lines,” to the list of gems that will forever define President Obama’s era in national security That line, from Obama’s televised Pentagon visit Monday on his administration’s anti-ISIS strategy, quickly became a social-media meme.Can we beat ISIS by presenting “a more attractive and more compelling vision”? That’s how Obama put it while assessing progress in our undeclared, undefined non-war against a nonstate that has nothing to do with Islam (and yet kicks our ass all over the place).Come on. This isn’t Debate Club.
Obama also said this is a “long-term campaign,” meaning that he has pushed responsibility for dealing with them to future presidents. He absolves himself of judgment for his weak-kneed performance against them (recall, he has “no strategy” to deal with them). So he cannot deal with even a “JayVee” team.
Is Barack Obama a powderpuff president?
Were the Nazis defeated by better ideas? Was the Soviet Union? Didn’t Barack Obama boast that he was a “student of history”? In the world of free information, western liberal ideas are pervasive. They are not “better ideas” to Islamic extremists who hate much of the West for those very ideas. Talk therapy won’t work with them. Perhaps Obama can call for a collegial symposium to hash out differences of opinion between the beheaders and representatives of the freedom and liberty-loving West.
Barack Obama has the world’s biggest megaphone and operates on the world’s biggest stage. What better ideas has he been propounding over the years? Has he been helping or hurting the West and its battle over better ideas?
Obama’s Better Ideas
What have Muslims been hearing from Barack Obama for years? Has he been a proponent of better ideas? Has he been proclaiming the wonders of America and of the West?
Via: American Thinker