Monday, August 19, 2013

True Patriots Know at Heart That It’s Never too Late to Never Give Up

Mark Levin: The Liberty Amendments: Restoring the American RepublicIf you want to rescue America and restore her to a Constitutional Republic, you must be like a Mark Levin.  That is, be more solution oriented than staying put as part of the Big Whine.

Millions have been longing to put the pieces back together and Levin shows the way to the restoration of constitutional republicanism through a well-thought-out series of amendments to the Constitution.

It will for certain be a long road back, but traveling along one that is doable with determination and the right winning attitude.

A president called Barack Obama is forcing the ‘Fundamental Transformation of America’ on a population of a mostly unwitting 330 million.  Radio talk show host, constitutional lawyer and patriot Mark Levin’s latest book, The Liberty Amendments: Restoring the American Republic is forcing the Fundamental Transformation of Obama and the progressive collective that have followed a 100-year-old blueprint to take the USA down.

Bold, brave and persistent is what Levin is trying to get you to be with the plan laid out in his runaway best seller, The Liberty Amendments.

The rousing cheers of patriots that can be heard through the White Noise of government-manufactured confusion and propaganda is because they know Mark Levin is the man who can turn The Good Ship USS America around.

True patriots know at heart that it’s never too late to never give up.

“I know of no one who has a greater reverence for our Constitution and for the scheme of limited government and personal liberties it established,” writes David Limbaugh. “Mark has been a student of America’s founding and its constitutional history since he was a young boy, when he and his friends would visit Philadelphia, where it all started, and study the history.

Via: Canada Free Press

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