Thursday, July 16, 2015

[VIDEO] Rush to convert your green cards into votes against Trump and other 'bullies and bigots':

A Democratic congressman wants millions of people who hold U.S. green cards to become American citizens in order to send Donald Trump and other Republicans a message that they're 'mean and frankly, let’s be honest, racist.'

Louis Gutierrez, who is the senior House Democrat from Illinois and a Puerto Rican immigrant, spoke on the House floor just after 10:00 Wednesday morning, delivering a message especially to more than 5 million Hispanic U.S. residens who are eligible for citizenship today.

'Every time you see Trump’s face on your TV, vow to learn a little more English or a few more history facts so you can take the [citizenship] test,' he said.

'Let’s turn Trump’s negative words into something positive. That is how you deal with bullies and bigots.' 

Gutierrez spoke next to a poster of an angry-looking Trump, at times becoming just as animated himself.

Gutierrez said Hispanics with temporary immigration status in the U.S. should take a page from other groups throughout American history and join the group of voting-eliible Americans.

'Latinos should do just what the Irish and the Polish and the Italians did. Become citizens and vote,' he said.
'Almost all of the immigrants in this country are going to remain in this country until the day they die, let’s be honest. So for the millions who meet the requirements of citizenship I say: take the step.'

Gutierrez spokesman Douglas Rivlin told that while Trump's rhetoric has energized the national debate about illegal immigrants, 'he is not making a prediction about who will be the nominee. Only that for many Americans, right now, Trump is the face of the Republican Party.'

'In the past, anti-immigrant rhetoric has had a political consequence for the GOP,' Rivlin said in an email, 'and the congressman hopes that citizenship and voter registration are among the consequences for the GOP in the wake of Trump’s attacks.'

Trump has emerged as the GOP's presidential front-runner, placing first with 17 per cent support in a new Suffolk University/USA Today poll. Just six weeks ago he was polling at 2 per cent.

But his campaign launch lit up the airwaves with the claim that 'rapists' and other criminals are streaming into the U.S. from south of the border, and the Obama administration is unwilling to stop it. 

A Trump campaign official told on Wednesday that 'Mr. Trump believes a nation without borders is not a nation at all.'

'He is the only candidate who will build a wall‎ to secure our border and maintain the rule of law. The silent majority will no longer be silent.'

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