When the president had finished explaining his proposed change to Obamacare, which would allow individuals to keep their plans for another year, Limbaugh told his audience:
"He's doing two things: He's telling the insurance companies, as a dictator would, what they can and can't do or what they must or must not do, or what they have to and don't have to do. He is suggesting … that if you have your plan now and you like it, you can keep it for one more year so that you don't get any angrier at Democrats than you are now and vote against them next November."
The Palm-Beach, Fla., based commentator continued, "If your plan has been canceled, he has just ordered the insurance company to make it available to you, so that you can go back and get that plan. The problem is that that plan was canceled precisely because it conflicts with his law, with Obamacare."
Limbaugh, whose show is the highest-rated talk-radio program in the country, said the president's move was purely political.
"Remember, he's doing this not because he cares about you. He's not doing this because he's upset you've lost your plan. He's doing this because he's losing the media, and he's losing his fellow Democrats, and he's losing the proposition."
Limbaugh also replayed a segment from his Oct. 30 show in which he predicted Obama's about-face:
"If Obama is gonna go out now and play dictator, let's realize he could play dictator in any direction he wants to go… If he has the power to deny you your grandfathered plan, the one you liked and the one you were told you could keep… then maybe Obama can play dictator and re-grandfather your plan. If he can play dictator and take it away from you, then he can play dictator and fix it, I assume."
"This is such a disaster, folks," he concluded after playing the clip. "The original problem with this remains. This is so un-American, this whole thing, and now what's the 'fix'? The fix is for this guy to play dictator again and now command or compel the insurance companies to run their business the way he wants them to for the next year is that his part won't be hurt in the elections next November.
"This isn't America, folks," he added.
Via: Newsmax
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