Alas, this escape was only temporary, as we all now live in a country where the industry is being seized by a president who remains totally oblivious to its realities. Yet he insists on occupying the position as grand poobah CEO of all of it, and ruling by edict. And his epic "fix" can be translated this way:
If you like your coverage, you can rent it. Maybe.
There are so many problems with what he said, it's hard to know where to start -- so let's start with the absurdity of a one-year fix. That's no fix. Even terminal cancer caregivers score being "fixed" in terms of a five-year survival. Besides, Obama's 29 public pronouncements that you can "keep your insurance" were never mitigated with a "sell by" date. He hasn't fixed Obamacare, and in fact, he hasn't even fixed his "incorrect promise" by this. That promise depends, I guess, on what the meaning of "period" is.
Via: American Thinker
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