Via: American ThinkerObama related Sanford's story in remarks from the Rose Garden last Oct. 21: "I recently received a letter from a woman named Jessica Sanford in Washington state, and here's what she wrote. 'I am a single mom, no child support, self-employed, and I haven't had health insurance for 15 years because it is too expensive. My son has ADHD and requires regular doctor visits, and his meds alone cost $250 a month. I have had an ongoing tendinitis problem due to my line of work that I have to have treated. Now, finally, we get to have coverage because of the ACA for $169 a month. I was crying the other day when I signed up. So much stress lifted.'The president went on: "Now, that is not untypical for a lot of folks like Jessica who have been struggling without health insurance. That is what the Affordable Care Act is all about."Sanford's story might be typical, all right - but not in the way anyone thought, not anyone at the White House, and certainly not Sanford herself.
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