With Axelrod doing the astroturfing, who needs Hollywood, and if Gidget can go Hawaiian, why not a lugubrious Valerie or Michelle?
The Obamas and their traveling road show can, and do, holiday whenever they want. The real reason for ‘Obama’s Vacation From Four Years of Vacation’ is a strategy session to savor driving the last nails into the coffin lid of “the home of the brave”.
If Obama was power drunk before his reelection, imagine his euphoric mental state as he heads out for Hawaii today.
Confident with the four years the November 6 election grants him, Obama is planning an airtight new world for what he sees as his hapless, can’t-do-anything-to-stop-him constituents.
In the coming new world shaped by the Marxism-obsessed Obama, Valerie Jarrett, David Axelrod et al, there will be no room for competition. It goes without saying that there’s never any room for competition in anti-Free Market, Marxist set ups.Confident with the four years the November 6 election grants him, Obama is planning an airtight new world for what he sees as his hapless, can’t-do-anything-to-stop-him constituents.
In the coming new world shaped by the Marxism-obsessed Obama, Valerie Jarrett, David Axelrod et al, there will be no room for competition. It goes without saying that there’s never any room for competition in anti-Free Market, Marxist set ups.
Via: Canada Free Press
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