Unanswered Barack braggadocio that is the trademark of his presidency is reaching all time highs.
On Monday, it was revealed that the Obama regime plans on gutting the U.S. military to pre-World War II levels. On Tuesday, it became clear that the National Guard is next on his hit list.
Imagine an anti-American president who ducks adult gatherings, speaking mostly to school children and university students—and even then travels with his own private cheering section—warning Democrat and Republican governors not to push back against his intentions to gut the National Guard or they would hear from him—and getting away with it!
“I don’t mind telling you I was a bit troubled today by the tone of the president…For the president of the United States to look Democrat and Republican governors in the eye and to say ‘I do not trust you to make decisions in your state about issues of education, about transportation infrastructure…’-that is really troubling,” said Texas governor Rick Perry.