House Republicans offered a plan to raise the U.S. debt limit and end a partial government shutdown that would require the president to accept policy conditions attached to a spending measure, said two congressional aides.
Republicans sent a list of policy options to the White House, following a meeting yesterday, said the aides, who spoke on condition of anonymity. President Barack Obama has insisted that he wouldn’t accept any conditions for reopening the government, which has been partially shut for 11 days after Republicans sought changes to the 2010 health care law.
House Republicans also want Obama to agree to a framework for future negotiations on fiscal and health care policy. If that happens, the House could vote as soon as today on pushing the lapse of U.S. borrowing authority to Nov. 22 from Oct. 17, according to the aides, who spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss the private offer.
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid said today he is open to hearing Republican proposals, though he doesn’t like the idea of extending U.S. borrowing authority only to Nov. 22. Reid said he would continue advocating a delay of the next debt-limit fight into 2015.
“Using their theory, we would have another one of these periods of bedlam here in Washington right before the most important purchasing season anytime during the year,” Reid said, referring to the holiday shopping season, without saying he would stop a short-term extension.
Via: Newsmax
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Friday, October 11, 2013
Liberal heckling sparks stream of one-liners from Ted Cruz
After his recent 21-hour filibuster-style marathon speech on Obamacare, Texas Sen. Ted Cruz found himself heckled over and over again by liberal activists during remarks at a conservative conference in Washington D.C. on Friday.
The constant interrupting by hecklers throughout his speech at the Values Voter Summit led the Republican lawmaker to throw out a number of crowd-pleasing one-liners:
- In response to one heckler, Cruz said: “Thank you, sir, for being here. You know, look, it is a great thing that people can express their First Amendment rights. And I only wish the Obama administration respected First Amendment rights that much.”
- To another heckler, Cruz responded: “Ma’am, thank you for being here. I wish you would participate in the democratic process through speaking respectfully. … It seems that President Obama’s paid political operatives are out in force today. And you know why? Because the men and women in this room scare the living daylights out of them.”
- Interrupted again, Cruz took aim at the president: “You know what? I’m curious. Is anybody left at the Organizing for America headquarters? I’m actually glad that the president’s whole political staff is here instead of actually doing mischief in the country.”
“I will make a request,” Cruz added to loud applause. “If I’m never seen again, please send a search-and-rescue team.”
California Can No Longer Coast
He’s been saying lately that California’s progressive legislation – environmentalism, greater rights for immigrants, wealth redistribution – is setting the trend for the entire nation. A template for all to follow.
“We can do a lot of things in California to shift the (political) climate throughout the whole country,” Brown was quoted as saying last week.
Sorry, Jerry, but you may be stuck in a time warp. America doesn’t work like that anymore.
Oh, sure, there was a time, a glorious era that lasted a few decades, when California was indeed the shining example for the whole country. The state’s terrific (and affordable!) university system and its environmental legislation – back when the whole country was desperate for a clean-up – were models for the country. Believe it or not, California’s roads and highways were once the envy of America.
But everything began changing about 30 or so years ago. A group of states began drifting left and another group took a step or two to the right. Steadily, over the years, these two groups marched further apart. Today, Brown may look behind him and see Massachusetts, Illinois and some other states following California’s lead. But he apparently hasn’t noticed that other parade, the one led by Texas.
Increasingly, each group is made up of True Believers. The California-led group thinks their opposites are mostly benighted rubes who have hateful tendencies. The Texas ilk thinks the California types have come untethered from reality and are pushing their group of states along a tragic trajectory. (None of this is meant to be a judgment, by the way. Just a statement of obvious fact.)
Go ahead. See what happens if you get these two groups together to decide any…well, I guess they do that. It’s called Washington.
The point: America really has become two warring camps, worse even than Charlie Sheen and Denise Richards. And Brown’s California is leading only one of them.
INSANE: Common Core forces new kindergarteners to bubble in test answers
This fall, thanks to a combination of the Common Core State Standards Initiative and new teacher evaluations, some four- and five-year-old students in New York City are being forced to fill in bubbles on multiple-choice, standardized tests.
The kids are doing their level best on the tests, which cover topics such as numbers, shapes and order. However, it’s going about as well as you’d expect, reports the New York Daily News.
“They’re scared,” one unidentified teacher in Queens told the broadsheet. “They just don’t understand you’re supposed to bubble in next to the answer.”
The teacher added that the kids continually try to help each other get the right answers, which is not allowed.
A teacher in the Bronx observed that the kids don’t even know how to hold a #2 pencil, let alone use it to fill in a bubble.
“They don’t know letters, and you have answers that say A, B, C or D and you’re asking them to bubble in,” the Bronx teacher told the Daily News. “They break down; they cry.”
A Staten Island teacher offered still another comically sad vignette: “We said to color it in with a pencil, so they were taking out crayons.”
Via: Daily CallerContinue Reading.....
“Truckers for the Constitution” organizer Zeeda Andrews on Friday circulated a list of demands that will supposedly be delivered to Texas Congressman Louie Gohmert.
Among them are suggestions that “Barry Soetoro, aka Barack Obama,” is a fake president because “his documents” are “forgeries.”
From the document:
From 2003 to 2008, several members of Congress introduced legislation, attempting to change Article 2, Section 1, Clause 5 of the Constitution on eight separate occasions to make it possible for Barack Obama to meet the eligibility requirements for the office of president. Of which, a legal investigation has proven that his documents provided are forgeries, which is a felony offense.
The document goes on to state that the president, “with the help of corrupt politicians, and individuals in authoritative positions” is trying to destroy constitutional rights.
“Today, we again face another day in which we must declare our freedom, from yet another tyrannical, abusive form of government,” it reads. ”We are here, to send a resounding affirmation. We are here, to breathe life back into our Constitution. We are here, to declare our independence.”
O'Reilly Explodes On Hagel And Carney: Go! You Don't Want To Serve The People? Go!
Hume went over when White House lawyers and others within the administration may have become aware that the benefits were not being paid due to the government shutdown.
O'Reilly said that the matter never should have been left up to lawyers, arguing the problem could have been addressed with a quick executive order from President Obama.
"Nobody's gonna challenge it. You take the stupid lawyers out of it," he said.
O'Reilly targeted Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel for a lack of leadership, saying he needs to resign because he now has "no credibility" with the military.
Both agreed that it's "speculation" right now to suggest that President Obama knowingly allowed the death benefits to be frozen.
"Here's what's not speculation: Carney! What's the matter with Carney? He knows what President Obama knew about it, so he's stonewalling. You covered Nixon, you know what the Nixon people did. Carney's doing exactly what they did!" O'Reilly argued.
Hume suggested that Carney may not have asked the president about the issue if he knew the answer could be embarrassing.
O'Reilly answered that both Carney and Hagel should leave the administration.
"Hagel, Carney, all of them. Go! You don't want to serve the people? Go! You can make a lot of money in the private sector," he said, adding that he wants "these weasels to knock it off."
Via: Fox News
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House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) said Thursday that Democrats will not consider making any changes to Obamacare.
She said lawmakers may consider amending the bill — but only after it’s been implemented.
“None of these suggestions [are] acceptable,” Pelosi said in reference to Republican efforts to delay the law’s individual mandate for one year.
“After we open government and a plan is in place — any law that a Congress makes, a Congress can make another law and so bring your ideas forward. But not, with government shut down and before the plan is even in effect, are they going to make changes,” she said. “We’ll see how it works — [we're] open to other suggestions, but not shutting down the government unless you have your way, before the bill is implemented.”
Pelosi said Republicans have a secret motive for wanting to attack President Barack Obama’s signature health care law.
“[W]hat they’re trying to get to, you know, is Medicare and the rest of that under the guise of the Affordable Care Act,” Pelosi said. “So be very careful about the facade that they put on this health issue, because what we’re concerned about is where they go next on that subject.”
Via: The Blaze
Worrisome Days Ahead for GOP in Texas
Now that Texas state senator and pro-abortion "darling" Wendy Davis has officially entered the governor's race, the question must be asked, is front-runner Greg Abbott the right man for the job?
The Republican establishment is confident that Abbott, Texas' current Attorney General, is the man for the moment, that his $25 million campaign war chest is more than enough to beat Davis and the now energized Democratic Battleground Texas movement.
But having a lot of money isn't always enough. Ask Texas Lt. Governor David Dewhurst, the multi-millionaire who lost to Ted Cruz. Ask Linda McMahon, the wrestling magnate who has lost repeatedly in Connecticut.
The question stands. Is Abbott the right man for Texas?
Abbott has made his name in Republican circles by leading the state's attorney general's office in lawsuits against the Obama Administration and by his personal triumph over an accident that left him paralyzed and wheelchair bound. That's the core of his campaign so far.
But what is worrying some about Abbott is that he's never had to fight a hard-charging opponent in his political career. He's been advanced up the ladder through political appointments. His elections have been cakewalks against unqualified opponents.
Some may deem Wendy Davis
Via: American Thinker
Continue Reading.... Links To Subsidy Calculator Made By DNC-Ally UPDATE: Calculations Are Based On Out Of Date Info?, the website our federal government spent half a billion dollars in taxpayer funds in developing openly and transparently – evidently links to a private not-for-profit business to calculate insurance subsidies.
The page in question resides here and links to The Kaiser Family Foundation. The interesting part of all of this is that the data culled from Kaiser Family Foundation is actually publicly available data. So why didn’t just do this themselves? Were they trying to save us tenth of a nickel?
Absolutely bizarre.
A left of center blogger claims that the calculations made by this subsidy calculator aren’t even correct. According to the author, they’re in fact tremendously outdated.
Terrorists Threaten to Strike Back
The covert U.S. military raid to capture a senior Libyan al Qaeda leader in Tripoli has triggered threats against Americans and other anti-U.S. sentiment in the volatile north African state.
The most serious threat included a posting on Facebook warning that U.S. journalists in the country will be kidnapped and used to try and exchange them for Abu Anas al Libi, who was snatched by commandos on Saturday in the Libyan capital.
Most of the threats appeared on the Facebook page “We are all Nazih al Rugai”—another name used by al Libi. The site was opened Oct. 6 and closed on Wednesday.
Other Libyan Islamists issued threats to target U.S. interests in North Africa, Malta, and Italy. The group Al Ruqayat Rebels Assembly posted the statement on Facebook and said the attacks would be in retaliation for the “treacherous abduction” of al Libi.
Islamists also called for mass demonstrations outside the U.S. Embassy in Tripoli.
Regarding the capture of U.S. journalists, an Oct. 9 posting on the Facebook site in Arabic stated that the “best defense is a good offense.”
“I am speaking now about swap deals,” the posting stated. “The government, the [General National] Congress, and the state shall know that America has breached the covenant with its nationals staying now in the country. Now, they are not protected by any covenant or agreement. I say frankly that the kidnapping and disappearance of journalists working for the intelligence service and touring the country will continue to take place in the country until the Libyan citizen [Abu Anas al Libi] is back to his country and his people with pride. O agents of America, we warn you.”
The planned destruction of America
The future of our Constitutional Republic is at stake and many Americans are angry. At least those who have been awakened to the world where they are pawns in a rigged game, and those who are not lining their pockets at the federal trough, are angry.
They are also trying to make sense of where we are today and how we got here. Even some of the “hope and change” supporters are angry at the continuity of agenda despite the change in American leadership. Then there are those who slumber in a world of denial, self-delusion and deception. Two distinctly different people in two remarkably different worlds, yet denizens of the same planet.
One world is where the television and radio pundits sanctimoniously scold us into believing that all is normal, and everything we see taking place today is merely the result of a growing acrimonious relationship between two political parties. They sit behind the microphones, in front of the TV cameras, write the newsprint, and dominate the internet with their matrix of mendacity. They are well-paid for keeping the public in the dark, and by confining public discourse to the limitations of mere political theater. Regardless of their political bent, they bully and mock those who disagree, and sneer at those who dare threaten the illusion of normalcy.
Shutdown Ad Campaign By Union Targets Republicans
WASHINGTON -- Upping the stakes of the government shutdown, one of the largest U.S. labor unions is unveiling a six-figure ad campaign on Friday that accuses Tea Party members of Congress of facilitating the breakdown of government.
The campaign, spearheaded by the National Education Association, will include television and online ads that will air in Washington and other markets. The targets, according to a union release, include Reps. Tom Cotton (R-Ark.), Jeff Fortenberry (R-Neb.), Tom Latham (R-Iowa), and Chris Collins (R-N.Y.).
The ad wars over the shutdown have so far been somewhat muted, likely because it was impossible to predict how long it would last. But with the standoff now well into its second week and likely heading towards its third -- and with polls showingRepublican lawmakers vulnerable -- it appears that interest groups like NEA are ready to pounce.
Emails released Wednesday revealed that Sarah Hall Ingram, the IRS’ top ObamaCare official, advised White House executive staff on legal challenges from groups claiming the HHS contraception mandate violated their religious freedom. Redactions in the emails indicate they contained confidential taxpayer information.
Prior to heading the IRS office in charge of implementing ObamaCare, Ingram directed the office responsible for overseeing tax-exempt nonprofit groups, the same office that has been accused of targeting conservative, pro-life, and Tea Party groups.
The Washington Free Beacon reported that the emails, which were released by the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, demonstrate that Ingram and others at the IRS violated the agency’s role as an impartial administrator of the tax code by counseling the White House about an issue that is both political and controversial.
Currently, there are 73 cases and over 200 plaintiffs that represent church organizations, hospitals, universities, businesses, schools, and individuals who have filed lawsuits against HHS based on the claim that the contraception mandate is unconstitutional and infringes upon religious liberty.
Several names and blocks of text are redacted in the emails, with notations citing section 6103 of the IRS Code that prohibits the release of tax return information by IRS agents.
[VIDEO] Cruz: 'I'm Going to Be Going to the White House'
( - President Obama has invited Senate Republicans to the White House on Friday afternoon, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) told a gathering of conservatives in Washington today.
"So after leaving here, I'm going to be going to the White House," he said, drawing big cheers for the double meaning. (Cruz has been widely mentioned as a potential GOP presidential candidate.)
"I will make a request," Cruz told the 2013 Values Voters Summit: "If I'm never seen again, please send a search and rescue team. I very much hope that tomorrow morning I don't wake up among the Syrian rebels." Responding to an audience member, Cruz said, "That's true, they'll talk to us, unlike this administration, you're exactly right."
Cruz then returned to one of his main themes -- Obamacare.
"Listen, none of us know what's going to happen on this Obamacare fight right now. In my view, the House of Representatives needs to keep on doing what it's doing, which is standing strong."
Via: CNS News"I will make a request," Cruz told the 2013 Values Voters Summit: "If I'm never seen again, please send a search and rescue team. I very much hope that tomorrow morning I don't wake up among the Syrian rebels." Responding to an audience member, Cruz said, "That's true, they'll talk to us, unlike this administration, you're exactly right."
Cruz then returned to one of his main themes -- Obamacare.
"Listen, none of us know what's going to happen on this Obamacare fight right now. In my view, the House of Representatives needs to keep on doing what it's doing, which is standing strong."
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Anderson Cooper Doesn’t Buy That the Obama Admin Can’t Release Obamacare Data
CNN’s Anderson Cooper expressed disbelief Thursday night that the Obama administration does not have records or numbers to track how many individuals have signed up for Obamacare, since the exchanges went live on Oct. 1.
“I just don’t buy that they don’t have those numbers,” Anderson said. The CNN host noted that the administration has boasted that the Obamacare website has welcomed many “unique visitors.”CNN’s Anderson Cooper expressed disbelief Thursday night that the Obama administration does not have records or numbers to track how many individuals have signed up for Obamacare, since the exchanges went live on Oct. 1.
[VIDEO] Buchanan: Is Red State America Seceding?
What are the forces pulling nations apart? Ethnicity, culture, history and language – but now also economics. And separatist and secessionist movements are cropping up here in the United States.
While many red state Americans are moving away from blue state America, seeking kindred souls among whom to live, those who love where they live but not those who rule them are seeking to secede.
The five counties of western Maryland – Garrett, Allegheny, Washington, Frederick and Carroll, which have more in common with West Virginia and wish to be rid of Baltimore and free of Annapolis, are talking secession.
The issues driving secession in Maryland are gun control, high taxes, energy policy, homosexual marriage and immigration.
While many red state Americans are moving away from blue state America, seeking kindred souls among whom to live, those who love where they live but not those who rule them are seeking to secede.
The five counties of western Maryland – Garrett, Allegheny, Washington, Frederick and Carroll, which have more in common with West Virginia and wish to be rid of Baltimore and free of Annapolis, are talking secession.
The issues driving secession in Maryland are gun control, high taxes, energy policy, homosexual marriage and immigration.
IRS, White House officials that shared confidential taxpayer info had 155 White House meetings
Embattled IRS official Sarah Hall Ingram made 155 visits to the White House to meet with a top Obama White House official with whom she exchanged confidential taxpayer information over email.
Of Ingram’s 165 White House meetings with White House staff, a staggering 155 of them were hosted by deputy assistant to the president for health policy Jeanne Lambrew, according to a June Watchdog.Org analysis of White House visitor records.
Ingram exchanged confidential taxpayer information with Lambrew and White House health policy advisor Ellen Montz, according to 2012 emails obtained by the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee. (RELATED: White House, IRS exchanged confidential taxpayer info)
The White House recently took down visitor logs recording details of these meetings, citing the government shutdown.
Ingram headed the scandal-plagued IRS office that oversaw tax-exempt organizations between 2009 and 2012, when she left to take over the IRS office in charge of Obamacare implementation.
Former IRS Exempt Organizations division director Lois Lerner, who apologized for improperly scrutinizing tax-exempt applications of conservative groups between 2010 and 2012, also received an email alongside Ingram, Lambrew and Montz that contained confidential information.
In 2012, Ingram attempted to counsel the White House on a lawsuit from religious organizations opposing Obamacare’s contraception mandate.
The emails provided to Oversight investigators by the IRS had numerous redactions with the signifier “6103.”
Via: Daily CallerContinue Reading....
To quote the famous Yogi Berra, “it's like déjà vu all over again” with the battle over ceremonially raising the debt ceiling.
According to the elected officials of our great nation, we must saddle our children and grandchildren with another couple trillion dollars of debt in order to protect them. This logic seems flawed.
In the coming week, we will see how the genius of Washington will save the American people from another crisis—a crisis that will bring Apocalypse 2.0, if the talking heads are to be believed. Markets will crash, 401(k) plans will be wiped out, a huge recession will ensue, and cats will be sleeping with dogs. It will be horrible!
But will it?
On Fox News last week, I discussed how we are being fed a line akin to being offered oceanfront property in Arizona. We have been fed this same line for years now. We got it in 2008 to approve the TARP and again in 2011 with the doom-filled sequester.
Did we suffer greatly?
Fact is, the markets came through just fine after the sequester, hitting all-time highs. The TARP was fully paid back, allegedly, with profit from banks who never wanted the money in the first place. Those same banks are now booking record profits. Yes, growth is anemic and employment is weak, but we seem to get through these frightening scenarios each time.
Americans Speaking Out On Gov’t Shutdown: ‘I Think Obama Is Being Kind Of Crappy’
RALEIGH, N.C. (AP) — The regular book study group at the Rev. Tim Ahrens’ church in middle America always ends with a prayer — most deeply personal, often about a family or friend’s illness. But after one recent meeting, the members held hands in a circle and turned to something far different.
“All they wanted to pray about is the government … and that cooler heads will prevail,” says Ahrens, pastor of the First Congregational United Church of Christ in Columbus, Ohio. “It speaks to the fact that this is deep in the hearts of the people. There’s just a huge concern about the tenor of who we are and how we conduct the business of the country.”
With the government shutdown in its second week and a possible default just days away, many Americans view this epic political clash with frustration, anger and a stoic, here-we-go-again acceptance: They don’t like what they see, don’t agree on who’s to blame and aren’t sure what would be the best solution. But they hope that someone — anyone — comes up with a way out of the mess.
“The bottom line is there’s a logjam that’s ideological and idiotic,” says Ahrens. “What’s happening is awful. What we see is an inability for people to work together and communicate. There’s no excuse for that.”
EXCLUSIVE: Just 51,000 people completed Obamacare applications during the website's first week, out of tens of millions of Americans in 36 states
- Obamacare's main signup engine attracted just 6,200 new customers on its launch day and 51,000 after the first week
- At the same rate, the 6-month open enrollment period would sign up just 2 million Americans, including 14 states and D.C., which have their own insurance exchanges
- The Congressional Budget Office says Obamacare needs at least 7 million customers to stay afloat financially
- Numerous Obama administration officials have denied seeing any enrollment figures at all
- MailOnline's sources are two Health and Human Services workers who have access to the data as it's crunched
- Texas congressman says anemic national enrollment numbers are 'roughly the population of a small town in my district'
Just 51,000 people completed Obamacare applications during the first week the website was online, according to two sources inside the Department of Health and Human Services who gave MailOnline an exclusive look at the earliest enrollment numbers.
The career civil servants, who process data inside the agency, confirmed independently that just 6,200 Americans applied for health insurance through the problem-plagued website on October 1, the day it first opened to the public.
Neither HHS nor the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services would comment on the record about the numbers. Enroll America, the president's organization of health care 'navigators' who are charged with helping Americans sign up, didn't reply to a request for information about its level of success so far.
The White House also did not respond to emails seeking comment.
But several administration officials have claimed this month that they didn't have access to the kinds of raw figures MailOnline obtained from the people who work for them. And the anemic totals suggest a far lower level of interest in coverage through the Affordable Care Act than the Obama administration has hoped to see.
Government Shut Down, But Tax Collections Up
In the first nine days of October, while the federal government was in what is commonly being called a shutdown, federal tax collections went up.
Last year, from Oct. 1 through Oct. 9, 2012, according to the Daily Treasury Statement, the federal government collected $55.235 billion in total tax revenues. This year, from Oct. 1 through Oct. 9, 2013, according to the Daily Treasury Statement, the federal government collected $56.188 billion in total tax revenues.
During nine days of a shutdown this year, the federal government collected $953 million more in taxes than it did in the same nine calendar days last year--when it was open for business.
Clearly, being shutdown does not mean the government is shut out of the taxpayers’ pocketbook.
Via: CNS NewsContinue Reading.....
The Five’s Gutfeld Claims Obama ‘Didn’t Care’ About Obamacare Launch
It’s been 10 days since enrollment began in the Affordable Care Act exchanges, and Fox News’The Five continues to pile on the problems with the law’s rollout. On Thursday’s show, Greg Gutfeld went on a particularly aggressive rant aimed atPresident Obama, who he claimed “didn’t care” enough about his own legislation to see that it was implemented flawlessly. He even suggested that Obama didn’t read the bill before it passed.
After watching video of Obama and his administration officials promising Obamacare would be “ready to go” on October 1st, Gutfeld unleashed his rant:
“You know what kills me about this whole thing? Obama loves to say about everything, ‘We knew it wasn’t going to be easy.’ He says that about everything single thing. Well, guess what? Easy is often a marker of success. When something unfolds, like an Apple launch, it’s because there’s all these people that work really, really hard to make it happen.He somehow believes that we deserve the punishment of failure. That ‘this is going to hard, never said it was going to be easy, and it’s your problem.’ It shows that he didn’t actually work that hard on this. He never read the bill. He didn’t care.”
Gutfeld’s assertions were not challenged by any of his co-hosts, including the left-leaning Bob Beckel, who previously endorsed the idea to delay aspects of the law at least temporarily if not for a year. Dana Perino hit the administration for promising success and claimed Americans will be fined if they do not have health insurance by December 31st of this year. The actual date is March 31, 2014, but as the AP reported, that means applications will need to be submitted by mid-February.
But it was Andrea Tantaros who wholeheartedly agreed with Gutfeld. “Greg, you’re absolutely right,” she said. “President Obama had his hands off this thing from the beginning. Reid and Pelosi did it. I don’t understand why he doesn’t take the delay of the individual mandate. I’m actually angry that Republicans would offer it. I can’t believe Republicans would give him an out like this.”
The idea that conservatives would suggest that Obama has tried to distance himself from the Affordable Care Act is particularly ironic given the fact that he embraced the term they coined for the law: “Obamacare.”
Watch video below, via Fox News:
Illinois Dem: Americans Being Misled by Lack of Transparency on Obamacare Abortion Coverage
A House Democrat from Illinois stood by fellow members of the Congressional Pro-Life Caucus on the Hill Wednesday to declare that Americans are being misled on funding of abortion in Obamacare.
Rep. Dan Lipinski (D-Ill.) was one of the backers of the Stupak amendment, crafted to overcome the last congressional obstacle in the passage of the Affordable Care Act in 2010. Former Rep. Bart Stupak (D-Mich.) and Rep. Joseph Pitts (R-Pa.), who introduced the amendment, accepted a deal from President Obama after the amendment passed the House but got held up in the Senate. Obama promised an executive order banning federal funding for abortion under the bill if conservative Democrats would lift their opposition.
Lipinski was the only Illinois Democrat to vote against Obamacare.
“When we were debating the healthcare bill three and a half years ago here, I had stood up and helped to demand, and we got in the House originally, the Stupak Amendment. The language we have on abortion clearly is very different from what the Stupak Amendment said. And today we see that not only do we have the funding of abortion, but we really want to focus on, especially today, is the lack of transparency,” he said at a press conference.
“One of the biggest issues I remember in the whole healthcare debate was Americans deserve to have a clear, transparent understanding of what insurance companies are providing for them in their healthcare plans. That was one of the biggest priorities all along in talking about healthcare reform, health insurance reform. But we wound up with Obamacare.”
O'Reilly: 'These Brave Americans Sacrificed Their Lives For This Country. And They Get This?
In tonight’s Talking Points Memo, O’Reilly blasted the President Obama and Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel for allowing payments to be stopped to the families of soldiers killed in Afghanistan. O’Reilly believes that Hagel should resign immediately. “These brave Americans sacrificed their lives for this country. And they get this? They get this?”
Why would Muslim oil billionaires finance and develop controlling relationships with black college students? Well, like anyone else, they would do it for self-interest. And what would their self-interest be? We all know the top two answers to that question: 1. a Palestinian state and 2. the advancement of Islam in America. The idea then was to advance blacks who would facilitate these two goals to positions of power in the Federal government, preferably, of course, the Presidency. And why would the Arabs target blacks in particular for this job? Well, for the same reason the early communists chose them as their vanguard for revolution (which literally means “change”) in America. Allow me to quote Trotsky, in 1939:“The American Negroes, for centuries the most oppressed section of American society and the most discriminated against, are potentially the most revolutionary element of the population. They are designated by their historical past to be, under adequate leadership, the very vanguard of the proletarian revolution.” Substitute the word “Islam” for the words “the proletarian revolution,” and you most clearly get the picture, as Islam is a revolutionary movement just like communism is. (Trivia: it is from this very quote that communist Van Jones takes his name. Van is short for vanguard. He was born “Anthony”). In addition, long before 1979, blacks had become the vanguard of the spread of Islam in America, especially in prisons.
Interestingly, in context with the fact that this article was written by her father-in-law, Valerie Jarrett has an unusual amount of influence over Obama (along with personal security that may be even better than his, another unusual and intriguing bit of business here). And equally interesting is that Obama, who may have been a beneficiary of this Muslim money, and may now be in this Muslim debt, has aggressively pursued both of the Muslim agendas I cited above. And, also equally interesting, is that Obama has paid a king’s ransom for court ordered seals of any such records of this potential financing of his college education, and perhaps, of other of his expenses.
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