In Mississippi, state Sen. Chris McDaniel announced his plans Thursday to go after long-serving Sen. Thad Cochran in the 2014 GOP primary. He immediately drew the endorsements of three big tea party and conservative groups, according to The Washington Times.
Cochran was pointed to as example of a moderate Republican who should be defeated to make room for much more conservative GOP members who would be less willing to compromise with Democrats.
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Daniel Horowitz, deputy political director of the Madison Project, which raises money for conservative candidates, issued a statement in support of McDaniel and other tea party challengers to moderate Republican senators who not only voted to end the shutdown but vowed not to let it happen again.
“Our country can’t afford any more bad votes that stem from old friends and back-room deals,” Horowitz said, according to the Times. "And as witnessed from the recent budget battle against Obamacare, we cannot win against Democrats if we don’t grow our conservative bench in the Senate.”
Horowitz's comments were echoed by two of the nation's biggest tea party groups who accused lawmakers in both parties of "selling out" out the nation by not holding the line on spending and refusing to defund Obamacare. In email fundraising letters to members, the Tea Party Express and the Tea Party Patriots were particularly hard on Republicans who voted with Democrats to end the shutdown.
Via: Newsmax
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