FOX NEWS INSIDER - Monday on Hannity, Texas Senator Ted Cruz (R) criticized the Obama administration’s handling of Syria. Today, Secretary of State John Kerry condemned the use of chemical weapons by the Syrian government on its people.
If military action needs to be taken, Sen. Cruz said that President Obama needs to first make the case to Congress and the American people. Cruz said the focus shouldn't be on the national security interests of the United States. “What it should be is just a symbolic gesture of disapproval.”
The U.S. military does not exist to police the world, he added. “Under no circumstances should we be arming rebels who are affiliated with Al Qaeda. […] Our concern should be those chemical weapons – preventing them from falling into the hands of Hezbollah, preventing them from falling into the hands of Al Qaeda. That should be guiding our actions, not expressing some moral outrage.”
Via: Fox News Insider
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