The ad reported by The Blaze contained the text: “Don’t forget your holiday
stamps. You’ll find them at your nearest post office or on eBay.” And below the text were pictures of three stamps: One showed a candle holder with nine lighted candles, emblazoned with the word “Hanukkah.” Another showed an colorful symbol over an open book, above the block-type word “Kwanzaa.”
And the third, in the middle, showed — a gingerbread house.
Twitter reflected the outrage of at least one eagle-eyed writer.
The poster @RennaW said: “Don’t forget those three American holidays
: Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, and … gingerbread house.” The same poster followed with another comment: “What happened to Christmas?” And a couple more, from the same poster: “Oh yeah, because Christians celebrate the Holy Day of Gingerbread House, seriously? This is awful” and “I’d like to take this opportunity to wish you and yours a very merry Gingerbread House.”
Via: Washington Times
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