Saturday, October 6, 2012


Have you noticed that we've seen a lot less of DNC Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz recently? Since getting caught misrepresenting her own statements caught on tape in early September, she seems to have been relegated to the back bench.

Wednesday night was the first presidential debate, and Democrats had their various surrogates on hand to talk to the media. Rep. Wasserman-Schultz gave interviews to Univision7 News Colorado, and what appears to be a pre-debate interview with an ABC affiliate. She'll appear on Bloomberg TV this Sunday and she has a new profile in Vogue of all places, but these are not the sort of prime communications assignments she has had in the past.
Currently, Rep. Wasserman-Schultz is on a DNC bus tour making stops in places like Parma, Ohio and Dubuque, Iowa along with Sandra Fluke. These are swing states, so the GOTV efforts there are important. Still, the assignment also has the effect of relegating Debbie to small gatherings of like-minded Democrats and appearances on local news affiliates.
Rep. Wasserman-Schultz's semi-retreat from the public eye seems to have begun in early September when a scandal erupted over some comments she attributed to the Israeli Ambassador Michael Oren. She claimed, in front of a group of Jewish voters, that the ambassador had said Republicans were "dangerous" for Israel.
After the comments were published by Philip Klein at the Examiner, Rep. Wasserman-Schultz claimed she had never made them. At this point, Klein published his audiorecording of the statement, which clearly proved she had said exactly what he claimed. If that weren't bad enough, Oren denied "categorically" that he had ever said such a thing.
Within a couple days of the controversy, Politico piled on with a story suggesting that Wasserman-Schultz's future within the Democratic Party appeared hazy:
People close to Wasserman Schultz say she isn’t likely to serve a second term at the DNC. On top of that, her supporters have written her off as a candidate for statewide races in Florida. They also say she would be ill-fitted to serve in Obama’s administration. In short, her options are few.
For now, her only option seems to be riding the bus in a last-ditch attempt to avoid being thrown under it.

Friday, October 5, 2012

Poll: Romney In Post-Debate Surge, Now Leads In Battleground States Florida, Virginia, Ohio…

Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney's widely-acknowledged victory in Wednesday's presidential debate has helped him to draw even or slightly ahead in several key swing states, according to polls released Friday
A poll by We Ask America found Mr. Romney leading President Obama by 3 percentage points in Florida and Virginia and by 1 point in Ohio, after polls have consistently shown the president leading over the past month.

The firm conducted a previous poll two weeks ago that showed Mr. Obama with 3-point leads in Florida and Virginia.

A poll released Friday by Rasmussen Reports also shows the president clinging to a 1-point lead in Ohio, but that Mr. Romney has overtaken him by 1 point in Virginia.

Rasmussen's previous polls in the state were conducted in mid-September and showed the president leading by a percentage point in Ohio and Virginia.

Via: Washington Times

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As soon as ex-General Electric CEO Jack Welch fired off a tweet questioning today's just released "unbelievable jobs numbers," the media went into a frenzy talking about how "conservatives" were launching conspiracy theories. Well, that's handy for the media and the Obama campaign, but it's not just "conservatives" who are confused by a full 0.3% drop in unemployment when only 114k jobs were created.

CNBC is as confused as the rest of us:
Job growth remained tame in September, with the economy creating just 114,000 net new positions though the unemployment rate fell to 7.8 percent, the first time it has been below 8 percent in 43 months.
The report presented a slew of contradictory data points, with the total employment level soaring despite the low net number.
The falling jobless rate had been a function as much of the continued shrinking in the labor force as it was an increase in new positions.
On the air, CNBC seemed equally perplexed by the biggest one-time drop in the unemployment rate in 29 years!
ABC News' Chris Cuomo is also skeptical of the numbers:
That "not fixed" tag smells a little like sarcasm to me.
Adding to the mystery is the fact that the U-6,  the longtime underemployment and unemployment number, remained fixed at a dismal 14.7%.

Study: Green Cars Cause As Much Or More Pollution Than Gas Cars

Electric cars might cause as much or more pollution than conventional gas vehicles, according to researchers at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology.
According to a study published in the Journal of Industrial Ecology, “the production phase of electric vehicles proved substantially more environmentally intensive” than the production process for traditional gas-powered cars.
Specifically, the study found that electric car factories can emit more toxic waste than gas-burning car factories. And greenhouse gas emissions rise exponentially if coal is used to produce the electricity necessary to charge “green” vehicles, according to the study.
The researchers compared the overall life-cycle impact of petrol or diesel-powered cars and electric vehicles and concluded that the latter can significantly damage the climate.
“The global warming potential from electric vehicle production is about twice that of conventional vehicles,” the report said. “It is counterproductive to promote electric vehicles in regions where electricity is primarily produced from lignite, coal or even heavy oil combustion.”
Batteries and electric motors are composed of minerals like  nickel, copper and aluminum, which are toxic.
The authors of the study acknowledged, however, that “a more significant reduction in global warming could potentially be achieved by increasing fuel efficiency or shifting from petrol to diesel.”


Cash-strapped state governments and the federal government added thousands of jobs in July, August and September, boosting overall jobs numbers. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) announced today that it had revised jobs numbers for July and August upwards, with revised gains coming from public sector jobs.

According to the BLS, government jobs grew 18,000 in July, 45,000 in August, and 10,000 in September, accounting for nearly 17% of total gains. Those government increases reverse the trend of recent years, in which public sector jobs had been cut while the private sector had experienced modest job growth. 
Update: In addition, the revisions meant that instead of shrinking by 28,000 jobs in July and August, as previously reported, state and federal governments grew by 63,000 across the same period--a net shift of 91,000.
The total number of jobs added in September was 114,000, according to the BLS--well below the monthly average in recent years, and far below the July jobs increase, which had been described as good. 
Economists had predicted a rise of 111,000 to 113,000 jobs--but that rise would have meant a rise in the unemployment rate from 8.1% to 8.2% (Update: given long-term labor force trends). 
With the large revisions from the BLS--revising private sector jobs down, and public sector jobs up--the modest rise in September jobs coincided with an unusually dramatic drop in the unemployment rate, causing some experts to greet the new numbers with puzzlement.
Government jobs are an important part of the explanation.

Head Scratching: Unemployment Ticks Down, Harry Reid Blames Republicans for Obstructionist Tactics

This morning’s release of the recent jobs report numbers report this morning shows the lowest unemployment in 44 months and predictably, the Left is celebrating the news. But even though unemployment has dipped below eight percent, one prominent Democrat is slamming Republicans for obstructionist tactics that he claims contributed to this still high number.
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) issued a series of tweets this morning reacting to the latest jobs report and most of his comments were positive. But amidst hiscelebratory tweets about the economy being “on the right track,” he said, “We could move faster if Republicans dropped obstruction, yet Sen. McConnell said his ‘single most important’ goal was defeating Pres. Obama.”
Shortly after that statement, he tweeted, “It’s time for Republicans to put politics aside, and put the middle class first.”
It’s curious that in the midst of this seemingly good news, Reid would throw Republicans under the bus for getting in the way and not allowing them to “move faster.” Reid must have forgotten that for ¾ of Obama’s first term in office, Democrats had control of Congress: translation, Obama and the Democrats possessed the ability to pass, i.e. ram through, legislation to help with the dismal unemployment number, which, for the majority of Obama’s administration, was above eight percent.
Also, while Reid has cause to celebrate more Americans in the workforce, he also fails to realize or is simply ignoring that a 7.8 percent unemployment rate is still way above the less than six percent unemployment that President Obama promised we would see in 2012.

Report: Soldiers Urged Not To Engage Taliban At Night So Sleeping Locals Are Not Disturbed

Reports indicate U.S. soldiers and British Royal Marines have been urged to show "courageous constraint" by not shooting Taliban members spotted planting IEDs.

The reason? Shooting them might disturb the locals.
This news comes out on the heels of an investigation into the death of Royal Marine Sergeant Peter Rayner, whom witnesses say watched the Taliban plant IEDs at night but was ordered not to engage them. Families of other soldiers and Royal Marines are telling stories of how their loved ones were not allowed to use mortars or night illumination when they came across Taliban members in an area full of IEDs. 
The reason given was that "the sound of shooting 'might wake up and upset the locals.'"
This is not "courageous restraint" -- this is appeasement.

So Helpful! Media offers questions, advice to top Obama campaign strategist

Surrounded by whooping Republicans and suddenly unfavorable data, chief Obama campaign strategist David Axelrod called in the media cavalry today.

And several reporters on the 11:15 a.m. phone conference promptly offered questions that bordered on advice.
“Axe, I’m not sure you can hear me, David,” said NBC’s Andrea Mitchell, when she was invited to ask a question Oct. 4.

“I’m wondering whether the president, whether you have rethought the strategy of not bringing up either women’s issues, or the 47 percent or some of the other issues that have worked so well for you in your campaign advertising and in your stump speech?”

“I understand that there are a lot — particularly our supporters … who would have liked him to have, you know, entered into the record Bain, the tax returns and certainly the 47 percent” issues, Axelrod replied.

Early in the conference, “Axe” urged the reporters to investigate Romney’s statements during his win at the Denver debate against President Barack Obama.

“We are going to hold Gov. Romney accountable for the things he said last night … as I hope you will make him justify those claims, because we need a honest and a genuine and realistic plan to move forward as a country … not just a bunch of lines designed to get you through a debate.”

Via: Daily Caller

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Restaurant Loses Big Bucks After Refusing Romney

An acclaimed Denver restaurant that told Mitt Romney to lunch elsewhere is facing some backlash.
After the GOP presidential candidate chose Chipotle for a lunch drop-by yesterday, the Mexican fast food chain got a lot of glory in the press after a Romney posing with staffers went viral. But it turns out the chain eatery was a fallback. And now the family-owned restaurant is paying a big price after Westword blog post reported on its refusal to host the candidate.
“We lost a big order today,” Oscar Aguirre, co-owner of Rosa Linda’s, told The Daily. “Somebody called in and ordered $120 worth of food.
Later, Aguirre said, the customer called back and asked, "Aren’t you the restaurant that canceled Romney?"
He said the customer “hung-up” and canceled.
“They have a right to do so but don’t hurt us either,” Aguirre said.
It's not the first time this year that a restaurant is finding out politics and business don't always mix well. The Florida pizza shop owner who lifted President Obama in a big bear hug last month has since said his business is facing boycotts.
On Aug. 6,  Aguirre said he received a call from Romney’s campaign, which was setting up camp in Denver ahead of Wednesday night's debate. Aguirre, the oldest of five brothers and co-owner of the family-owned restaurant Rosa Linda’s, remembers the campaign's first visit to the establishment, which has been nationally recognized for its nachos and for feeding the homeless for almost three decades on Thanksgiving.
“They said ‘Oscar, we would like to bring Gov. Romney.’ I said, ‘Sure, why not? Let me talk to my mom and dad and call you back.’”
The family, whose parents are Mormons, conferred and thought the better of it.
“I said thank you and told him ‘We discussed it as a family but unfortunately we are going to have to pass.’”
"We could use the business, I’m not going to lie," Aguirre told The Daily. “But at the same time, what kind of message is that going to send?”
For Aguirre and his family, they want to keep their religion and their politics separate from their “amazing” chile rilleno and shredded beef which he said “put us on the map.”
“Gov. Romney we respect,” he said. “If he’s sitting president we’ll open our doors with open arms.”


Back in August, a poll showed Obama with just a 12-point lead over Romney in Cook County, Illinois. While he posted a huge lead in the city of Chicago, the poll found him actually losing to Romney in suburban Cook County. It was a shock that I set aside as an outlier. 

A new poll of Illinois' 10th Congressional District, which includes parts of Cook County, however, suggests the August poll might not be such an aberration. The poll, from WeAskAmerica, finds Obama with just a 2 point lead over Romney, 47-45 in the suburban district. Obama won the district in 2008 by 23 points. 
I know the district well. It is affluent, with high levels of education, and very socially liberal. Voters there take pride in being politically "moderate" and wear the label as a badge of honor. Since the 1980s, the district has been represented by a Republican in Congress, but not by anyone who could be mistaken for a conservative. Al Gore and John Kerry both carried the district comfortably in 2000 and 2004. And, in 2008, Obama won over 61% of the vote in the district. 
Last year, during redistricting, the Democrats in Illinois made the district even more Democrat, looking to unseat freshman GOP Congressman Bob Dold. In this poll, Dold leads his opponent by 2 points, 47-45. It should be noted that this poll was conducted before last night's debate, so the surprising results don't reflect Obama's lackluster performance in Denver. 
Obama's performance in this district in 2008 was emblematic of the appeal he had then to moderates and independents. No Democrat had ever come close to posting the kind of vote he got here. It was also an enormous source of campaign donations for his election. Being essentially tied with Romney, and under the 50% threshold, shows the greatly diminished appeal he has to independents.
"For Mr. Obama to be in a statistical tie in an area that he won by around 20 points in 2008 truly reveals the failure of his Presidency," said Illinois-based political consultant Paul Miller. "The economy is undoubtedly the key factor, but in suburbs with a large Jewish population, his treatment of Israel is also taking its toll."
There is a sizable Jewish vote in the district. It could account for the rising dissatisfaction with Obama here. Also a factor could be the lack of leadership from Illinois' Democrat legislative leaders, who dominate state government and are quickly bankrupting the state. The state's debt level has exploded and recent massive tax hikes have done nothing to plug the state's gaping budget deficits. 
I should note that the sample in the poll is evenly split between GOP and Dem voters. That may be a bit generous to the GOP, but even this can't explain the collapse in Obama's numbers here. A drop of more than 20 points one month out from the election is damning for Obama. Of course, the poll also deliberately oversampled women. They make up around 65% of the poll's universe. Given the purported advantage Obama has with women voters, his margin in this poll should be considerably higher. 
Miller continued: "Unfortunately for the GOP, they wrote off Illinois before the campaign season began. Considering that President Obama may under-perform by a large percentage, and that his numbers in Cook County are not nearly as strong as they were four years ago, Illinois could have been in play. It may not be too late to make Illinois purple."
Given the state of the GOP in Illinois, I'm not certain Romney could have made Illinois competitive this year. Certainly, Obama continues to have the edge in his adopted home state. But, among the base of some of his core supporters, the thrill is clearly gone. 

Obama campaign shuts down campus, requires students’ personal info

President Barack Obama paid a campaign-related visit to the University of Wisconsin-Madison Thursday, drawing complaints from several professors who criticized the mass disruption to classes.

Kenneth Mayer, a political science professor at UW, sent a letter to university administrators chiding them for renting central campus to the Obama campaign.

“It hardly seems appropriate to shut the central campus down for an entire day, closing offices and seriously disrupting our mission,” he wrote. “I have several colleagues who had scheduled exams for Thursday. Surely there were other venues that would pose less disturbance.”

Others were more concerned with the registration process for the event. To attend, students followed a link from the university website to the official Obama campaign website, and gave their names, e-mail addresses and phone numbers. Then they had to click a box that reads, “I’M IN!”

Donald Downs, a political science professor at UW, found this troubling.

“I’m all in favor of Obama coming to campus … but in order to go, you have to go through the campaign website and provide information, and you have to click a box that says ‘I’M IN!’” he said in an interview with The Daily Caller News Foundation. “Am I in for the event or in for Obama? If you really want to go to this important event, at least for a short while you are associating yourself with the campaign.”

Brown said many of his colleagues — including those who plan to vote for the president — agreed with these criticisms.

Via: Free Republic

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