Thursday, September 12, 2013

The Louisiana GOP Gains a Convert

Elbert Lee Guillory in the Louisiana senate chamberNew Orleans
"Je suis un Cajun noir,” Elbert Lee Guillory, the 69-year-old state senator from Opelousas, Louisiana, tells me proudly. “I am a black Cajun.” To which he might these days add, “Je suis un Républicain noir—I am a black Republican.

On May 31, Guillory became the first black Louisianan to serve at the state or federal level as a Republican since Reconstruction. In truth, he was a Republican before running for the statehouse in 2007, serving on the party’s St. Landry Parish committee and the state committee. But when he decided to run for office in his majority black, majority Democratic district, having an “R” by his name would have done him no favors. Besides, he says, his goal was to take down what he considered the corrupt regime of the local Democratic family in power, headed by Don Cravins Sr.
“He left Opelousas driving a Chevrolet,” Guillory says of his arch-rival. “Went to Baton Rouge and came back with his pockets stuffed with cash, driving a Cadillac.” Guillory registered as a Democrat and won his first race for the statehouse in a special election. He went on to win reelection and two subsequent elections to the Louisiana senate.
But by his 2011 campaign, Guillory was the only sitting Democratic senator not to receive the standard financial contribution from the state party. Always among the most conservative members of the Democratic caucus, Guillory had been voting with the Republicans more often than with the Democrats, who had been following the national party’s liberal lead on social issues like life, school choice, and gun ownership.
“All of the core values that I held and my community held, my family held,” Guillory says. “As they moved farther and farther away, what was kind of a tenuous relationship anyway became tense and rancorous.”

America: A Nation of Red and Blue Families

In this bizarrely politicized environment, even the preservation of the most basic institution of society – the family – is morphing into a divisive partisan issue. Increasingly, the two parties are divided not only along lines of economic and social philosophy, but over the primacy of traditional familialism.
Increasingly, large portions of the progressive community are indifferent or hostile to the idea of the nuclear family, while many on the right argue that it’s key to a Republican revival. Observers such as the Weekly Standard’s Jonathan Last see familialism as key to the demographically challenged GOP.
“Start a family, vote Republican,” he suggests. Long-term, Republicans can look forward to the rise of what New York Times columnist David Brooks cleverly calls “red diaper babies.”
In the long term, the logic seems impeccable. Salt Lake City is creating a new generation of what may tend to be more conservative voters; when San Francisco’s largely single and childless populace passes, their legacy ends with them – game over. Indeed virtually all areas of the country with the fastest projected growth in households are located in red states. Houston, Atlanta and Dallas are expected to add more households than true-blue New York City, Los Angeles or Chicago. New York, California and Illinois are losing children as a share of population, while deep-red Texas, Utah, Idaho, as well as Nevada, have increased their tyke population.
Others on the right take a more racially oriented tack. Linking lower fertility rates, particularly among Caucasians, Pat Buchanan warns of “the end of white America.” Steven Sailer, a staunchly anti-immigrant conservative theoretician, links Republican fortunes to “white fertility rates,” pointing out where whites choose to have children, particularly those who are married. George W. Bush, Sailer points out, won all 19 states with the highest rates of white fertility, as well as the 25 states where white women have been married the longest, on average.

A Million Muslims and Two Million Bikers

With an additional three million people descending on Washington, DC, for two separate rallies, one would've thought the National Mall would've been difficult to navigate yesterday afternoon.  It wasn't.
The Million American March Against Fear, sponsored by American Muslim Political action Committee, was only sparsely attended.  With about two dozen people present, planners' estimates fell short by about 999,976 attendees. 
This observer heard only one speech, delivered by a bearded professorial type who asserted to his few listeners that The World Trade Center Towers could not have come down the way they did unless there were explosives planted within the buildings beforehand.  As he left the stage, no one applauded.

Via: AmericanThinker

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Republicans move to halt ObamaCare 'bailout' for angry unions

Obama_Care6.jpgCapitol Hill Republicans are trying to stop the Obama administration from offering labor unions a sweetheart deal on ObamaCare, as the White House tries to quell a simmering rebellion from Big Labor over the health care law. 

President Obama and White House officials reportedly have called union leaders to try and persuade them to tone down their complaints, pledging an accommodation. The AFL-CIO, though, on Wednesday approved a resolution anyway calling the law "highly disruptive" to union plans.

But reports have surfaced on a plan that would give union workers -- and only union workers -- subsidies to help pay for health insurance even if they're covered through their job. The purported "carve-out" could soothe the simmering discontent within Big Labor. The loyal Democratic supporters and early champions of ObamaCare say they have been slighted by the act’s final regulations, which they say is pushing some employees into part-time work and threatens their health insurance plans. 

At least three congressional Republicans are trying to stop any effort to give the unions special treatment, which could cost $200 billion over 10 years. 

Sen. John Thune, R-S.D., on Monday introduced the "Union Bailout Prevention Act," which would stop the granting of subsidies to offset premium costs for the multi-employer plans held by many union members. Separately, the House voted on Thursday to stop all subsidies until the administration launches a system to verify recipients are eligible.
Via: Fox News

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Assad: Syria to fulfil chemical weapons initiative if U.S. ends threats - agency

MOSCOW (Reuters) - Syria will fulfil an initiative to hand over its chemical weapons only when the United States stops threatening to strike Syria, RIA news agency quoted President Bashar al-Assad as saying in a television interview.
Assad also said that Damascus will begin handing over information on its chemical weapons stockpiles one month after it joins a anti-chemical weapons convention.
"When we see the United States really wants stability in our region and stops threatening, striving to attack, and also ceases arms deliveries to terrorists, then we will believe that the necessary processes can be finalized," he was quoted as saying in an interview with Russian state television.

Congressman Henry Waxman: What Would You Like to Tell Them?

What would you like to tell the doctors, nurses, patients, and health practitioners, Henry?

“Together, those two pension funds lost millions of dollars of their retirement money [for the 2009 auto bailouts], and my question to you as a supporter of the bailouts is What would you like to tell them?” (Congressman Mick Mulvaney)

Congressman Henry Waxman claims to lead the fight for workers, for the poor, of the environment; however, in a 2012 budget committee hearing, he was caught off-guard, first failing to acknowledging (or rather refusing to acknowledge) that General Motors went bankrupt in 2009.

Then he dodged questions about the bailouts which saved the industry in Detroit cost public employees, teachers and police officers in Indiana, hundreds of millions of dollars.
Mr. Waxman could only muster: “People get hurt.”

What would you like to tell those retired teachers and police officers, Henry? What about the unions whom you claim to support?

Other constituents have been hurt by Congressman Henry Waxman’s ignorance, lack of oversight, and attention to less pressing matters.

The thousands of homeless veterans in Los Angeles County have languished for decades without proper food, shelter, and medical treatment, all of which should be theirs through the Brentwood Veterans Administration, a property which deeded to the veterans primarily and exclusively.

[CARTOON] Force-Fed

Via: California Political Review

Oliver North: Obama Foreign Policy 'Disaster of Unparalleled Magnitude'

Oliver North: Obama Foreign Policy 'Disaster of Unparalleled Magnitude'The Obama administration's handling of the Syria crisis has been a "disaster of unparalleled magnitude," Oliver North said Thursday. 

"Now [Russian President Vladimir Putin] has the entire Middle East in his hands, because he's the savior of the Obama administration. This is a disaster of unparallel magnitude in our foreign policy," North said on "Fox & Friends," referring to Putin's proposal that Syrian President Bashar Assad place his chemical arsenal under international control to avert a possible U.S. military strike.

Urgent: Should U.S. Strike Syria? Vote Here 

North, a military analyst with Fox News, said the Russians are now winning the diplomatic tug of war over Syria, which he suggested was striking for a "dying country." 

"They have no credibility in any part of the world. We now have handed them the Middle East and the Mediterranean," he added.

Saying that Putin is now "pulling the puppet strings" in Syria and elsewhere in the Middle East, North predicted the U.S. would eventually be urged by Russia to back away from involvement in other parts of the region. 

"They're going to insist America withdraw farther from the Middle East as part of their deal to make peace break out in the Middle East," he said. "The next thing will be, 'Let's go after the Israelis and make them disarm.' That is where this is headed.

North said Obama has "failed globally [in confronting Assad] because he couldn't find an ally besides France."

"This is not a foreign policy," he added. 

Via: Newsmax

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Matthews, Panel Hammer Obama for Lack of ‘Forceful Leadership’

Mark 2013 as the year practically everyone and everything turned on President Obama, because from the NSA scandal to Syria, the White House has been constantly barraged with scandal and controversy, and their handling of events hasn’t exactly been that adroit. Case in point, Chris Matthews took Obama to task on Wednesday for being too “reactive” to events and not controlling or focusing the discussion on issues he wants to talk about. Washington Post reporter Dana Milbankagreed, saying that there is a deficit of “forceful leadership” from the Obama White House.
In fact, Milbank even went so far as to credit George W. Bush for this quality sorely lacking in Obama. At least with Bush, Milbank argued, “he got stuff done, hammering away for taxes, for war… whereas Obama sort of flits and flies from topic to topic.” Matthews wished Obama would be tougher against Republicans on key issues, while HuffPo’s Sam Stein noted Obama’s pushed a little, but not quite enough.
Matthews vented a little, saying “this Mini-Me stuff has got to stop.” Milbank said Obama’s political nuance looks too much like “muddled thinking” to people, suggesting he needs to start campaigning for big issues with bumper-sticker slogans. Stein made it clear part of the lack of action in Washington is derived in part from Republican obstructionism.
Matthews wistfully looked back on how forceful Obama used to be, concluding that he has to go back to that and not get caught up in current events.
Watch the video below, via MSNBC:

Middlebury Students Uproot 9/11 Memorial

featured-imgA 2,977 flag memorial was ripped out of the ground in front of Mead Memorial Chapel shortly before 3 p.m. on Wednesday, Sept. 11 by a group of five protestors claiming that the flags were on top of a sacred Abenaki burial site.

The flags — meant to commemorate each of the 2,977 lives taken in the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks — have been posted in the grass between Mead Chapel and the Davis Family Library annually in a joint effort between the College Republicans and Democrats for nearly 10 years.

Via: Fox News

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The National Journal's Ron Fournier says a Democratic strategist "who works closely with the White House" told him that Syria "has been one of the most humiliating episodes in presidential history."

Fournier says the Democratic operative "requested anonymity to avoid political retribution."
In the wake of Obama's address to the nation Tuesday night, other progressives have expressed frustration with his handling of the Syrian crisis. Progressive Washington Postcolumnist Dana Milbank said Obama's speech contradicted statements by Secretary of State John Kerry just 11 hours prior to the president's remarks. 
"Kerry can be forgiven for being at odds with the president," writes Milbank. "The president, in the space of his 16-minute address, was often at odds with himself... Nuance can sound a lot like a muddle."
Before the speech, progressive New York Times columnist Maureen Dowd blasted Obama's "flip-flopping, ambivalent leadership" on Syria.
"Amateur hour started when Obama dithered on Syria and failed to explain the stakes there," wrote Dowd. "It escalated last August with a slip by the methodical wordsmith about 'a red line for us'--which the president and Kerry later tried to blur as the world's red line, except the world was averting its eyes."
She added: "Obama's flip-flopping, ambivalent leadership led him to the exact place he never wanted to be: unilateral instead of unified."

Reid: 'Anarchists have taken over'

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid on Thursday said “anarchists” have taken over Congress.

Reid (D-Nev.) said Tea Party Republicans are preventing progress on an energy efficiency bill by offering amendments on ObamaCare and other unrelated issues.

“We’re diverted totally from what this bill is about. Why? Because the anarchists have taken over,” Reid said on the Senate floor. “They’ve taken over the House and now they’ve taken over the Senate.

“People who don’t believe in government — and that’s what the Tea Party is all about — are winning, and that’s a shame.”

On Wednesday, Sen. David Vitter (R-La.) said he would prevent votes on lawmakers' amendments to the energy bill until he's assured he'll get a vote on his amendment, which would require some congressional and executive branch staff to enroll in the ObamaCare health exchanges.

“It’s defund ObamaCare, and I guess as the fiscal year comes to and end that’s what it’s all about,” Reid said.
Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) also introduced an ObamaCare-related amendment that would delay the individual health insurance mandate for one year, and codify the Obama administration's one-year delay of requirements that employers provide insurance.

“Let’s delay ObamaCare mandates for families right now,” McConnell said. “Then let’s work together to repeal the bill.”

The Senate is working on S. 1392, the Energy Savings and Industrial Competitiveness Act. This bill is meant to improve the energy efficiency of buildings. Reid said he hoped he and McConnell could work out a deal to allow votes on germane amendments later in the day.
Via: The Hill

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