Over the weekend HHS Sect. Kathleen Sebelius admitted in an interview: "The online insurance marketplace needed five years of construction and a year of testing, she said. "We had two years and almost no testing."
Sebelius is saying she needed a delay of four years to get the system up and running.
A delay of four years is an admission of complete failure. The Administration chose to launch a chaotic mess. Their actions have thrown millions of Americans out of their health care plans and their jobs, and could potentially bankrupt the insurance industry (says angry Obamacare advocate and New York Times reporter Ross Douthat).
Obamacare's empowering a federal bureaucracy to centrally plan a new health care system for America was very much like one of Stalin's Five-Year-Plans or Mao's Great Leap Forward.
Note to Sebelius: four more years wouldn't have done it. These plans never work, unless you count starving 45,000,000 Chinese peasants to death as working.
Via: American Thinker
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