Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Destroying the GOP: How Immigration Turned California Blue

Republicans won California in every presidential election of the '50s, '60s, '70s, and '80s, except for the '64 Goldwater loss.  Now California has a third-world economy with one-party dominance.
The pro-amnesty Republicans should think clearly about what happened to the Golden State.
Today, California's GOP has withered to a small fraction of the state's registered voters.  Since the state began tracking party affiliation in 1922, Republicans have never had such a low share.  Republicans are now 29 percent of voters; Democrats are 44 percent.
But California did not go quietly.  In 1994, California voters, and governor Pete Wilson, tried to eliminate the incentives for illegal immigration with Proposition 187.  Prop 187 sought to prevent people from receiving social services or public education until they were verified as U.S. citizens.  Law enforcement agencies were to report illegals to state and federal authorities.
The proposition passed by a stunning 59%-to-41% margin in 1994.  However, by 1999, Prop 187 was invalidated by court rulings pushed by liberal organizations.  California is now known as Mexifornia.
How could the state that passed Prop 187 and had been a stalwart for Republican presidents have fallen so far?
As the graphs below show, demography was electoral destiny for California.  The top chart shows California's demographic changes (from 1960 to 2010), compared to the state's Electoral College votes.  The state's Electoral College votes went blue in tandem with the rising Hispanic population.
Sources: WSJ270towin.com

Via: American Thinker

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