Yep, ordinary blue-collar workers are getting hammered by ObamaCare, because the small manufacturing and service businesses they work for are not the favored special interests of the modern Democratic Party and the bicoastal elite.
There they were, all sitting down in the break ,room at a small auto-repair shop, getting the bad news from their employer's insurance broker. Premiums up, big time. Deductibles and co-pays up, big time.
The workers were clearly pole-axed. Their "benefits" had become a yoke around their necks. They had no idea what they were going to do.
Here's some friendly advice: Get a clue, white working class. He isn't going to call; he doesn't love you anymore. By "he" I mean the Ruling Class, the educated elite, the Cathedral.
Once upon a time the Ruling Class absolutely loooved the white working class, back when the white working class was young and pretty and just happened to be a majority of the electorate. Wage and hour laws? Pro-union laws? Pensions, health care, unemployment, disability? Liberal sugar daddy eagerly pulled out the national credit card and paid for anything her little white working class heart desired.
Via: American Thinker
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