Showing posts with label NewsMax. Show all posts
Showing posts with label NewsMax. Show all posts

Thursday, July 2, 2015

Congress’s ObamaCare ‘Small Business’ Fraud

Americans fed up with the unbridled arrogance of the nation’s “ruling class” are about to be further infuriated. 

As American Commitment president Phil Kerpen reveals, there’s yet another outrageous scandal occurring on Capitol Hill, where the House and Senate have falsely certified themselves as small businesses so they can fund themselves and their staffs with taxpayer-funded health insurance—sidestepping ObamaCare provisions in the process. “They conspired to break the law,” Kerpen told Front Page.

In an interview with Newsmax TV, Kerpen reminded viewers that Americans had “demanded” Congress enter the healthcare exchanges like everyone else. Nevertheless, when the time came for members of Congress and their staffs to be subjected to the very same law they imposed on the public, “members of Congress of both parties didn’t want to do it,” Kerpen noted. “They didn’t want to lose taxpayer funding for their premiums for themselves and their staff.”

To avoid being treated like every other American, members of Congress cut a deal with President Obama. He obliged them with an Office of Personnel Management (OPM) rule change in 2013, insulating these insiders from the premium increases of between $5000 and $10,000 per person they would have otherwise faced if they were forced give up their taxpayer-subsidized policies and buy their insurance through the ObamaCare exchanges. The change was instituted because Senator Chuck Grassley (R-IA) had inserted a provision in ObamaCare stating that members of Congress and their staffs had to be covered by plans “created” by the Affordable Care Act or “offered through an exchange.” “That was probably the only good provision they put in the bill,” Kerpen remarked to FP.

And though they managed to wiggle their way around that provision, Congress still had a problem, because individual exchanges contained no mechanism for employer contributions. So Congress filed falsified documents containing the ludicrous claim that the House and Senate each have less than 50 employees, allowing them to qualify under the “small business” provisions contained in the healthcare bill. The sheer audacity of that claim is belied by the reality that more than 13,700employees have signed up for the plan. “What they did is they lied,” Kerpen explained. “They filed false documents, one claiming the U.S. House of Representatives has less than 50 employees, another claiming the U.S. Senate has less than 50 employees.”

The falsifications contained in the documents were outrageous. As National Review’s Brendan Bordelon reveals, the “application said Congress employed just 45 people. Names were faked; one employee was listed as ‘First Last,’ another simply as ‘Congress,’” he writes.

Via: Canada Free Press

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Tuesday, June 16, 2015

5 Things You May Not Know About Donald Trump

Donald Trump has become one of the most well-known Americans through his business dealings, television shows including "The Apprentice," and frequent appearances in the media, and he plans to announce on Tuesday if he will seek the Republican presidential nomination in 2016.

But there are still a number of things about "The Donald" that are not widely known. Here are five of them:

1. Trump's grandparents anglicized their name from Drumpf. His grandfather Friedrich and grandmother Elisabeth were born in Germany and emigrated to the United States. Their son Fred Trump married Donald Trump's mother Mary Ann MacLeod, who was born in Scotland and met Donald Trump's father during a vacation trip to New York.

2. While Donald Trump did inherit wealth from his father, he is personally responsible for accumulating the great bulk of his fortune.
 Trump's father built affordable rental housing, mostly in Brooklyn and Queens in New York City. He had a net wealth estimated at between $250 million and $400 million at the time of his death, but his four surviving children were heirs.

By 2011, Donald Trump's business dealings had boosted his fortune to $2.4 billion, according to Forbes. One estimate now places his worth at $4.1 billion, although another maintains that it is as high as $7 billion.

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3. Trump's parents sent him to a military school, New York Military Academy, when he was 13 years old. While there he played varsity football, varsity soccer, and was captain of his varsity baseball team.

4. Trump's oldest sister, Maryanne Trump Barry, served as a federal appeals court judge. She was nominated for the post by President Bill Clinton in 1999 and unanimously confirmed by the Senate. Prior to that, she had a seat on the United States District Court for the District of New Jersey.

5. Trump prefers cherry-vanilla ice cream. He also loves hamburgers and meat loaf, he once told Us Weekly, but he doesn't drink coffee, tea, or alcohol, and eats only the toppings on pizza, discarding the dough. And he eats lunch at his desk.

Via: Newsmax

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Monday, December 9, 2013

Legal Scholar Turley: 'Imperial Presidency' Emerging

Only the courts can stop President Barack Obama from tweaking the Affordable Care Act without going through Congress, according to Jonathan Turley, a legal scholar and professor at George Washington University Law School.

"This administration's been very successful in blocking challenges to actions that were viewed as unconstitutional. We have to get over what's called the standing barrier where courts just refuse to hear challenges," Turley told "The Steve Malzberg Show" on Newsmax TV. 

Republican lawmakers have complained that Obama's changes to the healthcare law, including delays and tweaks of certain parts of it that are causing problems, are unconstitutional because they must be passed through Congress.

"The Framers [of the U.S. Constitution] would have been appalled that you can have very clear violations of the Constitution, but literally no one can actually get a hearing to review them," Turley said.

"At a minimum, courts should recognize that members of Congress have standing to challenge these types of rules and policies. If they did, many of these things would be struck down.

"We have the emergence of what is often called an imperial presidency, something that we have resisted for generations."

Via: Newsmax

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Saturday, November 23, 2013

Former Secret Service Agent Says Obama’s True ‘Religion is Government’

Dan Bongino is a 12-year Secret Service veteran who recently announced that after protecting President Barack Obama for four years he would be leaving his job to run for Congress in Maryland as a Republican. Bongino appeared on Steve Malzberg’s NewsMax show Friday to both discuss his campaign and promote his new book, Life Inside the Bubble.
Asked to explain the difference between Obama and President George W. Bush, who he spent most of his Secret Service career protecting, Bongino said Obama “does what’s best for his ideology.” Alluding to those who don’t believe the president is Christian, he said, “his religion is government, and when your religion is government you do anything to further that.”
Bongino accused Obama of making major leadership decisions based on “faith” rather than “evidence.” Using the troubled rollout of the Affordable Care Act as an example, he said “just like someone trying to tell you, if you’re a Christian, Jesus Christ didn’t exist… it’s his faith in government that despite the evidence, he sticks to it no matter what.”
“I believe he’s a Christian, because he says a Christian,” Malzberg responded. He wanted to know from Bongino whether Obama joined a church for “political expediency” or because he’s actually a “religious man.”
Bongino admitted that he did not get the chance to meet with Obama on a “personal” level and would not know what he does on his own time, but, he reiterated, “my impression of him is his religion really is government.”
Watch video below, via NewsMax:

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Krauthammer: Obamacare Will Lead to Government 'Domination'

Pulitzer Prize-winning columnist Charles Krauthammer tells Newsmax that the successful implementation of Obamacare would lead to European-style government "intrusion and domination" — but adds that it is "quite possible" it will fail.

He also asserts that the government shutdown has led to a "tremendous drop" on the GOP's standing, says he agrees with Sen. Ted Cruz's objectives but not his tactics, and predicts the 2016 Republican presidential candidate will come from the ranks of GOP governors.

Krauthammer is a Fox News contributor, physician, and author of the new book, "Things That Matter: Three Decades of Passions, Pastimes, and Politics."

In the book, Krauthammer issues a passionate defense of limited government. Considering the massive growth of the government during the Obama administration and the growing number of Americans dependent on the government for entitlements, he was asked if the concept of limited American government can endure.

"A lot of conservatives are worried that we passed the tipping point," he says in an exclusive interview with Newsmax TV on Tuesday. "That's wrong. It's still very doable for Americans to reconsider the inexorable growth of the leviathan state.

"I'll give you one example: Obamacare would be the singular achievement of the Obama administration, the capstone of 100 years of American liberalism, and would bring us very close to the kind of government intrusion, regulation, domination that you find in the social democracies of Europe.

Via: Newsmax

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Saturday, December 29, 2012

Sheriff Arpaio Putting Armed Posse In Schools

In response to a nearby county’s announcement that it will arm teachers and principals to prevent a Newtown, Conn.-style massacre at its schools, America’s most famous sheriff said he will send members of his armed posse to schools around his county.

Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio said he would send members of his posse to protect the 50 schools that are located in areas that his department is singularly responsible for protecting, according to KTVK-TV in Phoenix.

“I have the authority to mobilize private citizens and fight crime in this county,” Arpaio said. “[Politicians] are going to be talking about the guns now for years. But I have certain resources at my disposal and I'm not going to talk about it. I'm going to do it.”

Arpaio created the 3,000-strong posse during the 1993 holiday season in response to violent incidents at malls. There haven’t been any violent acts in malls there since the volunteer police force was created.

Posse members will be sent to the 50 or so schools that are in areas the Sheriff’s Office patrols, a response to nearby Pinal County officials saying they’d like to arm teachers and principals.

Arpaio said he’s a fan of school resource officers and though funding has been cut in recent years for their presence, he thinks putting them back in schools will make them safer.

“I support arming cops in the schools," Arpaio said. "If you have a cop that's armed you don't need a teacher that's armed."

Via: Newsmax

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