Sunday, January 16, 2022

Huge Crowd Attends Trump Rally in Arizona: ‘Nobody’s Ever Had a Movement Like This’

 A massive crowd gathered for former President Donald Trump’s rally in Florence, Arizona, on Saturday evening.

“Look at the people, as far as the eye can see… Look at the people way back, and I mean like football fields back,” Trump said while gesturing toward the audience.

“And you know what? I would ask the press to turn your cameras around and show the kind of crowd that we have, because nobody’s ever had a movement like this,” he continued:

Nobody’s ever had spirit like this or a crowd like this. But see they don’t turn the cameras, they don’t want to turn the cameras. They don’t want to turn the cameras and frankly, they move the cameras into a bad location for us. They should have been put way back. They have magnifying lenses. They have lenses that could’ve handled it. But take a look behind you, press, because when they show the kind of numbers that are represented tonight, some of the government people said its the single biggest crowd they’ve seen yet. And they’re not just talking about Arizona.

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