It was September again and time for my bi-yearly trip home to Boston. When I visited two years ago after a long absence I went with an open mind. The Big Dig was almost finished and it was time to take a ride through it for the first time. To say I was mildly disjointed would be an understatement that compares with putting a band aid on a severed limb. There had already been a motorist killed in one of the tunnels a few years back when the alleged state of the art constuction caused a piece of the ceiling to collapse. And we won't even discuss the massive leaks that are pouring millions of gallons of water into the main tunnel, which now brings me to the main topic, "infrastructure".
The road and bridges around the Boston area have always been an Achilles heals of sorts with the foot deep potholes, exposed rebar, rusted and rotting steel bridges and one of my old time favorites "Rotaries”. For those of you who don't know what a rotary is I will try to explain. It is a circular island with a road around it that is fed cars from four or more points that converge into a one or two lane circle to which you fight or merge with other oncoming traffic and then exit when you have reached your exit point from this circular monstrosity. Too much for you to understand? Google "Rotaries" and see for yourself. Just for the record, we “stole” the idea from Europe where they are known as “Roundabouts”
Viewing the aforementioned bridges and tunnels, you have to wonder with all the traffic that travels over, under, around and through them, how they have stayed in place for all these years. I think that it has something to do with the road gods that protect us from the potential projectiles that could fall down upon us or drop from below us but I could be wrong. I am still a little mystified about the gravity thing but you get my point.
Recently, President Obama decided to make a campaign stop alongside a bridge that connects Kentucky and Ohio, and which also happens to be the home states of House Speaker Boehner and Senate Minority Leader McConnell. This was not a coincidence. This so called stunt was staged to bring home the point that this piece of our infrastructure was in need of replacement. It was also part of his appeal to sell his $447 billion dollar jobs bill that will put Americans back to work. The bizarre part of this story is that there are no funds in this bill to replace "this particular bridge" which by the way is going to be replaced by 2021. (That’s ten years folks).
We all know that the infrastructure is in this country is in critical need of repair. This is a no brainer. But we have to think back to the stimulus bill in 2009 that what supposed to do the same thing, yet only 6% of this $900 Billion bill was used for this purpose. With this kind of money you could have fixed a lot of roads and bridges. What happened to this money? Why are we doing this dog and pony show again?
Now I return back to the Boston problem. I don't know if the President is aware of the goings on around Boston being that it is one of his bedrock blue states but be rest assured that he will probably win Massachusetts in 2012 so why bother visiting. But unlike Ohio being a swing state, he will probably be spending lots of time there. I would like to invite President Obama to Boston a take a ride through the Central Artery Tunnel and see what $15 billion buys. Let’s see if I can remember all the highlights: Falling ceilings, falling and rusting light fixtures, water leaks, Icebergs (reserved for winter driving), sinkholes, and who knows what else. If it were up to me "Tunnelgate" would be an appropriate name for this disaster in the making. It will probably be a couple more years before I get to make this trip again from Southern California to see what two more years of inaction looks like. But I will come with an open mind again and hope for the best that the area is still in the upright position. For now it's back to the land of sun, surf and liberal indignation on the left coast which shares the same distinction of the other blue state on the right coast.
Monday, October 3, 2011
Saturday, September 10, 2011
September 11, 2001 - The Day that changed Everyone
It started out as a normal Tuesday morning. I was at work and had gone out of the office to run an errand. When I returned to work, I was informed by a co-worker that a small plane had crashed into one of the Towers at the World Trade Center . I thought about what I had just heard, turned to him and said that this was the start of something, not even knowing what would transpire over the next couple of hours. He turned to me and just gave me one of those ‘you’re crazy’ looks. I proceeded to my office to check it out on the internet. I did not know why I had made this comment but something inside told me that this was going to be a day that would change history. Trying to get on the internet that morning proved difficult at best. The log on was slow and much delayed. When I finally got more information, it turned out to be a passenger plane that had flown into the North Tower of the World Trade Center . The second plane had not yet hit. Shortly after refreshing the page, the news reported that a second plane had crashed into the South Tower . This was no accident. One maybe but not two within minutes of each other.
I continued scouring the news sites to see what other information would be forthcoming. At this moment the report of a plane slamming into the Pentagon appeared on the Fox News web site. This day was becoming a day to remember. The fourth and what turned out to be the final crash happened in Western Pennsylvania .
What makes this day special for me was that I was working in Berlin , Pennsylvania and the crash of United Flight 93 was no more than 10 miles away. Why Pennsylvania and why an old abandoned strip mine in Shanksville , PA ? As more details started to emerge the picture was getting clearer and clearer. The United States was being attacked by terrorists who had hijacked three other planes and flew them into pre-targeted locations. All except United Flight 93.
The passengers of Flight 93 were aware of the events that were unfolding that day in New York and Washington . At approximately 10:03 AM, Flight 93 was no more. The story that would unfold was one of bravery by the 40 people who gave their lives to save others. They took matters into their own hands no matter what the consequences.
As I watch the Flight 93 dedication today my memory goes back to the first time that I visited the sight. Hundreds of people were coming and going. Some were leaving personal items on the makeshift memorial. Others including myself were just standing around with tears in our eyes. It was a moving experience. I continued to stroll about the gravel covered area reading the personal notes and remembrances that were left by people from all over the world.
The last time I visited the site was in October 2004 prior to moving to California , promising myself to visit again. It was as moving on that visit as it was on my first of many visits starting in October 2001. As I looked out to the area where the plane crashed, I cannot imagine what it was like to be on the plane. They were all heroes. We are now ten years later and as a nation will never forgot the events that unfolded in New York City, Washington DC, and Shanksville PA. It is a day that will live in the minds of all of us. I dedicate this column to the lives lost and the lives that were changed on September 11, 2001.
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
ACORN by any Other Name is Still ACORN
This past week District Judge Donald Mosley of Nevada gave ACORN the defunct community organization, the maximum fine for a voter registration scheme that occurred during the 2008 presidential election. In passing down his decision he said “It is making a mockery of our election process. If it had been an individual in this courtroom, who is responsible for this kind of thing, I would put that person in prison for 10 years, hard time, and not think twice about it”. He slapped the organization with the maximum $5,000 fine.
This is not the first case of voter fraud against ACORN. A number of individuals nationwide have also been convicted of voter registration fraud for registering dead people and making up fake names.
The 2012 election season is upon us and it probably means that we will be seeing this type of behavior repeating itself all over the country. Recently, former ACORN state chapters have been reorganizing under different names. No matter how you look at it they will no doubt be up to their old tricks to assist President Obama and the left wing in their re-election efforts.
What makes this all the more dangerous is that newly created ACORN groups have teamed up with the SEIU’s economic terrorism campaign. Both have a long history with Barrack Obama which includes his stint as an attorney for ACORN in Chicago.
This should be extremely troubling for most knowing the past history of both of these organizations. It has just been revealed that SEIU has a “Contract Campaign Manual” that specifically targets shareholders. It should certainly not come as a surprise to anyone who follows unions that the plan exists.
Last month it was revealed that the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) a grant of $800,000 was given to Affordable Housing Centers of America which operated as ACORN Housing Corporation in 2009. What is disturbing is that the Obama Administration is ignoring a ban on federal support from 2009 to ACORN and its affiliates, which was overturned by a lower court but restored by a federal appeals court.
The question we should all be asking ourselves is can we protect our elections from the hands of ACORN. Intimidation is their main operating mandate. We might not be able to stop them completely but if we stand up and not let them hijack the next election it will make a difference. The election cannot be compromised in any way. We have to make sure that the likes of ACORN and SEUI are not allowed to operate as they have in the past.
Monday, August 15, 2011
Don’t Give Up the Fight – It’s Only ours to Lose
When I read polls that say that the Democrats are ahead in the recent Generic Congressional Ballot 51% to 44%, I am angry, disturbed and confused. It was not too long ago that this country was railing against the out of control spending when the democrats controlled both houses of congress. Now that we have taken control of the House of Representatives, with the Senate and the White House on the horizon, we are on our way to restoring fiscal sanity to our bloated government. It is not going to happen overnight. We are still up against a Democratic Senate and White House.
While it is true that the Tea Party has had a profound effect on what is currently happening in Washington we still have a long way to do. But if we are going to do it right we have to show patience in the long term, not just with one piece of legislation that we do not totally agree with. I am speaking about the debt deal that was just passed. It may not be what we wanted but it is the first step of many that have to be taken to prevent things from getting worse.
It pains me in ways that I cannot express to see that people are already bailing on the republicans and the Tea Party, and what makes it worse, they think that the democrats can do a better job fixing the economy. Most people have short attention spans when it comes to politics, but now is not the time to be ignorant. We must act and not react every time something does not go our way. We have to fight each battle and if we lose one, we have to keep on fighting and never give up.
Let me give you a few facts about the democrats to refresh your memory. We were promised that the stimulus was supposed to drop the unemployment rate below 8%. It is now 9.1%. That’s $800 billion flushed down the toilet of democracy. We were told that we have to pass ObamaCare to “Find out what is in it”. We found out that the bill is going to cost an additional $50 billion a year because the CBO only factored in single coverage and not family coverage. Do you think the democrats knew what they were doing? They knew all too well. Do you get the picture?
Think about it. Do you really want to re-install Nancy Pelosi or any Democrat as Speaker of the House? Do you really want to go back to the lack of transparency that has followed this administration since 2009? Do you really want a government that cares more about their own self-interests than the interests of “We the People”? If the answer is no to all these questions, it is time to rethink what you want from your elected officials. If you don’t like the republican you elected to office in 2010, go find another republican who will do the job. Don’t give the keys back to the Democrats. It is up to you and only you to do what is right to get this country on track. Don’t ever give up the fight. Let’s get back the America we are all proud of.
Thursday, August 11, 2011
Advice to Republican Congress....It's Time to Start Planning Now
Now that the Budget Balance Act of 2011 is behind us it is time to think ahead to the future. We have all read the recent polls showing that if the election were held today President Obama would lose to a Generic Republican Candidate. If this were to happen, are we prepared for the next four years? Do the republicans in Congress have a secret plan locked away in a file cabinet ready to undue all the harm that has been done in the past few years? If the answer is no, it’s time to start planning now for the next four years.
We have our work cut out for us. Why wait until the last minute. We all know what needs to be done and fast. First and foremost the new president must rescind every executive order that President Obama signed during his term. Congress must immediately start dismantling the Department of Energy, Department of Education, Environmental Protection Agency, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. If we are going to get this country back on the right track, there are painful decisions that need to be made now.
The next step that we should take is to gather together the best minds in business that this country has to offer. We gather them all together for a summit, with the understanding that they leave politics and ego at the door. Nothing will be left off the table including the immediate lowering of personal and corporate taxes. Spending has to be cut to levels that have not been seen since the 80’s. There are sacrifices that must be made. It may be a hardship to some but it will be worth the effort.
Last and probably the most important actions that Congress must take is to repeal ObamaCare and the Dodd–Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act. In place of these two laws we pass legislation that will help consumers and give them what “THEY” want and not what was forced upon them.
We do not have time to waste. The sooner we get this country back on track in the right direction, the sooner we get people back to work and the economy humming on eight cylinders. Lets us not forget what Ronald Reagan said, "I hope we once again have reminded people that man is not free unless government is limited. There's a clear cause and effect here that is as neat and predictable as a law of physics: As government expands, liberty contracts”
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