Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Are Obamacare Enrollment Pressures Unconstitutional?

As each day passes, the various facets of Obamacare are getting implemented in order to be fully operational by January 1, 2014. But we are hearing about the difficulties in the implementation caused primarily by either 1) the website fiasco; 2) low number of enrollees; and 3) people wanting to pay the penalties in order to avoid having to pay for intentionally overpriced health “insurance”.

In order to achieve adequate and targeted enrollment in Obamacare those representing the Government have begun to be aggressive. They are choosing to use all methods at their disposal to pressure, cajole, and otherwise push people to “do the right thing” and buy the mandated insurance product. This began in earnest last spring, as the Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius was given millions at her disposal to dispatch “navigators” and “in-person assisters” to help enroll more Americans into Obamacare. But the very act of doing so may be rendering Obamacare unconstitutional.

It is worthwhile to remember that the only way in which the law of Obamacare was saved from being declared unconstitutional was the that that there is no penalty associated with Obamacare, which would have made it subject to the Commerce Clause. It was ruled to be a “tax” derived from not purchasing the mandated health coverage. In reaching his conclusion, Justice Roberts accepted the Administration’s argued position that there is absolutely no negative interference whatsoever on anyone opting to pay the “tax” rather than buy the product.

Therefore, any attempt by the administration or any of the implementing bodies to pressure, threaten or even imply some sort of wrongdoing by those choosing to not buy insurance would be clearly unconstitutional.

If those implementing Obamacare are properly following the Supreme Court’s mandate, they should be telling prospective insurance purchasers that they should be deciding for themselves whether they would be better off with the insurance or the penalty. We know this is not happening. At the macro level, governors have been hustled to implement the exchanges in their states. And at the individual level, Obamacare officials are pushing for more enrollees to ensure a steady flow of premiums paid by healthy patients in order to cover those who are high-risk and high-cost.

Flashback: Pelosi on Sebelius and Obamacare: ‘Her Implementation Of This Is Fabulous’

At a press conference in June, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D., Calif.) celebrated the last hundred days before the rollout of the Obamacare exchanges with Department of Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius and other House Democrats.
In her introduction of Sebelius, Pelosi described her as “a great secretary. Her implementation of this is fabulous.”
Since the Oct. 1 launch of Obamacare, however, Sebelius and the entire administration have come under intense criticism for what has been widely agreed to be a disastrous rollout. President Obama himself said the website’s failures were unacceptable and promised to fix them.
The National Journal‘s Ron Fournier suggested Sebelius step down Tuesday on MSNBC, and many other media figures and lawmakers have called for her firing as well.
Mainstream media and comedians have continually ripped the administration for not only the failures of the website, but also its dodging on how many have enrolled.

Sebelius Admits She Needed Four Year Delay

In my column yesterday I explain that the Obamacare fail was baked in for political reasons, foremost among them, the need to keep the public from learning that the Tea Party critics were right.  Obama knew he couldn't be re-elected if people learned what Obamacare was.   He also knew it was not ready to be launched.  The White House tactic was to keep the Obamacare regs and prices secret from the public, which meant the website could not be constructed properly.  Each day brings more news proving the administration's political motivations that made failure inevitable and acceptable to them.
Over the weekend  HHS Sect. Kathleen Sebelius admitted in an interview:  "The online insurance marketplace needed five years of construction and a year of testing, she said.  "We had two years and almost no testing."
Sebelius is saying she needed a delay of four years to get the system up and running.
A delay of four years is an admission of complete failure.  The Administration chose to launch a chaotic mess.  Their actions have thrown millions of Americans out of their health care plans and their jobs, and could potentially bankrupt the insurance industry (says angry Obamacare advocate and New York Times reporter Ross Douthat).
Obamacare's empowering a federal bureaucracy to centrally plan a new health care system for America was very much like one of Stalin's Five-Year-Plans or Mao's Great Leap Forward.
Note to Sebelius: four more years wouldn't have done it.  These plans never work, unless you count starving 45,000,000 Chinese peasants to death as working.

Via: American Thinker

AFL-CIO To Democrats: We'll Work To End Your Career If You Cut Social Security Or Medicare

WASHINGTON -- With fresh Capitol Hill budget battles on the horizon, the head of the leading labor federation planned to issue a blistering warning to unions' Democratic allies on Monday, saying the AFL-CIO would "never stop working" to end the political careers of Democrats who cut entitlement programs.
"No politician … I don’t care the political party … will get away with cutting Social Security, Medicare or Medicaid benefits. Don’t try it," AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka said, according to prepared remarks for a speech in Las Vegas, Nev.
According to the draft, which was supplied to HuffPost by the AFL-CIO, Trumka stressed his point for Democrats who may be wobbly on the issue.
"This warning goes double for Democrats," he said. "We will never forget. We will never forgive. And we will never stop working to end your career."
The AFL-CIO has long opposed any cuts to Social Security, Medicare or Medicaid, and the labor federation has suggested in the past that it would consider pulling support from Democrats who help make those cuts happen. But Trumka's remarks on the issue Monday amounted to a far more aggressive threat: That the AFL-CIO would actively use its war chest to unseat Democrats on the other side of the issue.
An AFL-CIO spokesperson clarified for HuffPost that the federation still considers so-called "chained CPI" to be part of the off-limits cuts to which Trumka was referring. A chained CPI inflation index would alter the way cost-of-living adjustments are made for Social Security recipients, slowing increases and reducing the benefits for seniors and the disabled. Many Democrats have shown an openness toward chained CPI, and the measure was included in President Barack Obama's 2014 budget, where it was paired with extra money for the elderly and poor.

Congress to close down, fly Air Force planes to Florida for funeral of Rep. C.W. Bill Young

Congress will shut down on Thursday, and leaders have told lawmakers the Defense Department will fly them to Florida for the funeral of Rep. C.W. Bill Young, who died late last week.

Mr. Young was the senior Republican in the chamber, and the move to close down business is a mark of respect for him — though it also means that there will be no floor votes and that many committee meetings have been canceled, cutting short what was already a mostly empty week. The House’s hearing examining the health exchange rollout will continue as planned, however.

After passing a deal to raise the debt ceiling and reopen government, the Senate went on an 11-day vacation. The House was slated to be in Tuesday evening through Thursday but will now just be in for a day and a half, with the chief business a vote on a public works legislation.

House officials told lawmakers to be ready to leave Washington from Joint Base Andrews early Thursday to make the funeral in Largo, Fla., and then plan to return late in the evening.

A Pentagon spokesman couldn’t say how much it will cost to fly the members to Florida for the funeral.
“We are currently evaluating options for support. Because no aircraft has been designated at this time, I can’t provide any additional information on cost,” said Cmdr. Bill Urban.

The move comes the week after Congress took heat for including a $174,000 payment to the widow of multimillionaire Sen. Frank R. Lautenberg, who died earlier this year, leaving an estate estimated at more than $50 million.

Via: Washington Times

5 liberals who SLAMMED the president’s Obamacare speech

In an address from the White House Rose Garden Monday on the less-than-stellar launch of the Obamacare online exchanges, President Obama sought to ease a worried nation. But he didn’t even succeed in assuaging the concerns of his liberal supporters in the media.
Here are five liberals who weren’t particularly impressed with the Great Orator’s Monday oration:
Ezra Klein
The liberal Washington Post blogger criticized the launch of the Obamacare exchanges last week as a total failure. Judging by his tweets, he wasn’t particularly heartened by the president’s Rose Garden speech:
Andrew Sullivan
The liberal blogger, who at one time insisted he was actually a conservative, is one of President Obama’s biggest proponents. But he too was underwhelmed by Obama’s speech.
“I have to say I found his remarks far less contrite than they should have been,” he wrote on his blog. “Where is the unqualified apology? Where is the commitment to basic accountability for this clusterfuck? Instead, we have all these positive rationalizations and excuses in a confusing technical lecture”
“Obama needs to get ahead of this, and stop being as defensive as he was this morning,” he added. “He does not have the credibility to sell us on the ACA when he does not cop more aggressively to his own failure to stay on top of this most important domestic initiative.”
In another blog post, Sullivan linked to several articles demonstrating that the Obamcare call centers were not operating efficiently either.
Krystal Ball 
Ball, one of the liberal hosts on MSNBC’s “The Cycle,” didn’t quite criticize President Obama’s speech Monday, but she was highly critical of the Obamacare roll out.
“I was prepared for some glitches but this is a catastrophe,” Ball said, before suggesting Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius should possibly resign.
Benjy Sarlin
The MSNBC.com reporter, who used to work at the liberal website Talking Points Memo, also took to Twitter to bash the president’s speech.
Matt Yglesias  
Even liberal Slate blogger Matt Yglesias, who predicted Obamacare’s implementation would be a “huge political success,”  was critical of the assurances in President Obama’s speech.

[VIDEO] Cheney: 'The Extremist in Washington Is Barack Obama'

FOX NEWS INSIDER - Moving on to politics, former vice president Dick Cheney reacted to the battle between establishment Republicans and the Tea Party with Fox's Sean Hannity. “I’m not unsympathetic to the frustration that’s led many Americans to sign on for, or become part of, the Tea Party.”

He attributed the frustration felt by Americans to the inability of the Obama administration to come to grips with the long-term debt problem. “The extremist in Washington is Barack Obama. He’s the guy that wants to fundamentally transform our health care. He’s the guy that’s done enormous damage to America’s standing in the world.”

As for Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) and his supporters who stood up against ObamaCare during the shutdown, Cheney said it’s important that they lead the Tea Party movement inside the Republican Party. He said the GOP needs to mobilize young people and Hispanic voters who can be persuaded that they stand for the same values.

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