Geithner Takes The Wheel From Thelma And Louise In Flirting With Going Off The Fiscal Cliff
” WALLACE: “And the president bears no responsibility? It’s all up to the Republicans?” GEITHNER: “Chris, ask yourself this question: why does it make sense for the country to force tax increases on all Americans because a small group of Republicans want to extend tax rates for two percent of Americans? Why does that make any sense? There’s no reason why that should happen. We can’t afford those tax rates. That’s like the deep tragic lesson of the last decade. We can’t afford them, so we’re not going to get through it – we’re not going to the end now without a recognition from Republicans of that basic reality. And that’s going to be the responsible thing to do. And my judgment is they are going to do it because there’s no alternative to that.” (Fox’s ” Fox News Sunday,” 12/2/12)