Wednesday, August 14, 2013

New Insurance Mandate Forces Businesses Cut Employees’ Hours

In Case You Missed It...                                                   August 14, 2013

New Insurance Mandate Forces Businesses Cut Employees’ Hours
Another day, another report of ObamaCare forcing small businesses across the country to cut employees' hours, curtail hiring or reduce wages – all while almost 12 million Americans are still struggling to find work.  The report below from NBC News adds to the growing list of evidence that employers are preparing for the negative impact ObamaCare will have on their businesses and their employees.  The concerns come from employers and employees alike:
  • A small business owner speaks of the real impact of cutting hours: “Losing five or six hours a week, that's $50, $60 a week or a couple hundred dollars a month, that's a car payment.”
  • Part-time math professor Tracy Sullivan lost half her income as a result of the law: “I never thought it would impact me directly. I was stunned.”
  • And United Food and Commercial Workers International Union (UFCW) President, Joseph Hansen, notes that the worst may be yet to come: “Wait a year, you'll see a tremendous impact as workers have their hours reduced and their incomes reduced.”

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