Wednesday, August 21, 2013

An Awesome Superhero Video About… Obamacare?

Would “an awesome superhero or action-movie style video” change your mind about Obamacare?
The Obama Administration has pushed Obamacare through porta-potties and bourbon festivals—and now it’s promoting a $30,000 prize pool for a video contest.
Young people may feel they are “invincible” and don’t need Obamacare, so the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) has to convince them otherwise. It will award prizes to videos promoting Obamacare to young people. The Huffington Post reports that the prize money comes from “the Affordable Care Act’s education and outreach budget.” As Heritage has explained, the cost of educating the public about Obamacare is already “extraordinary—and questionable.”
The contest website, hosted by the group Young Invincibles, gives these ideas for contest entries (emphasis added):
  • An awesome superhero or action-movie style video showing how young people feel like invincible movie heroes. Cut back to reality to show us how, in fact, anyone can be hurt.”
  • “A video showing all the (obviously improbable) situations in which young people can be hurt – a piano falling on your head, an angry eagle soaring into your face, a space alien attack … the weirder and more outlandish the better! Go big, but please remember to stay safe!”
  • “Express the necessity for young people to have health insurance in a fun and memorable way through music
It could be tough to convince 20-somethings to buy into Obamacare. It’s not such a great deal, after all. For many young people, it will be cheaper to pay the penalty for not having health insurance than to buy the government-approved coverage under the law.

I’ve Got the Obama Blues

Sadness: Feckless, Marxist ideologue, fan of Islam is literally ruining the lives of American

I have a case of the Obama blues, a nagging depression that is exacerbated daily by having to listen to the endless lies he tells about everything when he isn’t blaming Congress, the Republicans, and everyone else for the horrid state of the economy and his rejection of the leadership America demonstrated through both World Wars and since.

Listening to Obama say that he intends to ignore Congress and selectively not enforce the laws it passes is such a serious threat to the Constitution and to our most fundamental freedoms that it is impossible not to be depressed by this grossly incompetent, historically ignorant, and pathologically narcissistic president.

The Republican Party seems to be suffering from the same ailment, but one bit of good news was the recent gathering of Republicans that showed some gumption when they voted to reject CNN and NBC as primary debate hosts, given their announced intention to air dramas whose only intention is to re-write Hillary Clinton’s history of failed policy making.

The old go-along-to-get-along GOP senators and representatives undermine the other elements, chiefly the Tea Party Republicans elected to bring a stop to Obama’s destruction of the economy and their party. They are joined in this by a former, but strangely quiet element, the evangelicals concerned with social issues, and independents who lean toward conservative policies.

ObamaCare and the Food Police

Chain restaurants and their customers will soon feel the pinch of an expensive ObamaCare requirement that has been flying under the radar until now.  ObamaCare mandates that "restaurants and similar retail food establishments" print nutritional information on their menus.
The restaurant industry is extremely competitive. If consumers demand menu labeling, restaurants will meet that demand. In fact, many restaurants already do provide nutritional labeling.
But private solutions aren't enough for menu labeling proponents. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA), which is implementing the menu labeling requirement, tries to justify its rule by claiming that the public (poor fools) are misinformed and simply don't request "sufficient" information.
In other words, since many people patronizing restaurants are not purchasing the most nutritious meals on offer (as determined by the government), this must be a market failure. One that government must fix. Hence, information mandates must be imposed and expanded until the desired actions are achieved. For the nation's nutrition czars, if information mandates don't work, then there must be bans, such as the New York City soda ban.
The entire approach rests on a faulty assumption: that customers fail to select the most nutritious meals available only because they lack information about nutritional content.
In the real world, nutritional information is the last thing most people want to think about when ordering at a restaurant. Going out for a meal is usually an escape, and often an indulgence. Few go to a fancy steakhouse and just order a side salad.

Via: American Thinker

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