After a clip of O'Reilly asserting that "I know you guys watch the Factor for accuracy," Sharpton cracked:
Really? People watch The Factor for accuracy? Hmm. Sounds like another false statement that needs to be corrected.
Introducing the segment about O'Reilly correcting himself for claiming that Republicans were not invited to take part in the Martin Luther King, Jr., 50th anniversary commemoration, the MSNBC host began:
We're back with more fallout from the incredible Republican snub of the march on Washington. Today everyone is talking about a big unexpected apology.
Then came a clip of the FNC host:
Last night, during my discussion with James Carville about the Martin Luther King commemoration, I said there were no Republican speakers invited. Wrong. I was wrong. Some Republicans were asked to speak. They declined, and that was a mistake. They should have spoken. Now, the mistake entirely on me. I simply assumed that since all the speakers were liberal Democrats, Republicans were excluded.
O'Reilly added:
So here is the tip of the day. Always check out the facts before you make a definitive statement. And when you make a mistake, admit it. By the way, I'm sorry I made that mistake. It's very annoying because I know you guys watch The Factor for accuracy.
Below is a complete transcript of the segment from the Friday, August 30, PoliticsNation on MSNBC:
AL SHARPTON: We're back with more fallout from the incredible Republican snub of the march on Washington. Today everyone is talking about a big unexpected apology.
BILL O'REILLY, FNC: Last night, during my discussion with James Carville about the Martin Luther King commemoration, I said there were no Republican speakers invited. Wrong. I was wrong. Some Republicans were asked to speak. They declined, and that was a mistake. They should have spoken.
Via: NewsbustersBILL O'REILLY, FNC: Last night, during my discussion with James Carville about the Martin Luther King commemoration, I said there were no Republican speakers invited. Wrong. I was wrong. Some Republicans were asked to speak. They declined, and that was a mistake. They should have spoken.
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