Showing posts with label Brent Budowsky. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Brent Budowsky. Show all posts

Friday, December 27, 2013

Brent Budowsky: ObamaCare sales surge

Remember Budowsky's first law of insider punditry: When the media and political herds are tripping over each other's hoofs while stampeding in a certain direction, the herds are almost always wrong.
Take note of the fact that in recent days, the traffic to the Affordable Care websites has skyrocketed, and sales of insurance policies have surged nationally and in key states.
Some of the big stories of 2014, I predict, will be: First, reports of ObamaCare's demise have been greatly exaggerated, and sales will be on an upward curve through the first quarter of 2014.
Second, insurance companies will spend well over $100 million to market their policies to consumers, because they have a tremendous vested interest in new signups.
Third, ObamaCare will be a particular success in blue states with Democratic governors and insurance commissioners who are consumer-friendly. And that is why: Fourth, Democrats, progressives, liberals and populists who are smart will continue to own the healthcare issue with American voters.
My mini-enlightenment was caused, strangely enough, by a story on Fox News, which suggested (correctly) that consumers in red states were getting the worst deal under ObamaCare. I had an exchange with the individual on Fox who did that story, which I promised to keep off the record.
I am at liberty to state my response to the story, which was: Doesn't the story suggest that voters in red states with Republican governors would receive better and cheaper healthcare if they became blue states and elected Democratic governors? The answer, I propose, is yes.
Watch California — a state with a progressive Democratic governor who has supported the healthcare law, acted to make it work, done a good job protecting consumers — which has had a major surge in signups.

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