Thursday, October 10, 2013

Kidnapping Goldwater and Reagan

A favorite meme in the attack of moderate Republicans and the liberal media against conservatives is that we have gone so overboard on ideological litmus tests that neither  Barry Goldwater or Ronald Reagan could be nominated in today’s Republican Party. Our opponents are attempting to kidnap these two Lions of the right to use as cudgels against their spiritual heirs.
Goldwater’s geriatric jeremiads against the religious right and Reagan’s loosening of abortion restrictions as Governor and tax increase as President are most often cited by the left as proof that “even” those two Godfathers of modern conservatism would “compromise” and “bend” – making them unacceptable to conservatives today
In the words of my candor mentor, Colonel Sherman T. Potter of the 4077th Mobile Army Surgical Hospital,” horse hockey”.
The Gipper’s seeming apostasy is easily dealt with.  He realized about a nano-second after both of those actions that they were mistakes, and spent the rest of his career describing them as the biggest mistakes of his political life. To those of us who actually knew and worked for Ronald Reagan the idea that he was a closet moderate or that he would not be a leader of or cheerleader for today’s Tea Party is laughable.
Barry Goldwater’s late-in-life statements need to be balanced against his actual votes which were almost uniformly conservative, and  need to be considered in light of the influence of his decades-younger second wife Susan. She apparently was a good companion to Barry, reportedly made his twilight years easy and happy, and that is all good. She also was an unabashed liberal and her influence on his politics is obvious, and that was all bad.
That said, the later-day Barry Goldwater is irrelevant to this discussion. He didn’t matter then and he doesn’t matter now.  Who matters is the man who changed America – the Barry Goldwater of the late 50s and early-to-mid 60s who inspired millions and launched the modern conservative movement.  It was the Barry Goldwater of Conscience of a Conservative  and the 1964 campaign who activated hundreds of thousands of previously inactive citizens, many of whom (including yours truly) are still at it today.

Moody’s on Debt Limit: Calling Obama’s Bluff on Default

RICHARD B. LEVINE/NewscomA voice of reason emerged today among the doomsday predictions over a U.S. government default if the debt limit is not raised by mid-October. The Washington Post reports that Moody’s, a top credit rating service, suggested that hitting the debt limit does not mean the U.S. would default:
“We believe the government would continue to pay interest and principal on its debt even in the event that the debt limit is not raised, leaving its creditworthiness intact,” the memo says. “The debt limit restricts government expenditures to the amount of its incoming revenues; it does not prohibit the government from servicing its debt. There is no direct connection between the debt limit (actually the exhaustion of the Treasury’s extraordinary measures to raise funds) and a default.”
In recent weeks, President Obama and Treasury Secretary Jack Lew have made the rounds, arguing vociferously that if Congress does not raise the debt limit by October 17, the U.S. could default and “economic chaos” would ensue. The Treasury Department put out an entire report on the damaging consequences of a government default. The President even went so far as to call it an “economic shutdown” and began scaring seniors, suggesting that their Social Security benefit checks wouldn’t arrive on time.

AP-GfK Poll: Obamacare's Rollout Is a Big Flop With the Public

Image: AP-GfK Poll: Obamacare's Rollout Is a Big Flop With the Public The startup of the new health insurance marketplaces is a big flop with the public, according to an AP-GfK poll that found 40 percent of Americans said the launch of the insurance markets hasn't gone well, 20 percent said it's gone somewhat well and 30 percent didn't know what to say. 

Just 7 percent said the launch had gone "very well" or "somewhat well."

Among those who actually tested out the system, three-quarters of those polled said they've experienced problems trying to sign up. Only about 1 in 10 succeeded in buying health insurance, according to The Associated Press.

Editor's Note: ObamaCare Is Here. Are You Prepared?

Even among those who support the president's health care overhaul law, just 19 percent think the rollout has gone extremely well or very well. Forty percent say it's gone somewhat well, and 18 percent think not too well or not well at all.

The same poll also found that most Americans disapprove of the way President Barack Obama is handling his job, with 53 percent unhappy with his performance and 37 percent approving of it.

On the new health insurance marketplaces, seven percent of Americans report that somebody in their household has tried to sign up for insurance through the health care exchanges, according to the poll. While that's a small percentage, it could represent more than 20 million people.

George Spinner, 60, a retired government worker from Ruther Glen, Va., said he managed to create an online account and password before he got stuck.

"It kept telling me there was an error," he said.

Reynol Rodriguez, a computer technician from San Antonio, said he was able to do some comparison shopping online but computer glitches kept him from signing up.

"I was very much looking forward to it," said Rodriguez, 51. "That's what this country needs - affordable health care."

Via: Newsmax

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[CARTOON] ObamaCare Launch

Via: California Political Review

ObamaCare's Original Sin

Democrats tell us that ObamaCare is "the law of the land," and that the Supreme Court declared it constitutional, and that we should get used to it -- it's here to stay. Actually, the Court found ObamaCare unconstitutional on two counts, but let it pass anyway.
The problem for defenders of ObamaCare is that its court challenges just keep coming. One place to check up on them is the website Health Care Lawsuits. In September, the American Enterprise Institute ran an article by Chris Conover headlined "Will the Courts Derail Obamacare?" The article covers several of the ongoing court challenges to ObamaCare, including the status of each case. (The article also ran at Forbes.)
On October 5, National Review ran a terrific article by former federal prosecutor Andrew McCarthy that addresses a specific legal challenge:
It is not just that the intensely unpopular Obamacare was unconstitutional as fraudulently portrayed by the president and congressional Democrats who strong-armed and pot-sweetened its way to passage. It is that Obamacare is unconstitutional as rewritten by Roberts. It is a violation of the Origination Clause -- not only as I have expansively construed it, but even under Matt's narrow interpretation of the Clause. [...] The Clause requires that tax bills must originate in the House of Representatives. Obamacare did not.
McCarthy refers to the individual mandate, which Justice Roberts "rewrote" as a tax. However, the Senate bill that became ObamaCare had several other taxes, such as the tax on medical devices, before Roberts ever got to the law.

Via: American Thinker

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[VIDEO] Hannity Brawls With Weiner In Legendary Throw Down

Fox News Insider-Anthony Weiner sat down with Sean Hannity tonight … and let’s just say neither guest nor host held much back.  The former congressman was forced to resign in 2011 after he tweeted a nude photo of himself to a woman who was not his wife. A sexting scandal revealed itself this past year during Weiner’s failed run for New York City mayor.

Even though Hannity admitted to not agreeing on anything with Weiner, he wished him the best in his personal life. Weiner dodged questions about his egregious behavior, which led Hannity to ask about his future. “I thought maybe the reason you are here is because maybe you wanted to transition to television, and maybe you’re coming on this show in the hopes of like replacing Chris Matthews.”

“Nope,” Weiner responded. “You asked me to come on, you said you wanted to talk about ObamaCare. […] It seems sometimes you need some explaining on things. I’m here to do it for you, brother.”

Weiner became defensive when asked about his future plans and told Hannity not to worry about it.

Back in August, Weiner’s sexting mistress Sydney Leathers appeared on Hannity. She told the Fox News host that Weiner hated Hannity more than any other conservative. Tonight, Hannity confronted Weiner about that statement. He replied, “Hate you? I mean, I’m here on your show. […] I was part of the group in Washington […] among progressives who didn’t think it was heresy to come on Fox.”

Ed Henry: Sources Say Obama Admin Aides Knew About the Denial of Death Benefits For a Few Days

On ‘The Kelly File’, Ed Henry reported late Wednesday evening that sources say aides in the Obama administration have been aware, for a few days , that the government would not be able to pay death benefits to fallen troops' families.
This report came after White House Press Secretary Jay Carney said that he was unsure when President Obama learned that fallen troops would be denied death benefits during the government shutdown. 
Ed Henry: It seems simple, when the President says he’s outraged about it through Jay Carney, so when did he learn about it? And how quickly did he move on it? What we do know that on September 27 the Pentagon comptroller told reporters way back then a few weeks ago, that if the government shutdown on October 1, they would not be able to pay out these death benefits. Nobody is suggesting that the President was briefed way back then but I did some more digging tonight and inside the administration people are saying unofficially that aides around here knew about this a few days ago. Now how quickly that filtered to the President, we still don’t know, they haven’t answered that question. But if the President knew about it 2, 3 days ago that would suggest maybe it would be politically embarrassing for them, if they were to say that he knew back then but didn’t actually move quickly to issue an executive order or whatever may be the case. The bottom line is that Jay Carney did tell me, we should say in fairness that there is one way to solve this, there’s one way to deal with the death benefits, to reopen the World War two memorial , Grand Canyon you name it and that in Jay Carney’s words is for the Republicans to reopen the government, so that battle obviously tonight still goes on.

[VIDEO] Reid Won’t Say If He’s Read All 10,535 Pages of Obamacare Regs

( – When asked by whether he has read all 10,535 pages of final Obamacare regulations published so far in the Federal Register, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) would not answer. asked Reid the question as he returned to the Senate floor after he and other Democrats held a press conference on the east steps of the Capitol. asked: “Sen. Reid, the Obama administration has published 10,535 pages of federal regulations for Obamacare. Have you read all of those, sir?"
Reid was silent. asked: “Senator Reid, will you answer that yes or no question?”

[VIDEO] Obama offers to fairly negotiate with nuclear-armed GOP terrorists

Republican legislators in the House are akin to arsonists, kidnappers, deadbeats, butchers, lunatics and extortionists, President Barack Obama declared on Wednesday.
They’re also acting like obsessives, out-of-touch hostage-takers, nuclear-armed bombers, and unserious irresponsible extremists, he said, and are determined to deny health-care to Americans.
Obama also told the American public that he’s so fair-minded, calm and reasonable, and so determined to make government work against for citizens, that he’s willing to negotiate with the supposed group of elected blackmailing, kidnapping deadbeats.
“I don’t believe any party has a monopoly on good ideas,” he said generously.
“I’ve shown myself willing to go more than halfway in these conversations,” he announced, presumably referring to the GOP’s caucus of obsessive, unserious deadbeat butchers.
“I will not eliminate any topic of conversation… I’ve shown myself willing to engage all the parties involved, every leader, on any issue,” he said, by implication, even if they continue to act like lunatic nuclear-armed arsonists.
Via: The Daily Caller

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Jobless claims spike due to Calif. backlog, shutdown

AP EconomyWASHINGTON — The number of people applying for U.S. unemployment benefits jumped by 66,000 last week to a seasonally adjusted 374,000. But the spike was largely because California processed a huge backlog of claims and the partial government shutdown prompted some contractors to cut jobs.
The sharp rise comes after the average fell to a 6½-year low last week. The Labor Department says the less volatile four-week average rose 20,000 to 325,000.
A government spokesman said about half the weekly increase occurred in California, where official processed applications that were delayed several weeks ago by a computer upgrade. One-quarter of the increase reflected applications from employees at government contractors.
Federal workers temporarily laid off by the shutdown may also file for benefits. But those figures won't be published until next week.


House Republicans are preparing a proposal for a short-term increase in the debt ceiling, expected to last about six weeks. The move would allow talks between the House, Senate and Obama on a longer-term plan dealing with government spending and ObamaCare. The risk of triggering default when the debt ceiling is hit later this month would be put off until December. The partial government shutdown would continue.

The partial shutdown, itself, is gradually shrinking. About half the roughly 800,000 "non-essential" workers originally furloughed will be back on the job this week. The Defense Department recalled all its civilian workers, around 350,000, after a new interpretation of recent legislation to fund the military. Numerous other agencies, like CDC and FEMA, has recalled workers after agency lawyers expanded the definition of "public safety," a key trigger to be deemed "essential."
The Veteran Administration has said it is likely to recall all of its furloughed workers if, as expected, the Senate approves House-passed legislation to award back pay to furloughed workers. This actually makes some sense. If an agency or office knows its workers are going to be paid whether or not they work, it is probably better to at least have them do the work. 
National Parks and other government offices will still be close, but with most furloughed federal workers back on the job, the political costs of the shutdown will be mitigated. The sad irony, of course, is that federal workers will among those few groups not impacted by the shutdown. 

Obama’s panic button still not working

When Marxists are rummaging in the bottom of their bag of tricks to drive the masses to panic, it’s only commonsense that you do the exact opposite.

It must be frustrating for a president waiting five long years for folk to panic when they are clearly standing their ground on not giving him his way.

It’s a frustration that’s so easy to read in consideration of yesterday’s Immigration Rally held at the closed National Mall, where lawmakers arrived in golf carts to hear a Nancy Pelosi speech. Halloween costumes were the only thing missing.

Right now the government shutdown/slimdown is a public exercise in pulling-the-wings-off-flies,  with a look-how-much-pain-I-can-so-easily-inflict-upon-the-plebes kind of showcasing.  But the only one really panicking is Obama witnessed in the outrageous lies dropped in yesterday’s presser.

Everyone but the gullible low-information voters knows that this is a cat and mouse game that must end one way or the other on or before October 17 when Obama’s threatening to default.

In putting all of his raw power out on public display during the current partial government slowdown, Obama could be basting the fatted calf for the Grand Finale called Imposition of Martial Law.
But even then, it’s highly unlikely that the masses will topple lemming-like into Obama’s go-into-panic-mode-on-order trap.

Notice how plain common sense and human ingenuity are trumping painful measures trotted out by a painted-in-a-corner, overreaching administration?  When barricades were put up at the World War II memorial, vets coming from great distances to see them, merely moved them away. 

New York school reportedly bans balls, tag during recess

Tossing a ball or playing a game of tag has long been a rite of passage at schoolyards across the country, but one New York school has reportedly banned those activities and more.
Officials at Weber Middle School in Port Washington, Long Island, have instituted a ban on footballs, baseballs, games of rough tag or even cartwheels unless supervised by an adult or a coach, CBS New York reports.
Port Washington Schools Superintendent Kathleen Maloney said the change was warranted due to a rash of playground injuries.
“Some of these injuries can unintentionally become very serious, so we want to make sure our children have fun, but are also protected,” Maloney told the station.
Students, perhaps unsurprisingly, were not thrilled by the news.
“That’s all we want to do,” one student said. “We’re in school all day sitting behind the desk learning.”
Another student characterized the ban as “ridiculous” while another said recess should be treated as free time.
Parents, meanwhile, said they believed the change in policy is more about avoiding lawsuits.
“Children’s safety is paramount, but at the same time, you have to let them live life,” said parent Ellen Cohen.

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