Showing posts with label John Hishta. Show all posts
Showing posts with label John Hishta. Show all posts

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Rand Paul: Boehner speakership in jeopardy over immigration reform

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On Laura Ingraham’s Friday radio show, Kentucky Republican Sen. Rand Paul said that if Speaker of the House John Boehner passed an immigration reform bill similar to the Gang of Eight’s, it would be one of the “final things he did as speaker.”
Paul offered an update on Congress’ immigration reform efforts: Earlier this summer, the Democratic-controlled U.S. Senate passed its version of immigration reform legislation. Despite that, Paul still lobbied for his amendment that would put Congress in charge of making sure the border is secure.
“I’m not hearing much,” Paul said. “It’s gone pretty quiet on it. And I still think they’re still working on something in the House and the conservative members that have come up to me — what I keep saying and what I come back to is my amendment is trust but verify and in my amendment, I say you have to have congressional votes each year for about five years and each time we have to vote to say the border is more secure.”


Host Laura Ingraham was skeptical of Paul’s position, noting that Congress may be in hands of Democrats who would like to see a weakened border for their own political gain. Paul said that would still be better than a president with sole discretion.
Via: The Daily Caller
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Thursday, October 4, 2012

AARP Bashes Obama For Using it to Promote Himself in Debate

Denver, CO— Earlier this evening the Presidential candidates discussed AARP, Social Security and Medicare during the first Presidential debate of the 2012 general election.  AARP, a sponsor of activities at all four of the 2012 Presidential and Vice Presidential debates, released the following statement in response.  AARP Senior Vice President John Hishta said:
“We’re grateful that this evening the candidates engaged in a more robust conversation with regard to Medicare.  We’re also pleased Social Security was included in tonight’s debate. But America’s voters deserve more than talking points and 30-second sound bites. Our members and older Americans want to hear how the candidates would strengthen Social Security, Medicare, and financial security, and we encourage the candidates to offer more specifics about their plans before Election Day.
“Across party lines, older voters say that getting more information on the candidates’ plans on these crucial economic security programs will help them determine their vote. We know that our members vote, and they want the candidates to tell them how they’ll fix Medicare and Social Security for them, their kids and their grandkids.
“Earlier this year, we launched You’ve Earned a Say, a national conversation on the future of Social Security and Medicare, to engage people in communities across the country so they have the pros and cons of proposals currently on the table in Washington and on the campaign trail. 
“While we respect the rights of each campaign to make its case to voters, AARP has never consented to the use of its name by any candidate or political campaign. AARP is a nonpartisan organization and we do not endorse political candidates nor coordinate with any candidate or political party.  
“We remain focused on providing voters with balanced information on where candidates stand on the key issues, so they can make their own decisions on Election Day.  For more information on where the candidates stand on premium support and other Medicare topics discussed tonight, see AARP’s Voters’ Guides at”

Via: AARP Blog

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