Showing posts with label Nations. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Nations. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Charlie Daniels: Where did it all go wrong?

Icon for Post #83999I am seriously concerned with the place our nation is right now and even more seriously concerned about where it is headed.
It seems that part of the people care about what’s happening, part don’t care and a large part doesn’t know and don’t want to know.
Any thinking person who loves their children and grandchildren has to stop and consider the disaster this generation is passing on to them. I say this generation, knowing that preceding generations had a lot to do with our plight, but we as the generation in charge when the tipping point came, are the last generation that had a chance to do anything about it before the international train wreck happens and it seems that we, at least a majority of us, have chosen to keep our heads under the cover hoping the monsters will be gone when we come up for air.
Of course that’s not going to happen and as much as it goes against the eternal optimist in me to say it, I fear… no, I’m convinced that the United States of America will shortly find our collective testicles in a pair of vise grips and our feet bogged down in knee deep mud.
Our current economic policies are just impossible to sustain and as the debt explodes, the dollar decreases in value, the entitlement rolls grow and America is encouraged to become more and more dependent on a monolithic central government, we will never pull out of our self induced nose dive before our fiscal plane crashes to the ground.
Having said that – and by the way, for the benefit of you cherry pickers, I fervently hope I’m wrong – I got to wondering what thing, or combination of things, brought us to this sorry state of affairs.

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Ryan Slams Obama's Stance on China

Obama soft on 'cheating' China, which is hurting U.S. manufacturing

Republican vice presidential nominee Rep. Paul Ryan told Ohio voters Saturday that China’s unfair trade and currency practices are hurting the U.S. manufacturing sector and vowed that if elected he and Mitt Romney would “hold cheaters accountable.”

Ryan, R-Wis., made his pitch one day after the Obama administration announced it would delay a decision due Monday on whether to declare that China is manipulating its currency to gain trade advantages.

“The administration had its eighth chance to label China a currency manipulator,” Ryan said during a rally at Youngstown State University. “And they’ve indicated they are going to push this deadline off until after the election. That’s eight opportunities to say: ‘You know what, play fair with us, trade with us fairly.’ ”

The report examines the foreign exchange practices for major U.S. trading partners and has previously cited China for failing to allow its currency to appreciate more rapidly.

The Treasury Department now says the decision will come after finance ministers and central bank presidents meet Nov. 4 -5 in Mexico City. 

The agency said the delay would allow the administration to "assess progress" following the discussions of officials in the Group of 20 nations, which includes China.

Romney has already attacked the administration for not targeting China for unfair trade practices and is expected to renew the attack during an economic speech next week.

Ryan on Saturday also told potential voters in Ohio – a hub of U.S. manufacturing and rich in mineral resources – that China is hurting the middle class and a vital part of the U.S. economic by stealing secrets to make then sell less expensive goods in the global market.

“We need a strong manufacturing base in American if we want a strong middle class in America,” Ryan said.

Via: Fox News

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