Tuesday, August 4, 2015

[VIDEO] Donald Trump: ‘I Pay as Little as Possible’ Because ‘I Hate the Way Our Government Spends Our Taxes’

(CNSNews.com) - GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump told CBS’s “Face the Nation” that he tries to pay as little taxes as possible, not just because he’s a businessman, but because he doesn’t like what the U.S. does with the taxpayers’ money.

“I have said this many times, so it is not exactly breaking news. I pay as little as possible. I fight like hell to pay as little as possible, for two reasons. Number one, I am a businessman, and that's the way you are supposed to do it, and you put the money back in your company and employees and all of that, but the other reason is that I hate the way our government spends our taxes,” said Trump when asked what percentage of income he pays in taxes.

“I hate the way they waste our money, trillions and trillions of dollars of waste and abuse, and I hate it,” said Trump.

According to Trump’s campaign, his personal fortune is set at $10 billion, and his annual income is estimated to be $362 million.

“I will be probably the first candidate in the history of politics within this country to say, I try and -- like every -- by the way, like every single taxpayer out there, I try to pay as little tax as possible, and, again, one of the big reasons is, I hate what our country does with the money that we pay,” he added.

Trump told “Face the Nation” host John Dickerson that he might release his tax returns around the time that Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton releases her e-mails.

“I may tie it to a release of Hillary's e-mails. I may very well do that,” Trump said. “Now, I have a very big company. They all said I wouldn't release my financials, and then I released them, and they were far bigger than anybody thought. They said I wouldn't release them because his company may be or his success may be -- isn't as big.

“Well, it turned out that it is far bigger, and I released them, and we will see what I am going to do with tax returns. I have no major problem with it, but I may tie them to a release of Hillary's e- mails,” he added.

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